I Don't Trust Guys Who Don't Like Football

bbgun;2760222 said:
I have a bro-in-law who has absolutely no interest in sports (not just football), yet somehow managed to sire two sons. I fear for their futures.
You should step up to the plate and be a positive influence on those poor kids.
The man I respect more than anyone is my father and he doesn't know anything about football.
Hostile;2760228 said:
You should step up to the plate and be a positive influence on those poor kids.

I haven't exactly shown good judgment in the past ...

Hostile;2760227 said:
Football got me more girls than you've ever had wet dreams about from "adult entertainment."

sounds like a homer quote.lol.Football doesnt get u anything,u must get it for who u are not the "game" you play.lol.Being in a band got me a lot of women too.lol.Still does.:D.Every man watches adult entertainment,and if you say u dont u are a liar.
Football is the greatest game ever, it won out for me even though i lived, ate and breathed baseball growing up. Playing it, watching it, knowing every player in the league from 1973 to 1986 before I went in to the military. Playing every year in the summer as a kid, all summer long, everyday splitting time with basketball.

It even won out to basketball, a sport in which I too followed from the early 70's even through just a few years ago when the league just got too stupid to watch fulltime.

Yes the sport of football is a sport that I have followed since the early 70's when I was just 5 years old. We used to play every weekend and then that followed onto a few leagues I played in. There is just something about this sport that only those who have played it can understand. I agree with you Hos, you are right on your assessment. I cant think of a better thing to do everyday of the week. I wish it was on every day of the week. You wouldnt be able to keep me from the TV. I will teach my newborn the sport and will tell her to teach her offspring. There is no better sport on the planet earth.

My football dreams were quashed by my mother, who refused to sign the medical release form. Eh, I was too skinny anyway.
This thread is kind of a meathead,homer thread.lol.Its a great game.Its good reality tv.Ask our QB whats most important to him?What Romo said angered many but in allhonesty it was the truth.These players know that if the worst thing to happen to them is a loss in a game then life is gonna be just fine.lol.
Hostile;2760227 said:
Football got me more girls than you've ever had wet dreams about from "adult entertainment."

:lmao2: :lmao: :laugh2:

(STUPID cowboy fans)
Hostile;2760227 said:
Football got me more girls than you've ever had wet dreams about from "adult entertainment."

Did u pound ur chest when u said that?lol:lmao:
xpistofer;2760178 said:
Amazing. Simply amazing.
Thank God for football. Thank God for people like Hos who can communicate and pass on their appreciation of it.

Post of the year.

I completely agree, post of the year! I copied it to a Word document so I can read it whenever I need to feel alive again.

Hos, you and I agree on a lot of things and this is a great example of why. Football is in our blood! When people say, "It's just a game" they have no clue what they are missing. Football is much, much more than "just a game". For those who's lifeblood courses with an unending love for the game it is life and death for us.

Just reading your post makes my blood race and I want to get out there and start hitting! I would pity those who don't feel that but I just don't have it in me. They are dead already and don't know it.
Nice post HoS. Even though I never played football in college. I still miss playing and the popping of the pads. Laying a good hit on someone.
From as far back as I'm able to remember, I learned football by laying on my dad's chest as a little baby and watched football with him. I never knew....

Then as I got older I played baseball all through Little League, Jr. High, and High School, and tried out in College but did not make the team. Anyway, all through those young years in Jr. High, and High School, I was always there on the football field sidelines watching my childhood friend practice (he also played baseball with me - center field) and waiting for him to finish, shower up, then we would go home.

I cannot count the times that the football would come out of bounds and I would trot over to it and throw it back on the field. I had coaches almost beg me to try out for the team. I never did...I think I was just a wimp and did not like the pain that football players go through. Even as a catcher and first baseman in baseball, when my left thumb got jacked up the pain was miserable...at least to me!

I regret that I never played...I think I could have been maybe a good QB because as a catcher I had to have speed on my throws and accuracy. I think the coaches saw that and as their job required, they always prodded me to try out....I never did...my regret, my loss, my "what if's..."

There is no better game on this planet Earth!!
I don't have anything against guys who don't get into football, just like i don't have anything against guys who like guys, i just don't understand. There's nothing like the feel of a good woman or a big win by my team. I've often wondered on Sundays as i go shop for the day's footballl food, what are all these guys doing today. Some have uni's on or football atire of some sort so you know what they will be doing. But i've made a beer or chip run at halftime in the past and see tons of guys out doing what ever they are doing and can't help but think how in the world are they not watching the games. Just one of many things i don't get.
Big Dakota;2760264 said:
I don't have anything against guys who don't get into football, just like i don't have anything against guys who like guys, i just don't understand. There's nothing like the feel of a good woman or a big win by my team. I've often wondered on Sundays as i go shop for the day's footballl food, what are all these guys doing today. Some have uni's on or football atire of some sort so you know what they will be doing. But i've made a beer or chip run at halftime in the past and see tons of guys out doing what ever they are doing and can't help but think how in the world are they not watching the games. Just one of many things i don't get.

I have met several guys over the last few years who are just not interested in football or sports in general and they probably think I am juvenile for putting so much stock in what happens on a field 1000 miles away. I just cannot comprehend having gonads and not loving football (American Football).

BTW, that's a great pic of Jim Thorpe in your sig. I've never seen that one before.
juckie;2760239 said:

sounds like a homer quote.lol.Football doesnt get u anything,u must get it for who u are not the "game" you play.lol.Being in a band got me a lot of women too.lol.Still does.:D.Every man watches adult entertainment,and if you say u dont u are a liar.
Actually, I am someone whose moral standards do not stomach that kind of "entertainment" so not only do I not watch it, I never have and never will. I have never been to a strip club, not even for a friend's bachelor party.
Hostile;2760269 said:
Actually, I am someone whose moral standards do not stomach that kind of "entertainment" so not only do I not watch it, I never have and never will. I have never been to a strip club, not even for a friend's bachelor party.

I have but I outgrew that sort of adolescent behavior in my 20s. :cool:
THUMPER;2760250 said:
I completely agree, post of the year! I copied it to a Word document so I can read it whenever I need to feel alive again.

Hos, you and I agree on a lot of things and this is a great example of why. Football is in our blood! When people say, "It's just a game" they have no clue what they are missing. Football is much, much more than "just a game". For those who's lifeblood courses with an unending love for the game it is life and death for us.

Just reading your post makes my blood race and I want to get out there and start hitting! I would pity those who don't feel that but I just don't have it in me. They are dead already and don't know it.
I'm flattered by that.
juckie;2760219 said:
You guys need to get out more.lol.I assume u guys are married,if u guys were single out chasing women you would understand the most essential priority.:laugh2:

Dude every one of your posts mentions sex or porn.

Which makes me think you don't get any, and talk about it to pump yourself up.

I'm sure theres a porn message board where more people in your precarious situations talk it out and make themselves feel better...:)

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