I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching the NFL

PA Cowboy Fan

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I’m hoping for a blowout because I think that’s what it takes to remove Garrett, and I hate myself for it.
I would have never thought of rooting for the Cowboys to lose the last century. Correction, I did it once in 1988 so we could get Aikman and I actually felt bad because that was Coach Landy's last team. This century I've done it 3 or 4 times but Garrett keeps turning it around and surviving. We're cursed.


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And what do you think that will accomplish? It’s a serious question because the same General Ripper that’s been in control for the past quarter-century will be the one hiring Garrett’s successor.

it is an opportunity and jerry wants to win one before he croaks or gets alzheimer

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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It would have been inconceivable to me years ago but I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching any NFL. I know it sounds maudlin and dramatic but I have lost so much joy for the league and have interests elsewhere that I actually think it could happen. I am a hockey maniac so it’s not like there is no winter sport for me. Cowboys aside I hate what this league has done and the games are unwatchable at times. I also have no hope that the Cowboys will re capture their glory as long as the Jones family owns them. I used to think things would be better when Jerry passed on but I think Stephen will be worse is some ways. Watching this team sleep walk through the last 3 games and Jerry defending this clown of a coach has me nearing the end of the line. I went Salmon fishing the last few days so really didn’t pay attention to the game. My buddy and I were actually howling over the Jets beating them. I dropped a note here early last week and all but predicted how that game could turn out. It did.

My doomsday clock is at about 11:50. Where are you guys at? Could you give up football?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
I get the sentiment because I've been on that ledge before but just face it, you will be back next week for more. It's what we do because we're Cowboy fans. Take @Corso advice and be comfortably numb.


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Cowboys4Life but I've been pretending I'm a fan of other teams in public for years now.

This is hilarious..

I have a Cowboys hoodie, it's old school, kind of old and worn out. It's one of those comfortable pieces you just don't get rid of..when I wear it out and people comment on it, I just pretend like I don't even watch the sport..sometimes I'll go as far as saying "nah, I picked it up from goodwill, I have no idea about football "


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My first post! Anyway, I am kind of feeling the same way. I am in my late 40s, lived in PA my whole life surrounded by Sheagal fans, and latched onto the Cowboys when I was about 3 years old. My dad and bro are Steelers fans and my mother said I sat and watched Cowboys games and became obsessed with them. Every school photo in elementary school, Im wearing something Cowboys. But, the last few years, my interest is waning. Just seems more and more likely that they are not getting to, let alone win, a SB as long as the Jones family owns them. Jerry would "like" to win and do well, but its not the main focus, money is. As long as they are raking it in, thats all that matters.

The constant rule-tweaking every off season that is leading to horrible officiating is another thing that bugs me.

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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My first post! Anyway, I am kind of feeling the same way. I am in my late 40s, lived in PA my whole life surrounded by Sheagal fans, and latched onto the Cowboys when I was about 3 years old. My dad and bro are Steelers fans and my mother said I sat and watched Cowboys games and became obsessed with them. Every school photo in elementary school, Im wearing something Cowboys. But, the last few years, my interest is waning. Just seems more and more likely that they are not getting to, let alone win, a SB as long as the Jones family owns them. Jerry would "like" to win and do well, but its not the main focus, money is. As long as they are raking it in, thats all that matters.

The constant rule-tweaking every off season that is leading to horrible officiating is another thing that bugs me.
Well, welcome then! I hear this Titanic has a good band!


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My fandom and loyalty to the Cowboys is secure.

5 SB's in my lifetime, 3 of which I could fully enjoy as a legit diehard fan with full football awareness, understanding, and league cognizance.

That said: the NFL as a whole cannot be taken as seriously and has deteriorated to the point of pure entertainment vs being the sport to end all sports.

It is as close to an engineered league as can be without outcomes being outright 100% rigged. I've never seen such a phenomenal league maggoted away by $ and social media.

It's an abomination, but my love and admiration for the game that once was compels me to keep viewing hoping that I'm wrong on my opinion overall. Sadly, I definitely am not.

So. My only hope is that the "heel" of the NFL that I root for is good enough to get another turn with the belt. If the Cowboys are not clearly, undeniably better than all 31 other teams, we will not win another SB in my lifetime.

2007 vs NYG, and @ GB in 2014, and vs GB in 2016 is all the proof I need that a puppet master controls team destiny not the players on the field that day.


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GREAT POST - I am 53, I am also a 45+ year die-hard fan, and agree 100000% with what you are saying!....sure we will take the grief of the usual "minority lifers" that say we are not TRUE fans....LMAO at this absurdity, IF we;ve stayed through this HORROR SHOW for the past 20+ years then we are true fans in anyone's book!

So let me ask everyone this: Embedded in the definition of being a "FAN" of any franchise of any sport, inherently means you want your team to WIN, right? To be the BEST? To do EVERYTHING within the organization's power to put the best product, coaching, players and leadership on the field/court/rink ??......

How can fans continue to watch the Dallas Cowboys when clearly, without dispute, the Owner of this once great franchise DOES NOT PUT WINNING or CHAMPIONSHIPS as his MAIN PRIORITY?

