I don't get all the Cowboy bashing

I hate the America's Team tag and all that goes along with it. I think that's the main reason we are hated so much. We have the audacity to call ourselves America's Team. I really cringe when I see or hear that name and never use it to refer to the Cowboys
Have you considered transitioning to a different fandom? Times have changed. I bet your family & friends would not think less of you if you expressed these truths about how you cannot identify as a fan of "America's Team" if you really can't. I for one- would not judge you.
Has very little to do with the team itself, more to do with the cowboy fans. I’m from Houston but I love the Cowboys. I get to see it from the outside and our fans are pretty annoying, that’s a nice way of putting it. I tend to not talk sports with other cowboy fans because it gets a little embarrassing. Texans fans are the worst but Cowboys fans are definitely up there and the main reason the team gets so much hate.
Forget the memes... just wear any Cowboys related gear in public and your bound to find someone who loves or hates us. I can just be walking through Walmart and I hear a person mentioning my team to me. I'm not sure there is any other team in any other league that is more polarizing. Side note....people tend to lump us in as terrible fans but they are constantly mocking us which makes us obnoxious when we do something good. All I know is they better hope we don't win it all because after 27 years of nothing I'm probably going to be unbearable if they do win it all.
Never cared about hate from other fans, it gets to be too much seeing some of our own so called fans hating on the Cowboys.
Has very little to do with the team itself, more to do with the cowboy fans. I’m from Houston but I love the Cowboys. I get to see it from the outside and our fans are pretty annoying, that’s a nice way of putting it. I tend to not talk sports with other cowboy fans because it gets a little embarrassing. Texans fans are the worst but Cowboys fans are definitely up there and the main reason the team gets so much hate.
A lot of Cowboy fans are reactive and obnoxious, a product of YEARS of venom from opposing fans. Twenty five year ago they resented our success and were envious of the attention we got. Now, their resentment has intensified greatly for two reasons: 1)Our continued popularity, even though it’s been 27 years since our last Super Bowl, and 2)Because people now are more prone to overreaction and aggressive confrontation. Too many people are addicted to drama and entitlement.
Lame and pathetic Cowboy-bashing memes are all over the Internet. If you participate in any forums, you've almost certainly seen them. What I don't get is, what are they so threatened by? It's not like this team is a juggernaut that's going to win 4 straight Super Bowls. We've got a shot this year, but that's only if we pull off a massive upset of the 49ers, who are a very good team.

People usually hate on a team that's been way more successful than other ones. In the 70s and 90s that was true, but it's not true today. Are people like, "OMG, they won their first road playoff game in 30 years! Man, my blood boils." What the .... ????

I remember the teams I hated were the ones who kept winning championships -- the 70s Steeler or the 80s 49ers. I was never like, "OMG, those Jets won a playoff game and then got thrown out of the playoffs in the divisional round. I'm so threatened by a team like that -- I sure hate them."
I remembered when I first moved to Boston as a Yankees fan. You couldn’t go to any event, even not sports related without a Yankees suck chant. The insecurity and inferiority complex was insane.

And then they won. And things actually got a little better. They thought they were somewhat equal.

So it’s the classic: they hate us cuz they ain’t us.
Lame and pathetic Cowboy-bashing memes are all over the Internet. If you participate in any forums, you've almost certainly seen them. What I don't get is, what are they so threatened by? It's not like this team is a juggernaut that's going to win 4 straight Super Bowls. We've got a shot this year, but that's only if we pull off a massive upset of the 49ers, who are a very good team.

People usually hate on a team that's been way more successful than other ones. In the 70s and 90s that was true, but it's not true today. Are people like, "OMG, they won their first road playoff game in 30 years! Man, my blood boils." What the .... ????

I remember the teams I hated were the ones who kept winning championships -- the 70s Steeler or the 80s 49ers. I was never like, "OMG, those Jets won a playoff game and then got thrown out of the playoffs in the divisional round. I'm so threatened by a team like that -- I sure hate them."
Its because most understand that we are playing the Niners this week in SF and most likely our season is going to end.

I would much rather be playing the Eagles. The Giants really screwed us when they won last week.
1. This is a forum right here. We all participate in forums. I haven’t seen any memes bashing the cowboys anywhere

2. The cowboys beating SF is a far cry from a massive upset. It’s the most evenly matched game this weekend. Try again.

3. Dallas will win on Sunday
So if you had to bet your meager life savings on who would win this week you would take Dallas? I highly highly doubt that.
As hostile used to say..." Embrace the hate"..they hate us cause they ain't us.
Go Cowboys
Have you considered transitioning to a different fandom? Times have changed. I bet your family & friends would not think less of you if you expressed these truths about how you cannot identify as a fan of "America's Team" if you really can't. I for one- would not judge you.
I love the Cowboys. I hate the moniker
Its because most understand that we are playing the Niners this week in SF and most likely our season is going to end.

I would much rather be playing the Eagles. The Giants really screwed us when they won last week.
I hear you. We've already played the Eagles twice this season, and so we know them better and are more apt to make an excellent game plan. However, a victory over the 49ers is not out of the question. They're favored and are at home, but there is a chance. The team had better be playing its best. If it is, there's a possibility for an upset. If we beat the Niners, I would call this a successful season, even if we don't win the next one.
I do find it funny myself. Cowboys definitely live rent free in a lot of people's heads. I hardly open Facebook these days, but throughout the years before, people would always post Cowboys memes on my wall. I could see maybe deserving it if I was one of those boisterous fans that is constantly posting Cowboys stuff all over my social media, but I never did. I just tell them they talk about the Cowboys more than I do and they're the ones keeping them relevant. That makes them fans. lol
lol. Irrational dislike (or flat out hatred) is attributed to many things humanity adopts for a certain franchise in a particular sport. It is basically a trait born out of conditioning and/or jealousy.

A ten year-old watches their parent scream at the television game after game. The child could not care less about the team that the parent resents but slowly adopts the dislike for the target of the parent's dislike. Conditioning.

A fan is not an NFL Sunday Ticket subscriber but is a huge fan of their favorite team. They turn the channel to see their team's game. The networks have another game on featuring Team A. Next week comes. They turn the channel. There is Team A again. Another week rolls by. Their team is on. Next week, the channel as Team A again. "AAAAGGGHHH! I can't see my precious because of Team A! I hates them!" Jealousy.

There are too many examples to post. However, it generally boils down to those two reasons.
I hear you. We've already played the Eagles twice this season, and so we know them better and are more apt to make an excellent game plan. However, a victory over the 49ers is not out of the question. They're favored and are at home, but there is a chance. The team had better be playing its best. If it is, there's a possibility for an upset. If we beat the Niners, I would call this a successful season, even if we don't win the next one.
Oh I agree there is a chance. I give it about 30%. But not likely and those homers that are downplaying the Niners team may learn another tough lesson.
No they don't win anymore but they're the most popular. They essentially lead the league in likes. By a lot.

I can relate to what they're going through.
It's been awhile since you've gotten a like from me but even I had to give you a point on this one. Winning, definitely not.... popular, I'll give you that.
You hate Cowboy homers/fans huh.
I would say I have most Cowboys fans. I find them to be some of the dumbest on the planet. Either fair weather homers or QB challenged haters. But there are definitely some that know football. I find myself arguing most with the homers and the haters as their comments are typically just too easy to laugh at and prove wrong.