I am trying to learn Hebrew...


Faster than Felix
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I want to read the Bible in the way it was meant to be read. Any tips for learning, or any books or lessons that helped you?

Any advice is appreciated.


Vet Min Plus
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It's not that difficult.................

First of all, you didn't ask, but you'd also want to compliment your Hebrew with Aramaic and Greek. The King James Bible (the first English version) was translated, the Old Testament from Aramaic, the New Testament from Greek.

Definitely got to have BOTH a Young's Analytical Concordance, and a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. They're easy to work and both list EVERY WORD IN THE BIBLE. Every word in the Old Testament, you'll see the Aramaic or Jewish word. Every word in the New Testament, you'll see the Greek. These concordances also give the definition of that word, and many times it's a little different from the English meaning.

Another "must" is "How to Enjoy the Bible" by E.W. Bullinger. Also, get the "Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible" and the "Greek-English Interlinear Bible". These study manuals are easy to attain at any library or bookstore.
The "interlinear" Bibles, they're "line-by-line" in the English, with the Aramaic and Greek directly beneath the English, written just like the Bible. So, instead of just the one line in English, theres a line beneath in either language.

Other helpful keys to consider:

1. Italics. Every wonder why certain words in the Bible are in Italics? That's the translators TELLING YOU that THOSE WORDS WERE ADDED BY THE TRANSLATORS, and NOT in the original Aramaic or Greek text. Very important. If you take them out in your reading, you're not touching "The Word of God". They are "mans words", inserted to "help" your understanding. More often then not, they just add to problem of understanding the Word. The King James Version is the only version that gives you this benefit. On a side note, the original texts had not punctuation, no paragraphs, no chapters, no verses. These were all added by the translators in the late 1,400's. Totally "DEVOID" of authority, added by man.

2. Figures of speech. Most of the Word can be taken literally. A lot of it is "fugurative" (if thy hand offend thee, cut it off, Paul's thorn in the flesh, etc...) Bullinger also wrote "Figures of Speech used in the Bible", and it's vital to get a handle on this in order to understand some things.

3. The Bible is and "Eastern" book. Never forget that, while studying or reading the Bible, that it was written a LONG time ago, in a place FAR away. These are called "Orientalisms". That is, understand the cultural and religious differences to today in your understanding. The Word still applies today, but the times, the people and culture was different.

4. Get, "TO WHOM" correct. Every book in the Bible was written to one or the other of three distinct groups of people. Jews, Gentiles, or the Church of God. And EVERY book will TELL YOU THAT right up front. If you're reading something written to the Old Testament Jews, or Old Testament Gentile, and try to apply it to your life, you'll get stuck in second gear with God all your life. After Christ, we now life in an age of "The Church of God", where there is neither Jew nor Gentile once your a Christian. These books, starting with Romans, are written TO YOU and ME. The other books are still Gods Word, but written "for your learning" as it says in Romans. "For whatsoever was written aforetime was written for out learning". That is, before Romans, and that includes the Gospels.
This accounts for when the detractors say "the Bible is full of contradictions". It isn't. Get "to whom" correct. God can change his directives considering to whom he's addressing or changes in conditions.

It's commendable that you're "going back" to the original texts, and not "going forward" to some modern and current translation that usually hashes the Word to pieces. It's like the old story where, if you tell one guy a story, and he tells another, and he tells another, down the line about 15 people.............by the time the story gets back to you, it's nothing as you said or intended. It's not "Biblical research" to get some translation that was done in 2004, and we pick it up only because it's "easier to read". That's baloney. True research GOES BACK TO THE ORIGINAL to get closer to the ORIGINAL intent. I congratulate you on your endeavor.

There's a lot more to it. PM me if you want to know more.............


Vet Min Plus
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Excellent points Lew. One thing many people miss is how Jerusalem was under Roman occupation and how the people resented that. History and culture play a huge point in the interpretations. I won't go into specifics because it might turn into a huge theological distraction from the main goal here, origin. I remember I was 23 when I 1st decided I needed to find the word in it's original form, in it's original language. It will turn into a treasure hunt. Enjoy.

To the Op, you're gonna be amazed how many words we take for granted in English actually mean something entirely different in Hebrew, Aramaic, Chaldean, and Greek. Look up the word "World" when you get your Strongs...


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Another interesting and vital note:

There are seven different administrations (periods of time) in the Bible. Presidents would be offended if you confused THEIR administration with a PREVIOUS administration. Same thing. This is important in Biblical research.

The seven different administrations of time in the Bible are as follows:

1. Original. This administration of time ends when Adam and Eve are given the boot in Genesis 3:15, and the "Promised Seed" is announced.

2. Patriarchal (founding fathers). This period of time is after the "original" but before "the law of Moses". The time of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and the Twelve Patriarchs. No law, books or commandments were yet written, but God made his will known to these folks.

3. The Law. This period of time takes up the largest part of your Bible. Beginning when Moses got the commandments, and continues until Christ "Fulfills" the Law. "The Law" is much more than the 10 commandments. Read Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Dueteronomy..............the law consisted of 100's and 100's of commandments to the Children of Israel. This period of time ended when Christ ascended into Heaven, his work complete. Therefore, contrary to popular opinion (remember how man did his thing during interpretation), the Gospels technically belong in the Old Testament, because Christ LIVED the Law and COMPLETED the law. He ushered in a new era AFTER his complete work was accomplished.

4. Christ present. This administration overlaps the "Law", as Christ came to fulfill the law.

5. The age of Grace. This is the time in which you and I know live. An age of God's grace toward man, through His Son and His finished work. Now, people can be "saved", "converted" "born again", whatever you wish to call it. NOW, people can become "Christian". This was not available before Christ.

6. The Appearing. This administration of time is when Christ comes back "for his saints". This occurs BEFORE Revelation. He gets us out of here to "deliver us from the wrath to come" as is says in Thessalonian.

7. Final or "Glory" Administration. This is what many refer to as "the rapture", or "Armageddon" deal. Many think we're living in "the end times" currently. We're not. This administration begins with Revelation 1:1. If this were "the end times", we would not be sitting at our computers talking about the Bible, watching sports, or spending time with our families. We'd be RUNNING FOR COVER. There's no "gradual", 5,000 year build up in the Final or "Glory" administration. It's starts with a BANG and it's not real pleasant from there on out.

Considering these seven administrations, as your reading your Bible, it's critical that you recognize which of these administrations the scriptures you're reading are "in". If your reading Ephesians, that's not "the law". It was written for those of us in the "Grace" administration. If your reading Joshua, that was written in and for "the Law" administration, and not during "the Christ" administration. And so on......................very important to understanding WHAT your reading and TO WHOM.


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OH, one more thing..............(sorry for the rants),

Never forget to pray and ask God to give you understanding and knowledge as you go about seeking to understand His Word and His Will. Many folks neglect this or forget that GOD WANTS YOU TO DIGEST AND ASSIMILATE HIS WORD.

God wouldn't ask you to "study to shew thyself approved before God" if it were some insurmountable and impossible task. Get God involved in your Biblical research and investigating of His Word. Tell Him to help you "get it", and things go a lot easier.....................


Faster than Felix
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I downloaded an E book and so far I seem to be learning very very fast. I know it will get harder but I can for a few basic sentences and pronounce the words right. Thanks for the advice, your prayers would be appreciated as well :)