Howdy Pie Fans!

Daniel Snyder, :welcome: to the best Cowboys site on the net. You seem laid back, and it will be fun exchanging posts with ya. :skins:
:jints: :suxjints: :jints: :suxjints: :jints: :suxjints: :jints: :suxjints: :jints: :suxjints: :jints: :suxjints: :jints: :suxjints: :jints: :suxjints:
Daniel Synder said:
I know we have our differences...but can't we all agree that the Giants suck!?
Qwickdraw, what a stand up guy, spending time with the mentally ill (skin fans).;)
Daniel Synder said:
Just wanted to say hi to my arch nemesis here at the pie hole. And no need to worry, i won't be spamming or flaming these boards (except for this thread) Just thought it was proper etiqette(sp) to introduce myself to the guys that will be cursing me and bashing my posts this upcoming season...but no worries. One of my good freinds is a pie fan while i worship fedex field as if it were my birthplace place. It's all in good fun and i won't take anything personal if you don't.

Now that we understand each other let me tell you a little about myself...
- the Skins are probally the best team in the world.
- The Pies just seem to get lucky...over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
- But it's a new dawn and a new day....a change is gonna come...

:fight: Here's to a little freindly competition between football fans :toast2:

...and does every smilie have to a blue star behind it? Sheesh!

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :bow: This is truly funny. When you lose 14-15 to your "rival" and your franchise becomes a laughing stock you gotta find some humor. You have done this successfuly! This is funny! Ohh yeah, I guess "this year" things will be different.
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :bow: This is truly funny. When you lose 14-15 to your "rival" and your franchise becomes a laughing stock you gotta find some humor. You have done this successfuly! This is funny! Ohh yeah, I guess "this year" things will be different.

i've always said, the year we're supposed to suck will be the year we finally make the playoffs...yes...this could be "the year"
Welcome. I don't know what you are taking to be so rosy in the face of disaster but send me some.

Love the humor. You will do well here.
Daniel Synder said:
Drats! My Synder disguise never works! I'll be looking for ya Qwickdraw...Skins/Boys...Sept. 19th...Monday ready sucka!

P.S. Tony Dixon is probally the greatest DB to ever lac'em up!

This person is way too articulate to be Daniel Snyder.

And BTW, isn't this person's username in clear violation of the rules?

17) Usernames cannot contain offensive words, symbols or phrases. The use of exact player names, coaching staff or team personnel from any professional or college team is not allowed. Violating this guideline can result in your username being changed or your account suspended, banned or deleted. The staff reserves the right to change any username at any time without any prior warning or notification.

Even if "Danilel Snyder" not exact enough, it is "offensive".
Daniel Synder said:
i've always said, the year we're supposed to suck will be the year we finally make the playoffs...yes...this could be "the year"

Let's see what that's goin

That having been said, you'll first have to get by ... vs. Bears vs. Seahawks @ Broncos @ Chiefs vs. 49ers @ Buccaneers vs. Raiders vs. Chargers @ Rams @ Cardinals

You're home free after that. Except for the Giants, Cowboys and the Eagles.

Say hello to my little fwend ...:rolleyes:
Alexander said:
BTW, isn't this person's username in clear violation of the rules? ...


17) Usernames cannot contain offensive words,

Daniel nor Snyder are Offensive words, symbols or phrases!

The use of exact player names, coaching staff or team personnel from any professional or college team is not allowed.

This One is easy -- he's an owner not a coach or considered "team personnel."

Violating this guideline can result in your username being changed or your account suspended, banned or deleted.

Mods are to cool to fall for your recommendation. Besides, you are already showing your distain for a poster who obviously is just a proud of his team as you are of yours.

The staff reserves the right to change any username at any time without any prior warning or notification.

Don;t you have enough faith in the Mods to realize that they know the rules better than you do -- and they know how to interpret the rules.

Even if "Danilel Snyder" not exact enough, it is "offensive".

Disagree. Dayam, lighten up!

Here, I hope this is not too offensive for you ...:)

And just as a gesture of kindness to my adversaries...take this gift from a day at our mini-camp...

Name 3 things they could be talking about...

Phoenix-Talon said:
Here, I hope this is not too offensive for you ...:)

It still is.

You are an Eagles fan. So you are inherrantly offensive by affiliation only.

Why you have felt the necessity to post here is amazing to me. But that is a decision best made by moderators.

No offense to you as I am sure you are a smashing example for Eagles fans everywhere, and from what I gather, you have more class than the norm.

I just see this poster as causing nothing but trouble, or it is a ruse intended for comedic relief.
He's an alright guy except for those maroon and gold panties he wears on Sundays.

At least he's moved on past the hog snouts and dresses.
Daniel Synder said:
Just wanted to say hi to my arch nemesis here at the pie hole. And no need to worry, i won't be spamming or flaming these boards (except for this thread) Just thought it was proper etiqette(sp) to introduce myself to the guys that will be cursing me and bashing my posts this upcoming season...but no worries. One of my good freinds is a pie fan while i worship fedex field as if it were my birthplace place. It's all in good fun and i won't take anything personal if you don't.

Now that we understand each other let me tell you a little about myself...
- the Skins are probally the best team in the world.
- The Pies just seem to get lucky...over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
- But it's a new dawn and a new day....a change is gonna come...

:fight: Here's to a little freindly competition between football fans :toast2:

...and does every smilie have to a blue star behind it? Sheesh!

What a FREAK!!!! I like that. Welcome!!!!!!!!
Alexander said:
It still is.

You are an Eagles fan. So you are inherrantly offensive by affiliation only.

Why you have felt the necessity to post here is amazing to me. But that is a decision best made by moderators.

No offense to you as I am sure you are a smashing example for Eagles fans everywhere, and from what I gather, you have more class than the norm.

I just see this poster as causing nothing but trouble, or it is a ruse intended for comedic relief.

Don't flatter yourself, i won't be spending that much time here. i know my kind isn't appreciated round these parts. i'll be at ExtremeSkins, but i'll be checking in here. I think it'll be fun to talk a little football at the piehole from time to time. But like i said, i won't be spamming your board with a bunch of BS. The name is just comic relief. I love my football but i try to keep a sense of humor about it all and not get too emotionally caught up in what happens on Sunday. None of these guys are paying my bills so at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what happens. Just that you had fun watching the game with whom ever you watched it with.

Later dude!
Daniel Synder said:
And just as a gesture of kindness to my adversaries...take this gift from a day at our mini-camp...

Name 3 things they could be talking about...


Gibbs is haggling over the asking price for a couple of ATV's he's selling.
Wants to know what "semi" automatic means.
Asking if he knows anyone who could take care of a neighbors dog that keeps crapping on his lawn.
Last but not least..."whaddya think of these shorts?"
Daniel Synder said:
Now that we understand each other let me tell you a little about myself...
- the Skins are probally the best team in the world.
- The Pies just seem to get lucky...over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
- But it's a new dawn and a new day....a change is gonna come...

Is your favorite color moron?

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