Howdy Pie Fans!

Welcome to the board, DS, I'm looking forward to your posts. If yours are as interesting as that Talon guy's, you'll be good reading occasionally; not often, but occasionally anyway.
question: were the gators' orange and blue colors (ala FedEx) what attracted to you to steve spurrier in the first place?

i'm still trying to figure that one out....

d'ya guys keep in touch?
Daniel Synder said:
I started calling Qwickdraw's team the Cowpies last year on a different board. Cowpie is term for cow manure. i then shortend it to the Pies. I'm the only one i know using it but i've come to the internet to see just how far i can take it!

Pie is also a great independent film

Man I'm a Cowboy fan from waaaaaaaaaaay back and I hate to tell up this, but I heard the Cowboy's called the cowpies at least 20 or more years ago. Actually maybe even longer ago than that.

Now shortening the name to pie maybe something new but certainly the cowpies isn't.

But welcome this is a very good board, I used to lurk at a number of Cowboy forums but now I pretty much stick to this one............
Daniel Synder said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 82' season was just shortend to 9 games. We went 8-1 and then went through the playoffs like any other super bowl team, by defeating our opponents and then defeating the Dolphins in the bowl. Are you suggesting that an 8-1 team would not have gone to the playoffs in a full season?

And in 87' replacement players were used for a portion of the regular season. It takes pretty good coaching to bring in a bunch of no names and turn them into instant winners. IMO it's harder to do that then it is to take a bunch of superstars to the bowl. If the NFL were to strike this year and Parcells were to dominate with a bunch of Joe nobodies for a portion of the season and then get his original team back at the end of the regular season and dominate with them on his way to winning the bowl in record setting fashion...he would be hailed as a genuis, moreso then he is now. And thats what Gibbs did that year. Besides, your best player that year held out like a scab...Hershal Walker, if anyone should have won during the strile games it should have been the Pies! You still had Walker!

Now in 83' (L) and in 91' (W) we proved we were no strike team fluke...explain those....

As Sports Illustrated said after Super Bowl XXII that year... "When the rest of the league is having problems, the Commanders seem to step in and take it all"...

Also, you may have been too young to know this, but the term "scab" and "holdout" are mutually exclusive, they have NOTHING to do with each other. "Herschel" Walker was not a scab, as a scab was one who crossed the picket line and played alongside the replacement players. The fact that Walker did not cross the picket line did not make him a holdout either, as he was part of a union that was on strike.

So one of your three Super Bowl trophies is from a non-strike season.. now you only need 4 more to catch up with the "pies"... I don't see that happening anytime soon.
notherbob said:
If yours are as interesting as that Talon guy's, you'll be good reading occasionally; not often, but occasionally anyway./QUOTE]

Do I detect kind words? Now you cut that out right now NB! With the pre/regular season approaching -- I can't get used to that kind of talk around these parts.;)

Good hunting this year!
Daniel Synder said:
I started calling Qwickdraw's team the Cowpies last year on a different board. Cowpie is term for cow manure. i then shortend it to the Pies. I'm the only one i know using it but i've come to the internet to see just how far i can take it!

Is there any connection ...

Only those most worthy will recieve The Cowpie. Contact DS if you're interested in putting someone in for this coveted award.
Daniel Synder said:
Just wanted to say hi to my arch nemesis here at the pie hole. And no need to worry, i won't be spamming or flaming these boards (except for this thread) Just thought it was proper etiqette(sp) to introduce myself to the guys that will be cursing me and bashing my posts this upcoming season...but no worries. One of my good freinds is a pie fan while i worship fedex field as if it were my birthplace place. It's all in good fun and i won't take anything personal if you don't.

Now that we understand each other let me tell you a little about myself...
- the Skins are probally the best team in the world.
- The Pies just seem to get lucky...over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
- But it's a new dawn and a new day....a change is gonna come...

:fight: Here's to a little freindly competition between football fans :toast2:

...and does every smilie have to a blue star behind it? Sheesh!

Welcome...:cool: :suxskins:
As far as "luck" goes, Mr. Snide-r, there's an old saying = Once is luck, twice is a coincidence, but three is a TREND.

Our trend is that we own your sorry ***es.
cwbys4evr said:
As far as "luck" goes, Mr. Snide-r, there's an old saying = Once is luck, twice is a coincidence, but three is a TREND.

Our trend is that we own your sorry ***es.

That's an interesting formula:rolleyes:
CalMor said:
Thinking about championships games are ya. :laugh2:

Probably more along the lines of the eagles OWNING us of late. :bang2: :iggles:
Welcome Dan Synder (sic).

Now it's time that one of your Commander buddies creates the screenname, "Vinny Cerrato" so we can get more cheap laughs at the Commander's expense.
The fact that Walker did not cross the picket line did not make him a holdout either said:
Are you saying Walker didn't play alongside the replacement players while the rest of the league was on strike?
Alexander said:
This person is way too articulate to be Daniel Snyder. And BTW, isn't this person's username in clear violation of the rules?

