I am done

Velvet Jones

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Chief;2312969 said:
I think it's important to note that the "absolutes" go both ways.

There are posters that refuse to believe there is ever anything wrong at Valley Ranch.

That's just as annoying to me.

I disagree. None of us are in a situation to do anything. So we can ***** and moan or we can hope and cheer. It is one thing to talk realistic but another to cry every week simply to be the first. Have you seen some of the things people have chosen to be tired of? The onside kick? Ware getting "meaningless" sacks??


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stealth;2312891 said:
I am not gonna go back and forth with the negative Nancies anymore.

I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I am going to make a snarky remark about it every time I can.

I am reaching out to you all to say, if we win a playoff game this year, this crap needs to stop.

It used to be so much fun to cheer my team with people who loved it as much as I do. Now its all about the negatives, there is no joy in the wins, and I really feel like something has been taken from me.

My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.

(no homo)



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superpunk;2312966 said:
When you quote it the italics make it look like it's going faster.

This thread could have been great, and I'm happy that you made the post, don't get me wrong, BUT....you left the door wide open for criticism by using words like "snarky". I mean, these are complete morons that we're railing against - you should really put them away with more effective barbs, and I don't care how the Giants fans dealt with them.

Also Roy Williams sucks.

Flip Flopping fair weather fans like you can't possibly understand what I am trying to say, even if I use little words.

And what do I care about some WR in detroit? It's not like we would want that guy on our team, he can't run the ball for crap.


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superpunk;2312982 said:
I can also understand that their frustration is out of a desire to see this team do what we all think it's capable of.

My frustration comes when they express their frustration like petulant children, and raise ******** inflammatory questions like "Is Wade the coach we need?"

If you can't express yourself like a rational human being, and opt instead to express yourself like a lunatic, then you deserve to be treated as a lunatic.

Not sure how a question like 'Is Wade the coach we need?' gets deemed '********' (Poor choice of wording, IMHO) let alone a reflection of petulant children.

I haven't focused on that but it has to be a legitimate question...Fewer Penalties, focus and adjustments...These are hallmarks of good coaching yet these same issues are issues for the boys so how can it be deemed irrational or petulant to raise the question of coaching?...Seems contradictory to me.


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stealth;2312891 said:
I am not gonna go back and forth with the negative Nancies anymore.

I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I am going to make a snarky remark about it every time I can.

I am reaching out to you all to say, if we win a playoff game this year, this crap needs to stop.

It used to be so much fun to cheer my team with people who loved it as much as I do. Now its all about the negatives, there is no joy in the wins, and I really feel like something has been taken from me.

My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.

(no homo)

I am pretty much right there with ya! And it does no good discussing it, so why bother.

Honestly it is a reflection of our society and what is wrong with it.
-People feeling entitled
-People being spoiled
-People always complaining no matter how good they have it.
-Common sense becoming less and less common
-People not being able to enjoy things unless it is an instant gratification
-People thinking they know a whole lot more than they do
-People enjoying ripping people apart

Velvet Jones

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FCBarca;2313010 said:
Not sure how a question like 'Is Wade the coach we need?' gets deemed '********' (Poor choice of wording, IMHO) let alone a reflection of petulant children.

For the record, I just Googled "Is Wade the Coach we Need" and they deemed it ********. I know! I was surprised also..


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FCBarca;2313010 said:
Not sure how a question like 'Is Wade the coach we need?' gets deemed '********' (Poor choice of wording, IMHO) let alone a reflection of petulant children.

I haven't focused on that but it has to be a legitimate question...Fewer Penalties, focus and adjustments...These are hallmarks of good coaching yet these same issues are issues for the boys so how can it be deemed irrational or petulant to raise the question of coaching?...Seems contradictory to me.
Because I understand what is behind the question, given the poster's history of "innocent" questions like that. You don't. It's probably because you like soccer. I really don't care.

(This post has been an illustration of what it's like to talk with the ******** petulant children - I am imitating them. FCBarca doesn't know he's on camera. Let's watch.)


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Velvet Jones;2312983 said:
I disagree. None of us are in a situation to do anything. So we can ***** and moan or we can hope and cheer. It is one thing to talk realistic but another to cry every week simply to be the first. Have you seen some of the things people have chosen to be tired of? The onside kick? Ware getting "meaningless" sacks??

Sorry, but that sounds like a pretty one-sided point of view.

I guess only accentuating the positive can be viewed as 'realistic' with you?

The problem is that all too often people are so quick to deal in absolutes:

The team is either 'absolutely flawless' or 'they're absolutely terrible' with no possible middle ground.

I think most wouyld agree that the Cowboys are a very good team that's currently not playing up to its' vast potential.

They're winning, but there are some issues which need to be addressed.

But to try to shut yourself off from an opinion you disagree with goes against the very reason this forum exists.


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stealth;2312891 said:
I am not gonna go back and forth with the negative Nancies anymore.

I am not going to try to talk football with anyone who deals in absolutes with this team.

I am going to make a snarky remark about it every time I can.

I am reaching out to you all to say, if we win a playoff game this year, this crap needs to stop.

It used to be so much fun to cheer my team with people who loved it as much as I do. Now its all about the negatives, there is no joy in the wins, and I really feel like something has been taken from me.

My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.

(no homo)

+1. It's to the point to where I barely want to read Cowboy threads anymore because of the over critiquing some fans do. I already don't watch ESPN because of the sensationalism that goes on there.


