I do not see any difference between that play and the Dez play in 2014 *merged*

A summary:

If you put stock in what NFL officials say during press conferences, Dez didn't catch the ball.
If you put stock in the the 2014 rule book and associated case book says, Dez caught the ball.

If you care what the unwritten intent behind the rules are, Dez didn't catch the ball.
If you care what the written rules were at the time, Dez caught the ball.

If you applied unwritten intent, Dez didn't catch the ball.
If you let your eyes , and instincts from decades of watching football tell you, Dez caught the ball.

I think we could mostly agree on this. Call me an optimist
A lot of times you see receivers jump straight up in the endzone, catch the ball and come straight down and remain on their feet. This is pretty common but rarely do you see a receiver running down the field and leap for the ball, especially battling a defender and not have their momentum cause them to fall to the ground. This is because as they’re running and begin their leap their momentum is taking them forward in the air causing them to lose their balance when they land. This results in stumbling and falling. This happened to Dez. His momentum/body lean from running down the field and high pointing the ball in midair along with contact with the defender caused him to lose his balance and stumble to the ground.

This was all in one piece. Stumbling to the ground is not running. The only time he was “running” was just prior to him going up after the ball. Had he just concentrated on making the catch and not lunged towards the endzone with the ball in one hand reaching there wouldn’t be a single thread on this board discussing this play. He tried biting off more than he could chew. He beat the defender but couldn’t survive the ground.
Almost 11,000 views. Can't wait for the combine to get here. Geez.

Where does it show the “views” for this thread? Years ago before they changed the format you could see the views.
It was the 3rd Quarter with 11:04 left and Dallas up 14-10. Big play but not extremely pivotal, IMO. People say Murray would have scored but I don't know if 28 from Green Bay gets him for a gain of 10 or so plus there was a safety down field.

You missed something.

Some people want to know why you think Blandino even looked for a football move if it didn’t matter.
If Murray doesn't fumble, we put the game out of reach, even for the great Rodgers.

You’re way out of bounds if you think that. lol The frumble occurred at our 44 yard line. There’s no guarantees we would have scored a TD on that drive. Even if we did it would have only given us an 11 point lead with a quarter and a half to play. How is an 11 point lead putting the game out of reach for Rodgers? He was chewing up our defense in the second half. Get real!
I’m giving an honest, candid opinion about him. Your opinion is from a jilted fans point of view because you’re still angry over the Dez overturn. Blandino is very intelligent, it’s evident in his explanation of calls. His ability to articulate these calls is one reason he’s been put in front of a camera to do it. He was on a number of shows having to explain the Dez overturn and did an excellent job trying to explain a confusing rule that’s angered many fans. It’s his knowledge and ability to break these calls down that’s got him a Network job doing it. I can listen to someone and tell instantly how intelligent they are and Blandino is highly intelligent.

He understands how everyone feels about this rule and how much they hate it. It’s not Blandino casting confusion, it’s the rule and what’s required in making a legal catch that confuses everyone. It’s a hard rule to try and make fans understand because there’s so much judgment involved and so many oppose it. You have some out there who probably had trouble learning their ABCs growing up so good luck trying to convey this rule to them. There’s a lot of dumb fans out there just look at some of the idiocy that’s posted here. There’s some here that are still arguing that the ball never touched the ground despite undisputed visual evidence.

There’s a fan on this board who’s still denying the ball touched the ground despite a couple of blown up pictures that clearly show the entire belly of the ball on the ground. You’re dealing with some here who are floating around in another solar system somewhere. Some of the things that are being posted here are so incredibly ludicrous it’s hard to tell if these fans are being serious or are just trying to be funny. Some of the things that are being posted make you question the sanity of some.
Have you read a single thing I've posted? I agree that the Dez call was the correct call. There is nothing jilted about it.

I'm just trying to be objective here. Blandino and his poor explanation and quite possibly his complete failure of the written rule and subsequent case studies has us where we are today.

I don't believe in any conspiracy. He's just an idiot talking head. Or was. And now, finally, the league has figured out that they need to clear up this poorly understood and even at times, poorly judged rule.