17) Usernames cannot contain offensive words, symbols or phrases. The use of exact player names, coaching staff or team personnel from any professional or college team is not allowed. Violating this guideline can result in your username being changed or your account suspended, banned or deleted. The staff reserves the right to change any username at any time without any prior warning or notification.

Even if "Danilel Snyder" not exact enough, it is "offensive".

I rest my case ...this is someone's avatar. He's a good fan, but if he can keep his avatar can DS!


get some ...

Daniel Synder said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 82' season was just shortend to 9 games. We went 8-1 and then went through the playoffs like any other super bowl team, by defeating our opponents and then defeating the Dolphins in the bowl. Are you suggesting that an 8-1 team would not have gone to the playoffs in a full season?

And in 87' replacement players were used for a portion of the regular season. It takes pretty good coaching to bring in a bunch of no names and turn them into instant winners. IMO it's harder to do that then it is to take a bunch of superstars to the bowl. If the NFL were to strike this year and Parcells were to dominate with a bunch of Joe nobodies for a portion of the season and then get his original team back at the end of the regular season and dominate with them on his way to winning the bowl in record setting fashion...he would be hailed as a genuis, moreso then he is now. And thats what Gibbs did that year. Besides, your best player that year held out like a scab...Hershal Walker, if anyone should have won during the strile games it should have been the Pies! You still had Walker!

Now in 83' (L) and in 91' (W) we proved we were no strike team fluke...explain those....

A professional sports league and a professional sports league season are carefully and through years of tweaking set up to achieve a certain goal; parity, giving each team a fair chance, whatever you want to call it. Argue if it is done the right way, fine. But one cannot deny that there are many things set up to achieve these goals. There is the draft, the collective bargaining contracts, the (balanced) schedules, rules about the injured list, home field advantage based on records, and lots, lots more. Even though a strike may have been seen over the horizon no one could know exactly when. To suddenly mid season say - ok this is it, we stop here and whoever is in first stays in first and gets home field throughout the playoffs - is terribly unfair. What about teams who had yet to face the easy part of their schedule? What about teams who were just about to have a main player come off the d.l.? what about many things? And dont get me started on scab players, the question is not how difficult it is to coach them, the question is fairness. Because the Commanders grave diggers and insurance salemen and cab drivers happened to be able to be better than other teams means they get to be champions? It isnt as if these guys were in some NFL minor league, they were signed off the street. What a fluke? And talking about flukes tell me how good Timmy Smith and Doug Williams were in other seasons? As for 1991, there was a little extremely brief arrangement called plan B free agency which came and went faster than any fan was able to understand how it worked, but the skins were able to master it for whatever reason. What did they have 14 plan B players that year? I give them much more credit for 91 then 82 or 87. I happen to think the 83 skins team was the best skins team ever and they should have beaten the Raiders, they were better. All I am saying is a skins fan has no right to say that the Cowboys are luckier than the skins. That is wrong plain and simple. We lost in 66, 67, 70, 75, 78 and 81 to GREAT teams by 4 or fewer points (ok the Colts werent great). yeah real lucky! Dude you should retract the lucky comment, no hard feelings, good luck on your season and all but that was just silly.
Daniel Synder said:
while you're checking history go ahead and look up how many teams have gone 8-1 and not made the playoffs. I'm sure you'll point out the 1 out of the hundreds that didn't go if there is one...but lets wait until week 10 and see how many 8-1 teams there are and i'll be happy to place a freindly wager on ALL of them making it to the playoffs.

dude making the playoffs and winning the super bowl are not the same thing
Daniel Synder said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 82' season was just shortend to 9 games. We went 8-1 and then went through the playoffs like any other super bowl team, by defeating our opponents and then defeating the Dolphins in the bowl. Are you suggesting that an 8-1 team would not have gone to the playoffs in a full season?

And in 87' replacement players were used for a portion of the regular season. It takes pretty good coaching to bring in a bunch of no names and turn them into instant winners. IMO it's harder to do that then it is to take a bunch of superstars to the bowl. If the NFL were to strike this year and Parcells were to dominate with a bunch of Joe nobodies for a portion of the season and then get his original team back at the end of the regular season and dominate with them on his way to winning the bowl in record setting fashion...he would be hailed as a genuis, moreso then he is now. And thats what Gibbs did that year. Besides, your best player that year held out like a scab...Hershal Walker, if anyone should have won during the strile games it should have been the Pies! You still had Walker!

Now in 83' (L) and in 91' (W) we proved we were no strike team fluke...explain those....

2 out of 3 asterisks. :skins:

When does the current collective bargaining agreement expire? Maybe then the dedskins have a chance :cool:

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