I am done


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I am not gonna go back and forth with the negative Nancies anymore.

I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I am going to make a snarky remark about it every time I can.

I am reaching out to you all to say, if we win a playoff game this year, this crap needs to stop.

It used to be so much fun to cheer my team with people who loved it as much as I do. Now its all about the negatives, there is no joy in the wins, and I really feel like something has been taken from me.

My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.

(no homo)

Velvet Jones

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stealth;2312891 said:
I am not gonna go back and forth with the negative Nancies anymore.

I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I am going to make a snarky remark about it every time I can.

I am reaching out to you all to say, if we win a playoff game this year, this crap needs to stop.

It used to be so much fun to cheer my team with people who loved it as much as I do. Now its all about the negatives, there is no joy in the wins, and I really feel like something has been taken from me.

My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.

(no homo)

There have been a couple good quality forums I have belonged to that I just don't visit anymore because around this time of year, it really gets to be no fun with the absolutes each and every week. Nobody can enjoy a win and root on a team. They have to be the first to comment on a weakness and then drive it into the ground. I feel for you. There are a lot of good names that I am seeing less of as the season wears on, I hope you aren't one of them.


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Shout them down. Make them feel like idiots. Maybe they'll leave.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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stealth;2312891 said:
I am not gonna go back and forth with the negative Nancies anymore.

I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I am going to make a snarky remark about it every time I can.

I am reaching out to you all to say, if we win a playoff game this year, this crap needs to stop.

It used to be so much fun to cheer my team with people who loved it as much as I do. Now its all about the negatives, there is no joy in the wins, and I really feel like something has been taken from me.

My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.

(no homo)

I really don't know why I even post anymore... I guess it's just a habit.

But the way people have lost their minds over a 4-1 team, and the mob mentality that people are showing, is almost disturbing.

I truly don't remember this much negativity in 2004, when the team went 6-10 and simply quit late in the year. Or even in 2002 when we truly were terrible and we had to fight over Quincy's worth or non-worth because the team itself was so awful it wasn't even worth debating.

When you think *****ing and moaning about everything makes you a "better" fan, and when you say that such-and-such sucks because I Say So even though the facts don't back up your statement... I really don't see why you come here, or why you enjoy following this team.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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stealth;2312891 said:
I am not gonna go back and forth with the negative Nancies anymore.

I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I am going to make a snarky remark about it every time I can.

I am reaching out to you all to say, if we win a playoff game this year, this crap needs to stop.

It used to be so much fun to cheer my team with people who loved it as much as I do. Now its all about the negatives, there is no joy in the wins, and I really feel like something has been taken from me.

My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.

(no homo)

I know what you mean. I got so sick of the negative garbage last night, that I went to another site only to find it even worse there, if you can believe that. Nope...I'm just gonna enjoy each game as it comes and let all the pissers and moaners have their field day. Go ahead and be miserable...enjoy yourselves.


New Member
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stealth;2312891 said:
I am not gonna go back and forth with the negative Nancies anymore.

I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I am going to make a snarky remark about it every time I can.

I am reaching out to you all to say, if we win a playoff game this year, this crap needs to stop.

It used to be so much fun to cheer my team with people who loved it as much as I do. Now its all about the negatives, there is no joy in the wins, and I really feel like something has been taken from me.

My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.

(no homo)

I fully agree, I've already had my rant somewhere on here this morning.
Where is the blog with the positives, I want to go there.


Well-Known Member
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When you quote it the italics make it look like it's going faster.

This thread could have been great, and I'm happy that you made the post, don't get me wrong, BUT....you left the door wide open for criticism by using words like "snarky". I mean, these are complete morons that we're railing against - you should really put them away with more effective barbs, and I don't care how the Giants fans dealt with them.

Also Roy Williams sucks.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
If only we could revert back to the Quincy Carter days, the Campo days, the 5 - 11 days...perhaps the posters that cry like spoiled brats would be much happier?

It must be fun to live in their "perfect world".

During the hard times this forum was one of the happiest places to come and read about the Cowboys. Now that the team is on the rise it seems that very few are happy! I just don't get, and it makes me depressed to the point that sometimes I feel like not even coming here anymore. Yet...I stil do, hoping to find some positive things about this team.

I would wager that 80% of the posts after a game are negative with nothing but a bunch of whining about how come the Cowboys did not score 100 points, Romo sucks because he threw a pick, Wade is fat marshmellow, and it goes on and on and on.

Do the Cowboys have faults? Of course they do! Every team does, yet, the Cowboys suck golf balls!

Where is QC, Campo, Zimmer, etc., when we need them?



New Member
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This is analogous to the ostrich sticking their head in the sand school of logic and discourse...And incidentally, a message board and forum is the ideal place for that kind of open mindedness too


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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stealth;2312891 said:
I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I think it's important to note that the "absolutes" go both ways.

There are posters that refuse to believe there is ever anything wrong at Valley Ranch.

That's just as annoying to me.

There are obviously a lot of positives, but there are things that need fixin', too, if this team is going to reach its amazing potential.


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I just pretty much don't listen to, or give credit, to anyone here who only want to whine, moan, and worry.

I just enjoy the ride. This is FAR better than what it was like from 2000-2004.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Chocolate Lab;2312938 said:

I really don't know why I even post anymore... I guess it's just a habit.

But the way people have lost their minds over a 4-1 team, and the mob mentality that people are showing, is almost disturbing.

I truly don't remember this much negativity in 2004, when the team went 6-10 and simply quit late in the year. Or even in 2002 when we truly were terrible and we had to fight over Quincy's worth or non-worth because the team itself was so awful it wasn't even worth debating.

When you think *****ing and moaning about everything makes you a "better" fan, and when you say that such-and-such sucks because I Say So even though the facts don't back up your statement... I really don't see why you come here, or why you enjoy following this team.

Wow...it's like you and I had some sort of worldy connection in our posts!!




Well-Known Member
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I can also understand that their frustration is out of a desire to see this team do what we all think it's capable of.

My frustration comes when they express their frustration like petulant children, and raise ******** inflammatory questions like "Is Wade the coach we need?"

If you can't express yourself like a rational human being, and opt instead to express yourself like a lunatic, then you deserve to be treated as a lunatic.