I didn't know DLaw and his contract were this bad


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its not for fans to worry about PERIOD this is the siie with sports, period..you ll feel the need to worry about fionacials odf sperts when sports have always been and will always be just supportng and watjhinh your tema play then dicus the games..

its sad fans FEEL like they are part of the business side of sports,


NOR are they in any way experts on any of the subjects that commonly get duscussed here..

you all read and regurgitate, thats it, you know nothing they dont want you to know..

sad really,
yuo all's lives are so mundane you feel the need to advise a billionaire owner of a sports team how he should run it and that you know how to run it better..

lmao its egomaniacal behavior. You all couldn't get hired in any capacity to get near the inner circle of any Sports Franchise let alone the DC..

thats Fact i find it entertaining and hilarious fans THINK and FEEL they know better..

the DC FO ownership have this covered..

you cant do it better,

let us know when you are independently rich like have 5 billion , then we can discus how you can get on list that could take 20years to purchase a NFL Team , then let me know how things work out with all this knowledge locked up in virtual world of Keyboard experts..


when the reality hits that fans are truly not in the lop, not experts, cant wont ever truly have a clue on how to run team..

Jerry was a billionaire before he bought the near bankrupt DCs and then proceeded to win 3 SBS and has this the richest franchise in the world. so somehow the CZ experts have handle on the cap and contracts more so then the DC?

you all feel you need to advise him on something as what players he would sign and for how much and how its mistake to and signed someone..

newsflash he has team of lawyers, CPAS, carpologist and employees larger then you can comprehend, they got it handled

they are the the only sports franchise that pay players that dont live up tot eh contracts.

it happens its quite normal actually.. its the price of doing business, they all make mistakes but adjust to them and move forward..

now go shine some shoes because that exactly what you are when trying to compare yourself to the DC Ownership group..


This is one of the most ridiculous posts I have seen on this site. I am being kind and respectful when I call it ridiculous.


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Just like many Dallas players that upped their game during a contract year they simply focused on getting paid, got paid, and then sucked. That is the Dallas way.

Denim Chicken

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Fans views on DLAW are one of the indicators I use to see if I take them seriously or not.



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Fans views on DLAW are one of the indicators I use to see if I take them seriously or not.

So because offenses ran early and often to DLaw's direction his stats as a result somehow validates DLaw's contract? Last I checked DLaw was given a large contract extension for his pass rushing production and not his run stopping production stats.


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I will try to be mindful of respecting opinion here as well. But I do find the small contingency here of Jerry's defense lawyers/ PR department's views a slight bit out of touch.
Maybe just slightly, lol.


I am one of ‘Jerry’s defense lawyers’ in the sense that I don’t blame Jerry for not winning. I blame the players. I don’t see that person as defending Jerry, but more like rambling incoherently on salaries and fans and whatever nonsense is going through his head.


Junior College Transfer
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I will not argue his value on the team. As I mentioned I do think he is a good all around D-end. Im saying what he does on the field is not worththe contract he is getting. He is getting paid like a 12-16 sack threat. He isnt that player. There are other guys around the lead that bring his type of value and are not getting paid anywhere what he is getting paid.

thank you. some cannot separate the ludicrous contract with DLaw's negligible impact.


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I am one of ‘Jerry’s defense lawyers’ in the sense that I don’t blame Jerry for not winning. I blame the players. I don’t see that person as defending Jerry, but more like rambling incoherently on salaries and fans and whatever nonsense is going through his head.

My bad. I mis interpreted.
There definitely was some rambling.


Junior College Transfer
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its not for fans to worry about PERIOD this is the siie with sports, period..you ll feel the need to worry about fionacials odf sperts when sports have always been and will always be just supportng and watjhinh your tema play then dicus the games..

its sad fans FEEL like they are part of the business side of sports,


NOR are they in any way experts on any of the subjects that commonly get duscussed here..

you all read and regurgitate, thats it, you know nothing they dont want you to know..

sad really,
yuo all's lives are so mundane you feel the need to advise a billionaire owner of a sports team how he should run it and that you know how to run it better..

lmao its egomaniacal behavior. You all couldn't get hired in any capacity to get near the inner circle of any Sports Franchise let alone the DC..

thats Fact i find it entertaining and hilarious fans THINK and FEEL they know better..

the DC FO ownership have this covered..

you cant do it better,

let us know when you are independently rich like have 5 billion , then we can discus how you can get on list that could take 20years to purchase a NFL Team , then let me know how things work out with all this knowledge locked up in virtual world of Keyboard experts..


when the reality hits that fans are truly not in the lop, not experts, cant wont ever truly have a clue on how to run team..

