I don't think we run this organization like a zoo!


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Jerry can say whatever he wants. He rarely says anything that anyone can trust, so the right move would be to believe Schultz
Jerry , like all politicians, enjoy changing the meaning of words. All-in is not the same meaning as majority of the civilized world means. Kind of like politicians can't define what a woman is. So when Jerry now tries to change his meaning what a zoo is to a player, ..........


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It was said that this team has a culture problem, Jerry squashed those comments and said "I don't think we have a culture problem!' Former player said the organization is run like a zoo, will Jerry come out and squash those claims too and say "I don't think we run this organization like a zoo?" You got to love this team or you'll go nuts!!
its not a zoo. a zoo has organization. animals are taken care of. separate. orderly. we are run more like 3 stooges clown show.

this franchise will not win another championship under Jerry and Stephen.

convince me otherwise.


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So what are they supposed to do, lose money?
They still have to work with the salary cap rules. Regardless how much the team is worth or how much money they make.

Fans need to distinguish then difference.
who said they have to lose money to win championships. its the culture of the place. its all about media, attention, jersey sales and marketing. there is no focus on football and that culture runs through out the organization. there is a cap. so they can't spend more than the cap over the years. so how could they lose money? by over spending?

when the players have a rally party before a playoff game. when they plan a victory party for a first round playoff game. that tells you where their focus is. when Jerry partners with players in business (Smith), then the lines of authority and focus become blurred. when Jerry brings business people to practice and locker room for the players to meet business partners, that blurs the lines. when Jerry says the OC reports to him and not the coach, that blurs the line.

jerry said, from his mouth, if they are talking about us, we have done our job.

there is a difference between a franchise focused on winning championships and one focused on increasing its value. if you can't see the difference, then its you.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
What Dalton said is true. Visitors can see inside workout areas through the glass as guys are supposed to be focused on training. Jerry can not dispute how that makes s player feel.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
What Dalton said is true. Visitors can see inside workout areas through the glass as guys are supposed to be focused on training. Jerry can not dispute how that makes s player feel.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
It was said that this team has a culture problem, Jerry squashed those comments and said "I don't think we have a culture problem!' Former player said the organization is run like a zoo, will Jerry come out and squash those claims too and say "I don't think we run this organization like a zoo?" You got to love this team or you'll go nuts!!
WE, don't run this organization.
I think Shultz meant that the FO runs their operation like zoo owners, by allowing the public to view their players like animals in the zoo! :muttley:
Imagine how disrupted the players must be when they see people staring at them, while they're trying concentrate on their procedures! :huh:
In today's, me first culture, i don't think they care.
I don't think meant it in a bad way, he's too smart for that. He just wasn't used to that. Go to Alabama, Texas, USC, Miami, Georgia, any if the top schools.....those players are used to stuff like that. I don't agree with it, but way over blown, IMO.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
who said they have to lose money to win championships.
My response was more about the comment made they rather make money than win.

All the other stuff you said about parties, is the 1st I heard of that. Links?

As for the culture issues is more fan and media based, and ways to vent. All teams have issues.


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They run it like a family business indeed.
  • We have the old senile daddy owner, that everyone cuddles and excuses.
  • We have the kids who are all in critical positions, whether they are qualified or not.
  • We have the typical “that’s the way we’ve done it for 30 years and it’s good enough for us.”


You Have an Axe to Grind
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The Cowboys are run like a three ring circus and Jerry is the ring master.


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A zoo is actually a lot of hard work, and they're recruiting new animals all year long. The Cowboys have lazy rich owners that talk trash that they can't back up. So no it's not a zoo.


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Wrong, it’s a Professional football team that makes money. Like all NFL teams do.
I think it is has become an Entertainment Company disguised as a Professional Football Team.

We drafted the smallest guy in the league last year, watch us draft the biggest guy this year.