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Champsheart;2313011 said:
I am pretty much right there with ya! And it does no good discussing it, so why bother.

Honestly it is a reflection of our society and what is wrong with it.
-People feeling entitled
-People being spoiled
-People always complaining no matter how good they have it.
-Common sense becoming less and less common
-People not being able to enjoy things unless it is an instant gratification
-People thinking they know a whole lot more than they do
-People enjoying ripping people apart

Does no good discussing it so why bother...There's a philosophy for diplomats to embrace, let alone message boards designed for discussion & debate.

Common sense sounds a lot like it is predicated on those who agree with you

People enjoying ripping people apart, sounds more like the fans who are incapable of hearing something they don't agree with.

I see some societal wrongs myself that you failed to include.

-Sheep mentality...Why complain when most others seem to think everything is fine.
-Question nothing
-Lack of open mindedness, failure to hear an argument/opinion that conflicts with your own.


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stasheroo;2313026 said:
Sorry, but that sounds like a pretty one-sided point of view.

I guess only accentuating the positive can be viewed as 'realistic' with you?

The problem is that all too often people are so quick to deal in absolutes:

The team is either 'absolutely flawless' or 'they're absolutely terrible' with no possible middle ground.

I think most wouyld agree that the Cowboys are a very good team that's currently not playing up to its' vast potential.

They're winning, but there are some issues which need to be addressed.

But to try to shut yourself off from an opinion you disagree with goes against the very reason this forum exists.

Gratzie :hammer:


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stasheroo;2313026 said:
Sorry, but that sounds like a pretty one-sided point of view.

I guess only accentuating the positive can be viewed as 'realistic' with you?

The problem is that all too often people are so quick to deal in absolutes:

The team is either 'absolutely flawless' or 'they're absolutely terrible' with no possible middle ground.

I think most wouyld agree that the Cowboys are a very good team that's currently not playing up to its' vast potential.

They're winning, but there are some issues which need to be addressed.

But to try to shut yourself off from an opinion you disagree with goes against the very reason this forum exists.
Who has said we're "absolutely flawless?"

Who? Name one person! ONE SINGLE PERSON!

You *****' can't. Nobody says that. Yet you've got 1000 idiots running around saying the coaches need to be fired and the defense sucks and Tony Romo's a problem, etc. Your kind is like a bunch of 5 year olds running around because they wanted the pink teddy bear rather than the blue one.

Crybabies, the whole lot of you.

Velvet Jones

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stasheroo;2313026 said:
Sorry, but that sounds like a pretty one-sided point of view.

I guess only accentuating the positive can be viewed as 'realistic' with you?

The problem is that all too often people are so quick to deal in absolutes:

The team is either 'absolutely flawless' or 'they're absolutely terrible' with no possible middle ground.

I think most wouyld agree that the Cowboys are a very good team that's currently not playing up to its' vast potential.

They're winning, but there are some issues which need to be addressed.

But to try to shut yourself off from an opinion you disagree with goes against the very reason this forum exists.

You are a great example (and no, not for the reason you might be thinking right now). You and I are on opposite sides of the fence 95% of the time. Yet I love reading your posts. You post, defend yourself, move on. I could argue with you all day and at times, I have. That is different than just plain needing to be the first to cry. That is different from not letting go from simply posting your thoughts but yet bludgening users over and over and over again with it. That makes things unfun. I would hate to visit a bar if everyone wanted to be misserable and to make everyone else misserable and that is what some people seem bent on.

Realistic is not homerism or haterism. It is saying the defense struggled but the offense didn't help them out. It is admitting that a golden boy might have had a bad game without needing to call for his head. It is giving Wade credit for wins as well as all the lashings he gets for losses or even close wins. It is not reacting like a drama queen every Monday morning. Yet if a person does that, they are deemed to be blind.

It gets to be a bit tough in here. If you say Romo had a bad game then half the people come out and slam you for hating on Romo. If you come out and say Wade got his players prepared this week, then the haters jump on you for being a homer.


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theogt;2313054 said:
Who has said we're "absolutely flawless?"

Who? Name one person! ONE SINGLE PERSON!

You *****' can't. Nobody says that. Yet you've got 1000 idiots running around saying the coaches need to be fired and the defense sucks and Tony Romo's a problem, etc. Your kind is like a bunch of 5 year olds running around because they wanted the pink teddy bear rather than the blue one.

Crybabies, the whole lot of you.

Yeah, my kind.

Thanks for proving the point.


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stasheroo;2313067 said:
Yeah, my kind.

Thanks for proving the point.
You didn't have a point. You're only attempting to justify being a crybaby.


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theogt;2313069 said:
You didn't have a point. You're only attempting to justify being a crybaby.

That's it.

Rip on me because my opinion dares to differ from yours.

Prove the point right.

Then have the nerve to call someone else a crybaby.

You don't even know what my opinion is.

But because it's not all roses and candy it's got to be terrible...


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stasheroo;2313085 said:
That's it.

Rip on me because my opinion dares to differ from yours.

Prove the point right.

Then have the nerve to call someone else a crybaby.


You don't even know what my opinion is.

But because it's not all roses and candy it's got to be terrible...

you need to look in a mirror because you are no different than the people you are saying are unreasonable.

That's a big issue with you guys, all you do is point fingers, doesn't matter which way it is, so long as the finger isn't pointed at you.