I'm on the side of making this game enjoyable to watch. Decisions made, for good intent or not, have simply taken away from the game I used to love. I can't honestly say I love the game anymore. Getting someone to at least make sure that the rules are understood is a start. Blandino failed at that on an epic level.
Have you read a single thing I've posted? I agree that the Dez call was the correct call. There is nothing jilted about it.

I'm just trying to be objective here. Blandino and his poor explanation and quite possibly his complete failure of the written rule and subsequent case studies has us where we are today.

I don't believe in any conspiracy. He's just an idiot talking head. Or was. And now, finally, the league has figured out that they need to clear up this poorly understood and even at times, poorly judged rule.

I'm on the side of making this game enjoyable to watch. Decisions made, for good intent or not, have simply taken away from the game I used to love. I can't honestly say I love the game anymore. Getting someone to at least make sure that the rules are understood is a start. Blandino failed at that on an epic level.

I’ve only read your replies to me there’s been far too many posts directed at me to follow every post you’ve made. I wasn’t necessarily referring to you I was referring to the fans in general. You keep referring to Blandino as an idiot. If it wasn’t the Dez overturn then what makes him an idiot in your eyes? Do you consider every talking head an idiot? How did they get those jobs if they’re idiots? No offense but you sound like a typical armchair fan. What credentials do you have that has you thinking you know more than those who get paid to talk about the game?
I’ve only read your replies to me there’s been far too many posts directed at me to follow every post you’ve made. I wasn’t necessarily referring to you I was referring to the fans in general. You keep referring to Blandino as an idiot. If it wasn’t the Dez overturn then what makes him an idiot in your eyes? Do you consider every talking head an idiot? How did they get those jobs if they’re idiots? No offense but you sound like a typical armchair fan. What credentials do you have that has you thinking you know more than those who get paid to talk about the game?
It's always been my impression of him as someone more interested in the prestige of the position rather than someone interested in the details. His explanations lacked clarity and were convoluted and contridictory.

He had zero experience officiating games at any level yet he was put in charge of all officiating. The rule book and definition and clarity of said rule book were his direct responsibility. And yet here we sit.

There is a reason the NFL officials basically demanded that someone actually have substantial on the field experience if they were to hold that tittle.

If he had done his job as a so called expert, then us laymen would easily be able to understand the rule.
That an official could declare a player either had time to perform a football move (2014) or was clearly a runner solely based on time (2015) meaning nothing changed in the rules from 2014 to 2015 like you were saying it did. Whether you had "time enough" to perform an act (to be a runner) in 2014 or upright "long enough" to be a runner the rules are the same.
In the 2014 case play the brace before the lunge was the football move that completed the catch process and made the lunge the act of a runner.
So I think the reason there is confusion is really based on what the actual rules say and then what these use cases say.

The rules are clear as they stand alone. My argument has always been to explain how the rules show Dez didn't catch the ball.

In my opinion, the case play that folks are hanging on to from 2014 and I believe the year before, where they talk about a player "bracing" themselves on the

So I'm done debating this. If the case play was an actual rule then it should have been defined as one. And the definition would then include actual language to say how and what qualifies as a football move while going to the ground.

It seems the case play was there to provide an out for officials to call going to the ground plays that look like catches as catches. The point the he caught it gang are trying to prove. If that is the intent, then define in the rule what qualifies as becoming a runner while going to the ground.

The problem with that, as Pereira has said, is that it becomes hard to do. But they can't try and have it both ways. That's why everyone is confused.

Here's how I see the rule today.

You really have two situations where a player can catch a ball.
1. If he is upright
2. If he is falling

So now how do you define what a catch is for both?

If a player is upright they can become a runner. This is to give them time to secure the ball. So you have:
1. Possess the ball
2. Two feet down while possessing the ball

Now you could simply stop there. Some would say you should. That is really all a catch should be. But if you did you would see many more fumbles. So they interjected:
3. Become a runner

Becoming a runner or making an act or having time. This is all there to allow the player to protect himself and secure the ball. This is a judgement call.

