I Am Sure Anyday Now Roger Goodell Will Be Punishing Odell Beckham


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Bennett should have been suspended for the year for lying to the public about what happened in LV!....that was absurd!

Agree 100% As should LeSweep James and his graffiti/vandalism fraud. It's been over a dang year and the police have ZERO evidence pertaining to his bogus claims. Another one of his attention grabs so that he could be part of the story. Sorry but this guy is becoming a joke. Yesterday, he already started his defense as to why they were swept and blamed not having basketball 'smart' guys on his team as they're the key to beating Golden State. Not much of a prediction but next year, he'll go somewhere other than Cleveland & assemble HIS squad of basketball 'smart' guys. Come the trade deadline, he'll clean house again because he doesn't have enough help to make it back to the playoffs. Wait, this thread is about OBJ...sorry for the hijack!! :p


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Since the league is about money, with ODB playing in New York, one of the biggest TV markets, won't much happen to him, at best a couple of games or a fine.


The Cowboys, not the Giants, are the wealthiest team in the NFL and its biggest TV draw.


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The Cowboys, not the Giants, are the wealthiest team in the NFL and its biggest TV draw.

Please note I said TV markets. From a couple of web sources:

List of NFL Teams by Media Market Size

So, during discussion with u/JoeFlaccoIsAnEliteQB in this thread I was inspired to do a little research and rank NFL teams by (English-language) media market size — not just their primary market, but any market within a 75-mile radius of the team’s stadium. Yes, I am a data freak. :)

Why a 75-mile radius? Because that’s what the NFL uses to determine primary and secondary local markets for blackouts. If a media market was in the radius of more than one team, I used the team that was closest. If they seemed equidistant, I just split the market in half.

Rank Team(s) Pop. in TV Households (000s) Media Market(s)
1) New York Giants / Jets 22421 New York, Hartford-New Haven1 , Wilkes-Barre--Scranton

2) Oakland Raiders / San Francisco 49ers 10645 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto, Monterey-Salinas
3) Chicago Bears 10606 Chicago, South Bend-Elkhart, Rockford
4) New England Patriots 9684 Boston (Manchester), Hartford-New Haven1 , Providence-New Bedford, Springfield-Holyoke
5) Philadelphia Eagles 8688 Philadelphia, Harrisburg-Lancaster-Lebanon-York2
6) Carolina Panthers 8152 Charlotte, Greenville-Spartanburg-Asheville-Anderson, Greensboro--High Point--Wiston-Salem, Columbia
7) Dallas Cowboys 8071 Dallas-Fort Worth, Waco-Temple-Bryan, Sherman-Ada


Ranking the 114 U.S. based franchises in the “Big Four” sports leagues by Nielsen market size.

As of fall 2017, the top five television markets have remained the same as in previous years — New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia and Dallas-Ft. Worth. Outside of the top five there have been some notable changes, with Washington D.C. rising to sixth, the Bay Area dropping to eighth and Boston falling all the way to tenth.

The newest major-league city, Las Vegas, ranks just 40th — making the NHL Golden Knights a smaller market team than the Blue Jackets. Buffalo remains the smallest big league TV market at #53.

# Market Homes NBA NFL MLB NHL
1 New York 7.075M Knicks, Nets Giants, Jets Yankees, Mets Rangers, Islanders, Devils
5 Dallas-Ft. Worth 2.648M Mavericks Cowboys Rangers Stars

New York is a bigger television market. The may not be the team with the highest viewship but the commish isn't going to risk alienating that many people...


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Jameis Winston accused of sexual assault and he gets 3 games. It seems to me that Goodell wants this one to be under the radar. I think he is worried about the "ME Too " movement coming after the NFL. Elliot gets more games and Winston a known moron with a history of this crap since Florida State just gets 3 games?