Hiring completely UNQUALIFIED, Inexperienced INTERNAL coaches-in-training like Moore, Garrett...keeping the fossil Marinelli... WE ARE THE DALLAS COWBOYS WITH INCREDIBLE HOF TALENT headed by the worst coaching staff on the planet!@

MAKE NO MISTAKE!...the team we passionately root to win every week has a different agenda folks! They don't care about Fans, they don't care about Lombardis.....if they did, we would have had REAL COACHES years ago.

NO ONE will ever convince me differently. I have 2 decades of proof on my side.

Agree 1000%. I am in the same boat. Hell I even painted my boat Silver Blue, Royal blue and Navy once.
Now I wear a camouflaged hat where you can barely see the star. Not fun to be a fan anymore. Being a Cowboy fan nowdays is living with the embarrassment of our players (we had some really shameful ones) and a hapless coach that has made us the laughing stock of the league. Steven A and Shannon get to have their fun constantly. Pathetic the product we have that is all glitter and little substance. Like a fake Rolex. It's hard to walk away though. Especially for us that have been here since the early 70s and remember all the glory. We are all getting old though and want to have that one last Super Bowl. Its too hard to walk away and difficult to stay. Especially with numskulls running the organization, that just don't get it. America's team deserves so much more then the crappy way the team is being managed. Honestly maybe I should just go play Madden Franchise mode and build a Cowboys Dynasty and do it myself and not have to deal with the idiotic GM and Coach we have, and stop watching TV and hoping for the miracle. Not gonna happen in real life anytime soon.


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it is an opportunity and jerry wants to win one before he croaks or gets alzheimer
Not so sure about Jerry wanting to win anudder. Yes, he’d like to win another, but only on his terms which is he gets the lions share of the credit. That doesn’t mesh with hiring a strong coach & letting him have the necessary control. He does have his Gold Jacket so maybe, just maybe, that will ameliorate the situation.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I don't really care what kind of fan each person is. I'll leave that for others to worry about.
I didn't say I cared. It's no skin off my nose if someone jumps on or off the bandwagon. I was just pointing out that a fan that would bail based on that one incident wasn't likely to remain a fan long term anyway.


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I’m always going to be a Cowboys fan but I may stop watching games. It’s just not fun anymore with the constant interruptions. Too many commercials, too many penalties, too many reviews, too many injury timeouts. Watching NFL now is just a test in patience.


Well-Known Member
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It would have been inconceivable to me years ago but I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching any NFL. I know it sounds maudlin and dramatic but I have lost so much joy for the league and have interests elsewhere that I actually think it could happen. I am a hockey maniac so it’s not like there is no winter sport for me. Cowboys aside I hate what this league has done and the games are unwatchable at times. I also have no hope that the Cowboys will re capture their glory as long as the Jones family owns them. I used to think things would be better when Jerry passed on but I think Stephen will be worse is some ways. Watching this team sleep walk through the last 3 games and Jerry defending this clown of a coach has me nearing the end of the line. I went Salmon fishing the last few days so really didn’t pay attention to the game. My buddy and I were actually howling over the Jets beating them. I dropped a note here early last week and all but predicted how that game could turn out. It did.

My doomsday clock is at about 11:50. Where are you guys at? Could you give up football?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

agree on all points but I’m not quitting completely yet.
I will say if the NFL flamed itself out miserably I’d secretly be amused.


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I didn't say I cared. It's no skin off my nose if someone jumps on or off the bandwagon. I was just pointing out that a fan that would bail based on that one incident wasn't likely to remain a fan long term anyway.
I don't understand why someone would point it out. To me it seems like you do care, and there's nothing wrong with that, but that doesn't mean i have to care about it, or value it in any way.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I don't understand why someone would point it out. To me it seems like you do care, and there's nothing wrong with that, but that doesn't mean i have to care about it, or value it in any way.

This is a bizarre post. Who said you have to care about what I say? I don't have to care about what you say either. But this is a public forum, and if you don't want anyone responding to your posts, your only option is to not post here.

But since you did post that the time for fans to jump ship would have been when Jimmy left, in that context it's really not odd to point out that people who would have done that were really never disposed to hang around long term anyway. That doesn't mean I care that they left. There are always going to some fans that come and go. That's factual, not emotional.

I'm at a loss to see what is bothering you so much about what I posted anyway. There really wasn't anything offensive or even derogatory toward you. I have no idea what could have struck a nerve


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I disagree. This is not the team I grew up watching in the mid-90s. This team is full of soft, overpaid prima donnas who do not care about winning. We gave out I believe 150 million dollars worth of contracts to two awful human beings in Ezekiel Elliott and demarcus Lawrence. I can't get behind this anymore.

Specially when the owner doesn't give a crap. It's one thing to claim he 'really wants to win' but his actions over the course of a quarter of a century tells a different story. That's quite a large window. Not 3 to 5 and everything will be fine. 25 ***** years!!!!! Won't keep my head in the sand any longer and still pretend this POS wants to win something. It's a joke.


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I don't think I could ever give up the sport of football. I've played it, coached it, and just love watching it. My teams haven't had any success recently (college or NFL) but I still watch because I love the game. I have started to watch other sports with more interest though (baseball, hockey, and even rugby).