Now, if a player is falling. This is a bigger judgment call. And, as in the Fitz, I don't agree with the judgement made.

To deem a player is going to the ground you have to believe that the player would have no way of staying upright. If you determine this then they injected this:
3. Maintain control through the process of contacting the ground.

That, to me, is the equivalent of becoming a runner for a player who is upright. Since you can't run while you are falling. If you are falling, you first hit the ground. You can then get back up and run, but an additional act of getting off the ground is required.

So there should be no mention of making a common act or becoming a runner while someone is falling. And you are either upright or falling. And those are judgement calls. And if you are falling, you can't become a runner.

Now, you could remove maintaining control from a player going to the ground. Just like you could remove becoming a runner for an upright player. So a player falling would simply need to possess the ball and as soon as he has two feet down, or more likely, have any other part of his body touch the ground, then it's a catch. That's what a lot of people would think a catch to be. But again, now you are opening up the chance for many more fumbles.

But what we can't have is some mix match interpretation where there is some reference to being able to become a runner while falling. That's why I've said that the rules need to be rewritten so at least we all know what it is they are looking for and enforcing.

Now if they want to remove become a runner for an upright player or remove maintain control through contacting the ground for a falling player, fine.

Or if they want to allow for some other measure of security for a player who is falling. Fine. But then clearly define that in the rule and not try to kind of have that, but not really.

I don't if any of this helps. It's just how I see it. I believe it's how Pereira sees it. If you or anyone else see it differently then so be it. But I'm done talking about it until or if they change the rule.
But that is it, the 2014 rule is being misinterpreted by those believing the call was correct. Like I said earlier, there are three different rules at play here. The catch process, becoming a runner, and a subsection of the catch rule. It being a subsection is critical to understanding the structure of the rule.

A receiver becomes a runner under the 2014 rules by having control, two feet down in bounds, and by doing an act, or having time to do an act common to the game. Once completed the receiver becomes a runner. Item one deals exclusively with a receiver going to the ground...key word receiver. That means it only applies when the catch process does not happen. There is nothing there to suggest it trumps the 3 step process, until they changed the rule in 2015 to upright long enough to become a runner. This is why the case book play is the way it was, because the 3 step process and going to the ground existed simultaneously from up until 2015.

I will break down the case play and Dez' play:

Case play the receiver had control and 1 foot down at contact and started going to the ground. If the rule was meant as you and others claim...and the way they ruled on the Dez play and if the concept of upright long enough existed prior to 2015...the play would end right there. So either these infallible rule makers screwed up the case play, or you are reading something into Item 1 that isn't there. The case receiver then took another step while going to the ground, so now he's completed control and two feet. He then braces and that is an act common to the game that isn't part of the catch process, so now the case play receiver is now a runner. This is why the case play says the lunge isn't part of the catch process and not the ridiculous claim by Marcus that a lunge is a special move that trumps everything...you know that special move that does not exist in the rule book, maybe it is a secret? Or maybe Marcus has no idea how to read a rule book?

Dez had control when his second foot landed, so before anything else occurs Dez has completed the first two steps of the catch process. His body turns, he takes a step, he contacts Shields, he moves the ball to his left hand, he braces with his right arm, and pushes off with his left leg while extending the ball. This ain't rocket science here, even if you want to say the turn and step were completely caused by him falling, moving the ball to his dominate hand, bracing, pushing off his left leg, and reaching out the ball in his left were a conscience act to try to score. An attempt to score is not part of catching the ball, it is a football move, and based on the 2014 rules and case book, that makes it a catch and downed by contact.
It's always been my impression of him as someone more interested in the prestige of the position rather than someone interested in the details. His explanations lacked clarity and were convoluted and contridictory.

He had zero experience officiating games at any level yet he was put in charge of all officiating. The rule book and definition and clarity of said rule book were his direct responsibility. And yet here we sit.

There is a reason the NFL officials basically demanded that someone actually have substantial on the field experience if they were to hold that tittle.

