I am done


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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theogt;2313054 said:
Who has said we're "absolutely flawless?"

Who? Name one person! ONE SINGLE PERSON!

You *****' can't. Nobody says that. Yet you've got 1000 idiots running around saying the coaches need to be fired and the defense sucks and Tony Romo's a problem, etc. Your kind is like a bunch of 5 year olds running around because they wanted the pink teddy bear rather than the blue one.

Crybabies, the whole lot of you.

Stash had a good, thoughtful post and it doesn't deserve a response like that.

Talk about absolutes.


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Chief;2313098 said:
Stash had a good, thoughtful post and it doesn't deserve a response like that.

Talk about absolutes.

Not really, his post has the same blinders on that he accuses others of.


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Chief;2313098 said:
Stash had a good, thoughtful post and it doesn't deserve a response like that.

Talk about absolutes.
My problem was with the notion that there are people running around saying the team is flawless. It's a strawman. No one says that. You can't justify being negative constantly by saying people are claiming the team is perfect. No one is. Yet there are people literally claiming the head coach won't make it past week 9.

He was speaking in absolutes. And I called him out on it.


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Ooooooohhhh, it's like the culture war playing out on the Zone.

Which side gets to be the godless homos?


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superpunk;2313113 said:
Ooooooohhhh, it's like the culture war playing out on the Zone.

Which side gets to be the godless homos?

take the godless part out and I am your man


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stealth;2313095 said:
you need to look in a mirror because you are no different than the people you are saying are unreasonable.

That's a big issue with you guys, all you do is point fingers, doesn't matter which way it is, so long as the finger isn't pointed at you.

I'm not 'pointing fingers' at anybody.

My point was that everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether you like them or agree with them or not.

Some may have more validity or carry more weight with you but everyone has the right to be heard.

Things are never as bad, or never as good as some think but the dealing in absolutes isn't good.

I got attacked because I had the nerve to stick up for someone's right to an opinion, regardless of whether I endorsed or agreed with it.

We don't always agree around here, but attacks or ignoring what you don't like isn't healthy either.


Messenger to the football Gods
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superpunk;2312982 said:
I can also understand that their frustration is out of a desire to see this team do what we all think it's capable of.

:bow: ........

Velvet Jones

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stealth;2313095 said:
That's a big issue with you guys, all you do is point fingers, doesn't matter which way it is, so long as the finger isn't pointed at you.

Says the man with the avatar with finger pointing... h*m* :p:


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stealth;2313095 said:
you need to look in a mirror because you are no different than the people you are saying are unreasonable.

That's a big issue with you guys, all you do is point fingers, doesn't matter which way it is, so long as the finger isn't pointed at you.

And is there really a last word on it? :rolleyes:

stealth;2313095 said:
My rant is over, and this is the last I will speak on it.


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stasheroo;2313122 said:
I'm not 'pointing fingers' at anybody.

My point was that everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether you like them or agree with them or not.

Some may have more validity or carry more weight with you but everyone has the right to be heard.

Things are never as bad, or never as good as some think but the dealing in absolutes isn't good.

I got attacked because I had the nerve to stick up for someone's right to an opinion, regardless of whether I endorsed or agreed with it.

We don't always agree around here, but attacks or ignoring what you don't like isn't healthy either.
Here's my thing.

Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But others are entitled to shout them down when they're stupid. And things like calling for the head coach's head or saying this is a "D rated" team deserve to be shouted down. People who have opinions like that DESERVE to be ridiculed. Yes, they can hold those opinions, but don't expect to come out in public and share them and not be made fun of.


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theogt;2313111 said:
My problem was with the notion that there are people running around saying the team is flawless. It's a strawman. No one says that. You can't justify being negative constantly by saying people are claiming the team is perfect. No one is. Yet there are people literally claiming the head coach won't make it past week 9.

He was speaking in absolutes. And I called him out on it.

That was my point.

The whole thing is absolutes!