Jerry was a billionaire before he bought the near bankrupt DCs and then proceeded to win 3 SBS and has this the richest franchise in the world. so somehow the CZ experts have handle on the cap and contracts more so then the DC?

you all feel you need to advise him on something as what players he would sign and for how much and how its mistake to and signed someone..

newsflash he has team of lawyers, CPAS, carpologist and employees larger then you can comprehend, they got it handled

they are the the only sports franchise that pay players that dont live up tot eh contracts.

it happens its quite normal actually.. its the price of doing business, they all make mistakes but adjust to them and move forward..

now go shine some shoes because that exactly what you are when trying to compare yourself to the DC Ownership group..

And when you retrieve your shinebox, get a spelling checker, too, wordsmith!:laugh:

Denim Chicken

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So because offenses ran early and often to DLaw's direction his stats as a result somehow validates DLaw's contract? Last I checked DLaw was given a large contract extension for his pass rushing production and not his run stopping production stats.

case in point, lol.




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DLaw is a good player. He should be paid 12, maybe 15 mil/season. No one, absolutely no one is saying we shouldn't pay him at all. We are against the amount. Why? Because every time you overpay, you are putting yourself one more step away from the super bowl.


Well-Known Member
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case in point, lol.



All that tells me is that DLaw no longer is the pass rush threat he was PRIOR to his getting a huge new contract.....in other words he is good at the play coming to him instead of making the plays happen.


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DLaw is a good player. He should be paid 12, maybe 15 mil/season. No one, absolutely no one is saying we shouldn't pay him at all. We are against the amount. Why? Because every time you overpay, you are putting yourself one more step away from the super bowl.

Very well said and thank you for the post. Regarding the DLaw contract it is truly pathetic given that Dallas is stuck with DLaw at 2-3 years:

2021: Cap Hit $25M Dead Money $44M

2022: Cap Hit $27M Dead Money $19M

2023: Cap Hit $29M Dead Money $11M

2024: Cap Hit $3M Dead Money $3M

But of course JJ will more than likely rework DLaw's contract to kick more money down the road. These are the dumb contracts that Jerry does which only further prevents Dallas from building a legitimate Super Bowl team. The smart thing to have done would have been to trade DLaw at the height of his production to gain valuable, less expensive draft picks much like the model of what the Patriots did during their Super Bowl runs.
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Hey, if you can get. get it! small windows in life. 5 years from now no one will care.
Of course. However, I am a fan of winning, so I am against cap strapping contracts. The only thing I blame DLaw for was his ridiculous refusal to get surgery. That was nothing short of childish.


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childish yes

Name one player better on defense....current player bc Byron was the best

My point is he’s still our best player by a good bit

Being the best player on our defense isnt exactly an accoade. Nor does it say anything about the value of that player.

BTW i consider Diggs (at the end of the season) better than DFLaw.


Well-Known Member
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Of course. However, I am a fan of winning, so I am against cap strapping contracts. The only thing I blame DLaw for was his ridiculous refusal to get surgery. That was nothing short of childish.
Childish i can live with too. It was an extra snicker bar in his back pocket that jerry wanted. It worked and only hurt the team. This generation of players has passed me. Welcome to the "Time out" NFL. At this point I'm glad I'm getting older because if i had to endure another generation, i Might just explode. :laugh: I'm form the Ronnie Lott area.

Denim Chicken

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All that tells me is that DLaw no longer is the pass rush threat he was PRIOR to his getting a huge new contract.....in other words he is good at the play coming to him instead of making the plays happen.

Thank you for further confirming my method


Well-Known Member
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Childish i can live with too. It was an extra snicker bar in his back pocket that jerry wanted. It worked and only hurt the team. This generation of players has passed me. Welcome to the "Time out" NFL. At this point I'm glad I'm getting older because if i had to endure another generation, i Might just explode. :laugh: I'm form the Ronnie Lott area.
And it keeps us from the playoffs. I cannot live w/ it.

Bowing to player's blackmailing ways is hurting this team badly.