If he had done his job as a so called expert, then us laymen would easily be able to understand the rule.

I think your impression is way off but that’s my opinion. He wasn’t just handed that position he worked his way up the ranks. I think his explanations are very clear at least to me but trying to explain this rule is confusing to fans especially those who are dopes that can’t even acknowledge a ball touching the ground. You’re wrong about him having zero experience officiating games. He was a replay official from 99 to 2003 and was a replay official in 2 Super Bowl’s. He formed his own company “under the hood” in 2009. There’s a certain expertise necessary to do replay officiating and that’s what Blandino specialized in. He trained the on the field officials but many of them still can’t get the calls right, which is why he provided an extra set of eyes on replay calls. If he didn’t understand rules he wouldn’t have been in a position to do that job. This was why he was set to make the final replay calls this past season until he stepped down. They’ve taken replay calls away from the on the field officials because most can’t get them right even after reviewing them.

Blandino did his job just fine but some just can’t understand rules that don’t go in their teams favor. Calls are much clearer to fans when the call goes in their teams favor. It’s not Blandino or anyone else’s fault if someone can’t grasp a rule. If some knucklehead can’t understand a rule or refuses to accept it that’s on them. To lump all the talking heads together as being idiots isn’t going to gain anyone any credibility here. I certainly don’t agree with all of them and there’s always going to be one here or there that we label idiots but I certainly don’t think they’re all idiots. Most are very knowledgeable and provid great insight and information. Just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t make them an idiot. Show me an official that receives any respect from the fans and isn’t thought of as an idiot?

They all get hissed and booed if they make a call in favor of the other team. It’s one of the occupational hazards of being an official. Like I said officiating is a thankless job and they all get dumped on. It’s easy for any fan sitting on their couch, scratching their ace while throwing back a Corona to say everyone in the media are idiots. Everyone here thinks they know more than those who get paid to talk and officiate the game. We have tons of board GM’s here.
I think your impression is way off but that’s my opinion. He wasn’t just handed that position he worked his way up the ranks. I think his explanations are very clear at least to me but trying to explain this rule is confusing to fans especially those who are dopes that can’t even acknowledge a ball touching the ground. You’re wrong about him having zero experience officiating games. He was a replay official from 99 to 2003 and was a replay official in 2 Super Bowl’s. He formed his own company “under the hood” in 2009. There’s a certain expertise necessary to do replay officiating and that’s what Blandino specialized in. He trained the on the field officials but many of them still can’t get the calls right, which is why he provided an extra set of eyes on replay calls. If he didn’t understand rules he wouldn’t have been in a position to do that job. This was why he was set to make the final replay calls this past season until he stepped down. They’ve taken replay calls away from the on the field officials because most can’t get them right even after reviewing them.

Blandino did his job just fine but some just can’t understand rules that don’t go in their teams favor. Calls are much clearer to fans when the call goes in their teams favor. It’s not Blandino or anyone else’s fault if someone can’t grasp a rule. If some knucklehead can’t understand a rule or refuses to accept it that’s on them. To lump all the talking heads together as being idiots isn’t going to gain anyone any credibility here. I certainly don’t agree with all of them and there’s always going to be one here or there that we label idiots but I certainly don’t think they’re all idiots. Most are very knowledgeable and provid great insight and information. Just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t make them an idiot. Show me an official that receives any respect from the fans and isn’t thought of as an idiot?

They all get hissed and booed if they make a call in favor of the other team. It’s one of the occupational hazards of being an official. Like I said officiating is a thankless job and they all get dumped on. It’s easy for any fan sitting on their couch, scratching their ace while throwing back a Corona to say everyone in the media are idiots. Everyone here thinks they know more than those who get paid to talk and officiate the game. We have tons of board GM’s here.

Ah yes the stupid fans, KJJ's #1 go to. Funny how there has been discussion within this thread, from those giving the rule and case book proof, about many catches throughout the years. But it so much easier to dismiss everything under a broad generalization then it is to actually debate the issues with the catch rule and how it was misapplied in GB.

