I Don't Trust Guys Who Don't Like Football

juckie;2760219 said:
You guys need to get out more.lol.I assume u guys are married,if u guys were single out chasing women you would understand the most essential priority.:laugh2:

I think you're participation in this discussion is useful, but an "apples and oranges" thing...............

No one on this board, especially the admins, is saying that football rises above family, careers, financial stuff, etc.............on the priority list. No one is going to commit suicide over our record last year, or over that 13-3 home-field first round playoff loss the year before................

This thread (if I may Hos), I believe, should be considered in context and fabric of life for which it is intended. AFTER we fulfill all of our responsibilities and obligations of life.....................THIS is what and where our passion for football and the Dallas Cowboys comes in.

This is, after all, a forum having to do with a sport we all love and respect. It's a bit of "raining on the parade" to remind us all that, while we're enjoying another great thread and discussion about football, that it's not that important and we got our priorities all mixed up. That's not it. Our priorities are not askew. If we want to discuss "whats more important, football or your kids?", then we could all go visit some forum called "Mens Psycology 101" or something.

Mean time, let us bask in and salivate over our participation in another fine thread to satisfy our longing for the game we love until September. OK?
lewpac;2760278 said:
I think you're participation in this discussion is useful, but an "apples and oranges" thing...............

No one on this board, especially the admins, is saying that football rises above family, careers, financial stuff, etc.............on the priority list. No one is going to commit suicide over our record last year, or over that 13-3 home-field first round playoff loss the year before................

This thread (if I may Hos), I believe, should be considered in context and fabric of life for which it is intended. AFTER we fulfill all of our responsibilities and obligations of life.....................THIS is what and where our passion for football and the Dallas Cowboys comes in.

This is, after all, a forum having to do with a sport we all love and respect. It's a bit of "raining on the parade" to remind us all that, while we're enjoying another great thread and discussion about football, that it's not that important and we got our priorities all mixed up. That's not it. Our priorities are not askew. If we want to discuss "whats more important, football or your kids?", then we could all go visit some forum called "Mens Psycology 101" or something.

Mean time, let us bask in and salivate over our participation in another fine thread to satisfy our longing for the game we live until September. OK?
Thank you. I should just ask you to post for me. You do it better than I do by a mile.
Hostile;2760279 said:
Thank you. I should just ask you to post for me. You do it better than I do by a mile.

Nah, You're the one who gets the fire's stoking by posting stuff like this that gets you thinking.

Think about it? Do you actually recall someone literally sitting you down and explaining to you the rules of the game? Was there EVER a time or moment when you educated yourself "on purpose" about football? The way you did about computers or fixing a transmission or learning how to install a ceiling fan? Not for me.

For me, football came by osmosis. There was never a time in my life that I DON'T RECALL football not being "there". I remember, while courting my wife, making a deliberate decision to find out if she was going to tolerate and support my "thing" for sports, especially football and Dallas. You know, when your dating, you're technically "checking her out" to see if you can co-exist in peace. Because if the woman I was going to marry couldn't live with that "football thing" in my life, then I probably shouldn't marry her.......

Not that my wife comes second to my "football thing" (so please resist the "priority" speech again). I'm talking about negotiating my way through this life-time and BEFORE deciding about who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. My friends, associations, where I go in my spare time, who do I hang with. And I gotta' tell ya', football and sports in general take up over 90% of my free time in one way, shape, form or another.

Free country. I'm allowed to have a "ticker" and be around things that "make me tick". Just look at me...................here it is, May 2nd, springtime for heavens sake...............and I'm sitting at my computer at 8:30 on a Saturday morning talking football................AGAIN!! That alone should tell you how the eggs sit in my basket.
futbol sucks...........unless it is Team USA in the World Cup
Sports is a true gauge for one's self-honesty. You either love it, like it, not care for it or hate it. The true test comes when someone truly feels passion for a particular sport and how they express their passion for it. So, if someone states that they love football, for example, but also say that they can easily live without it in the same breath, what does that really say about how honest someone is being with themselves?
bbgun;2760237 said:
I haven't exactly shown good judgment in the past ...

:lmao: GREAT Pic bbgun!!
Football is such a great game because it's the ultimate team sport. Those who love it understand it as such and that's quite a humbling thing to go through, putting your ego and own self desires aside for the best of the team. It also teaches great aspects of life such as pushing yourself even when the chips are down or you're banged up and hurt. And it's not just a game of a bunch of big jocks beating the crap out of each other, it's often incredibly scientific, artistic and schematic.

In many respects it reminds me a lot of golf even though golf is about as individualistic of a game as one can play. But it tells a lot of truths about the deep down personality of the player. It screams their assets, their flaws and their soul as a person.

lewpac;2760299 said:
Biggems;2760295 said:
futbol sucks...........unless it is Team USA in the World Cup[/quote

Ummmm...........Sorry. Still sucks.

I just root for the Red, White, and Blue....

There are a lot of sports I think suck, but when it comes to team USA, gotta root for my country, as long as they show class, dignity, and respect. I rooted against USA basketball in the World Championships several years ago, cause they were acting like complete putzes...they showed no heart, acted spoiled, and seemed to take our colors and their privelage for granted.
Great post Hos.
I'm not gonna disect his post because he touched on so many bases that I agree with and I could not say it better myself.
I remember that cartoon and it did affect me in a similar fashion.
2 of my favorites things growing up were the Charlie Brown cartoons(especially Snoopy) and the Dallas Cowboys. My uncle collected snoopy memorabilia and he was very influential person in my life along with my dad who introduced me to the Dallas Cowboys.
I also do not like the bandwagon fans...Dallas gets accused of having nothing but bandwagon fans but that is not the case. Dallas has probably more bandwagon fans than any other team but that just means that they are the most popular.
SkinsFan28;2760304 said:
:lmao: GREAT Pic bbgun!!

bbgun is a genius when it comes to showing football pics or expressing his sentiments with a picture! In all my time on the Internet I have never seen anyone come close to what he does...