I'm not trying to 'justify' either side of the argument, only that both sides have the right to their opinions.

Not saying anyone is 'right' or 'wrong' but that both deserve to express themselves without getting attacked by someone who thinks differently.

I don't think ignoring something is the way to deal with it.


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theogt;2313134 said:
Here's my thing.

Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But others are entitled to shout them down when they're stupid. And things like calling for the head coach's head or saying this is a "D rated" team deserve to be shouted down. People who have opinions like that DESERVE to be ridiculed. Yes, they can hold those opinions, but don't expect to come out in public and share them and not be made fun of.

My thoughts exactly. Everyone is entitled to say whatever they believe but you to know, and be willing, to understand that sometimes your opinion is going to be laughed at.


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stasheroo;2313122 said:
I'm not 'pointing fingers' at anybody.

My point was that everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether you like them or agree with them or not.

Some may have more validity or carry more weight with you but everyone has the right to be heard.

Things are never as bad, or never as good as some think but the dealing in absolutes isn't good.

I got attacked because I had the nerve to stick up for someone's right to an opinion, regardless of whether I endorsed or agreed with it.

We don't always agree around here, but attacks or ignoring what you don't like isn't healthy either.

Say we were on a plane, and mid flight the engine started making an odd noise.

I am sitting next to you, and I say " hmm, that's odd maybe we should call the stewardess and make her aware of it"

or I am sitting next to you and scream " OH MY GOD THE ENGINE IS GOING TO EXPLODE, WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!"

that's what I am talking about, and if you can't see that it is going on then you aren't able to see it because of bias.


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theogt;2313134 said:
Here's my thing.

Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But others are entitled to shout them down when they're stupid. And things like calling for the head coach's head or saying this is a "D rated" team deserve to be shouted down. People who have opinions like that DESERVE to be ridiculed. Yes, they can hold those opinions, but don't expect to come out in public and share them and not be made fun of.

Sounds pretty pompous and condescending, hardly the hallmarks of healthy debate...Calling out a 'stupid' post suggests the person doing the calling out is all knowing...Are you all knowing?...Wouldn't be the least bit pompous then, would it?

Shouting in the first place illustrates the divide between the thin skinned and those interested in debate/discussion.

And by sharing that part of your purpose is to make fun of others further reveals your real intent on these message boards...You're not interested in discussion, you're interested in only reading what you agree with and then making fun of anything else...Very mature :cool:


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theogt;2313134 said:
Here's my thing.

Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But others are entitled to shout them down when they're stupid. And things like calling for the head coach's head or saying this is a "D rated" team deserve to be shouted down. People who have opinions like that DESERVE to be ridiculed. Yes, they can hold those opinions, but don't expect to come out in public and share them and not be made fun of.

Why is is 'stupid'?

Because it isn't the same as yours?

I think it's ignorant to deride, ridicule or make fun of someone because their opinion differs from yours.

But I can't tell the rest of the world what to do or what to think.

I agree with what punk said about all of us just wanting the team to play up to their immense potential.

How we express that feeling is obviously vastly different.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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This thread is full of them.


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superpunk;2312982 said:
My frustration comes when they express their frustration like petulant children, and raise ******** inflammatory questions like "Is Wade the coach we need?"

Soooo, you're not on the "Tony was sad" bandwagon? ;)


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And the whining about the whining continues on...

Folks need to learn how to better express themselves. True. The overall point could be valid, but expressed in such a way that it just screams for attn.

However, folks also need to understand that this place is an outlet and uses this place to vent....especially after gameday.

If one knows that someone just posted something outrageous, that should be taken into consideration and not expect to read a novel or something profound afterwards.

Allow the venting. Read it and move on.


Messenger to the football Gods
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5Stars;2312967 said:

I have an issue with your sig. I happen to be rather fond of ants.......

You ever try cleaning up after an elephant? Also, I'm almost positive there aren't many neighborhoods zoned for elephants.