For someone that is so tired of this topic and with disdain for Cowboy fans, you sure as hell like posting in the thread. You have probably 3 times the post count in this thread as I do.
Ah yes the stupid fans, KJJ's #1 go to. Funny how there has been discussion within this thread, from those giving the rule and case book proof, about many catches throughout the years. But it so much easier to dismiss everything under a broad generalization then it is to actually debate the issues with the catch rule and how it was misapplied in GB.

For someone that is so tired of this topic and with disdain for Cowboy fans, you sure as hell like posting in the thread. You have probably 3 times the post count in this thread as I do.

I mentioned the word stupid generalizing what you deal with here and you took offense. You said you were done here but couldn’t resist. Despite the warnings you still haven’t learned. Go wage a personal attack on someone else. You just come around to antagonize and look for trouble. Get off my back.
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You said you were done here but couldn’t resist. Despite the warnings you still haven’t learned. Go wage a personal attack on someone else. You just come around to antagonize and look for trouble.
You have repeatedly baited and insulted several posters since Reality made his post so stop playing innocent. There was absolutely nothing in that post that was a personal attack. How many times in this thread have you made negative comments about fans in this thread? Upwards of 50 would be a good guess, so how is that a personal attack? That is just stating a fact. Saying that by painting all opinions with that broad brush is dismissive and avoiding an actual adult discussion is also true and not a personal attack.

I'd say if it offended you, it did so because it is true.
You have repeatedly baited and insulted several posters since Reality made his post so stop playing innocent. There was absolutely nothing in that post that was a personal attack. How many times in this thread have you made negative comments about fans in this thread? Upwards of 50 would be a good guess, so how is that a personal attack? That is just stating a fact. Saying that by painting all opinions with that broad brush is dismissive and avoiding an actual adult discussion is also true and not a personal attack.

I'd say if it offended you, it did so because it is true.

I haven’t called a single individual poster out in this thread and no one but you has taken exception to anything I’ve said about this fan base. There isn’t anything wrong about talking about this fan base in general. You’re just looking for every avenue possible to make this about me and that’s a personal attack. I’m the one stating the facts and the facts are you’re continuing to come around despite the warning that was passed out. You’re looking for a fight and you don’t care if it costs you your account. Am I worth that? You’re not about to run me off no matter how hard you try. I’m entitled to give my opinions just like everyone else here. If you want to keep thumbing your nose and continue to instigate you’ll be doing it at your own risk. I’m here to talk football.
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I haven’t called a single individual poster out in this thread and no one but you has taken exception to anything I’ve said about this fan base. You’re making this about me and that’s a personal attack. I’m the one stating the facts and the facts are you’re continuing to come around despite the warning that was passed out. You’re looking for a fight and you don’t care if it costs you your account. Am I with that? You’re not about to run me off no matter how hard you try. I’m entitled to give my opinions just like everyone else here. If you want to keep thumbing your nose and continue to instigate you’ll be doing it at your own risk.
I'd be willing to bet if it came down to me or you getting banned by a mod, I would be the one still posting in this thread.

I have not insulted anyone since Reality's post, but got called out more than once since then. In fact, I have done nothing but joke with Percy and rationally discussed the rules with Blindfaith since I came back from my self-imposed break.

Honest question, if you are so tired with the subject how come you have more posts in this thread then anyone else? Yeah, I'm the one instigating things.:rolleyes:
I'd be willing to bet if it came down to me or you getting banned by a mod, I would be the one still posting in this thread.

I have not insulted anyone since Reality's post, but got called out more than once since then. In fact, I have done nothing but joke with Percy and rationally discussed the rules with Blindfaith since I came back from my self-imposed break.

Honest question, if you are so tired with the subject how come you have more posts in this thread then anyone else? Yeah, I'm the one instigating things.:rolleyes:

You’re making this about me and that’s a personal attack. I’m not going to keep responding to anymore of your drivel. Every exchange we’ve had in this thread you initiated. If you want to keep coming after me you’ll be doing it at your own risk. You seem to think you’re untouchable so have at it.

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