Excellent post. Life is all about emotions, we get addicted to these particular chemical reactions - and we spend our entire lives trying to appease these desires. Some people smoke, drink, do various drugs to give you one tenth of the excitement you get from football. This is just our form of that addiction, as fans at least.

The rush you get as a player, executing a play perfectly after all that weight training, running, practice, etc. The sorrow you feel when you come up one inch too short. The idea of being a champion, and knowing that 31 other teams are wanting to be you. Football is the ****. I thank my fatber every Sunday for being a Cowboys fan, I couldn't have had it any other way.
lewpac;2760293 said:
Nah, You're the one who gets the fire's stoking by posting stuff like this that gets you thinking.

Think about it? Do you actually recall someone literally sitting you down and explaining to you the rules of the game? Was there EVER a time or moment when you educated yourself "on purpose" about football? The way you did about computers or fixing a transmission or learning how to install a ceiling fan? Not for me.

For me, football came by osmosis. There was never a time in my life that I DON'T RECALL football not being "there". I remember, while courting my wife, making a deliberate decision to find out if she was going to tolerate and support my "thing" for sports, especially football and Dallas. You know, when your dating, you're technically "checking her out" to see if you can co-exist in peace. Because if the woman I was going to marry couldn't live with that "football thing" in my life, then I probably shouldn't marry her.......

Not that my wife comes second to my "football thing" (so please resist the "priority" speech again). I'm talking about negotiating my way through this life-time and BEFORE deciding about who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. My friends, associations, where I go in my spare time, who do I hang with. And I gotta' tell ya', football and sports in general take up over 90% of my free time in one way, shape, form or another.

Free country. I'm allowed to have a "ticker" and be around things that "make me tick". Just look at me...................here it is, May 2nd, springtime for heavens sake...............and I'm sitting at my computer at 8:30 on a Saturday morning talking football................AGAIN!! That alone should tell you how the eggs sit in my basket.

Yep, my wife of 29 years knew up front that she would have to share me with football and she has been quite understanding about that all these years. She plans the ThanksGiving dinner around the Cowboys and was OK with us setting our wedding date for Bob Lilly's birthday as it is a Cowboys' Holiday (July 26th for those who don't know).

My whole family are big time sports fans, even my two sisters love football (one's a Broncos fan and the other likes the 49ERs). Now I have my 7-year old grandson watching the games with me (he likes the Panthers since we live in NC but his second favorite is the Cowboys).
Hos, I hope you take this in the spirit it is intended. Your post would make a good chapter/forward/prologue/epilogue or whatever for the book you want to write. Two suggestions, however.

1. Incorporate the statement by lewpac, with his permission of course.

2. Drop the reference to dumb or stupid for people who do not like football. Calling people dumb or stupid because they have no interest in something that is your passion is illogical. It says, if you aren't like me then something is wrong with you. That line of thinking is used to justify some very wrong feelings by some people toward others.

I think your premise that you don't understand and don't want to understand the mentality of a man who doesn't like football is fine. It's an honest opinion and a powerful sentiment. How can any man not like football?? It frames the context of your post perfectly. Further, it fires up anyone who revels in reading, talking or playing football. Don't leave it out, but please drop the "stupid" references.

Anyway, I liked the rest of the post immensely but was a little taken aback by that one line.
You're more than likely a very stange/odd person if you don't like football in some capacity.
You know what's worse than being poor? Being RICH and THEN being poor again...................

Along those lines, playing the game for 14 years and then having it suddenly end doesn't help with the "football Jones" we all have.

Like many, I started playing organized football when I was around six I think. Me and everyone else I knew. I did well in H.S., All-Scholastic in my area and 2nd team All-State in PA.

The first sign of trouble was that no NCAA Div. 1 School recruited me. So I went to a Div. 2 School on scholarship. The second sign of trouble, is that I didn't play ONE DOWN for the first two years. Not ONE kick-off, punt, "last minute in a blow-out",..................NOTHING!

So, I quit. You do things like that when you're 19 and all you care about is football. Screw the free-ride and degree!

I went to Houston after that, and I tried out for the Houston Gamblers of the USFL. Third sign of trouble...............didn't even get to run a 40! About that time, he humiliation and reality set in that it was over. You're playing days are through. The first thing I did was promise to myself that I wasn't going to one of these middle-aged guys at the bar always talking about "the glory days" and living in the past. I set my eyes on raquetball and DID become an "Open Player", doing quite well on the circuit in SE Texas.

I tell you this story, not to brag. Because it's, in reality, a lesson in humility and "being real". I came to terms that I wasn't going to be "one of the few" who "made it". Too small, too slow, nothing even close to "the right stuff".

About then is when the "being RICH and THEN being poor again", or "going back to hamburger after you tasted Filet Mignon" analogy figures. Once you've played the game for so long, at a decent level, NOW the addiction and "in your blood" thing is set for life. Not that you have to play the game to be a passionate follower, but there's no substitute or the actual grind and satisfaction of playing organized and competitive football.

Just thought I'd throw this aspect out there, as I'm sure I speak for many posters around these parts...................

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