I got his from a Charger message board

did you check their forum? is not half like this forum has
chargerfans were so pist. One guy behind us kept asking for a PI call on henry when he fell. saying he pushed the wr. I was like *** are you talking about? the guy fell. he told me to blow myself and go back to dallas. that pist my father off, and he got in his face and told him he was gonna beat the sh@t out of him. I am 25 I can handle myself. but that dude kept going. It was sad. we were walking out to the truck and some college boys tried to start a fight with about 5 of us. we were walking not saying anything to them and they stepped infront of us. Very sad. saw 2 guys get arrested. If some of you don't know SD is a big college town, and being so close to mexico, you get alot of gangs and crap. I lost all respect for chager fans. You woulda thought this was some type of rivalry or something. anyways go cowboys
Hey rat!

I am going to SF as well. I was gonna head to oakland, but after the SD game I felt it wasnt a good idea. I get hot headed so I run my mouth. I stayed at 2 beers the whole game, bc I just wanted to enjoy it! where did you sit? we were at V5 10 rows up on the 40 yrd libe. between the chefs and radas flags
Cowboystar17 said:
and being so close to mexico, you get alot of gangs and crap.

What a bunch of BS man, there are a lot of latinos in SD and there were a lot of thugs each team including raider fans.
I am not saying there isnt bro. I was just stating a fact. I use to visit my lady every weekend down in sd. But I was amazed yesterday at the amount of thugs. simple as that. and most just happened to be latino.
Cowboystar17 said:
I am not saying there isnt bro. I was just stating a fact. I use to visit my lady every weekend down in sd. But I was amazed yesterday at the amount of thugs. simple as that. and most just happened to be latino.

Yes i know that but you are saying as if they all just crossed the border to come to the chargers game and infact there arent that many Chargers fans down here.

There were alot of latino cowboys fans and alot in the section we were (behind the cowboys bench) there was a cowboys fan just cursing at everything and i was ready to goafter him if he started something with my brother who is a chargers fan.

There are latinos all over California incase you didnt know.
Ya I noticed. I live in valencia. Well sucks for the chagers, but I remember coming down for the last game dallas played the chargers in sd, and I dont remember it being that bad. Point is I am not going to oakland, because If it was this bad down there it will be twice as bad in oak. When I was living in dallas and would go to the games it was fun, not a bunch of BS. I thought for the most part dallas fan were respectful
TD22 said:
"Bottom line -- The Chargers blew it and the Cowboys fans had a reason to be happy about the first of their three wins this season."
So I'm guessing he's just expecting us to beat the Chargers and then the Commanders twice then?
Guys, in general, the folks on the Chargers board were pretty decent after the loss. I saw no complaining about penalties, etc. They were talking about what their team did wrong. I give them a lot of credit. If you compare them to what is going on at the Skins site, you will appreciate the difference.

One thing....I did see some posts about bandwagon Cowboy fans showing up and taking 25,000-30,000 of their seats. First off, if there are any fans that should be on the bandwagon, it''s the Chargers. I told them if not for their bandwagoners, there probably would have been more Cowboy fans than Chargers there. And why they think Cowboy fans are bandwagoners after our recent history is beyond me. Four out of 5 years at 6-10 or worse shakes every bandwagoner off the cart.
One thing....I did see some posts about bandwagon Cowboy fans showing up and taking 25,000-30,000 of their seats. First off, if there are any fans that should be on the bandwagon, it''s the Chargers. I told them if not for their bandwagoners, there probably would have been more Cowboy fans than Chargers there. And why they think Cowboy fans are bandwagoners after our recent history is beyond me. Four out of 5 years at 6-10 or worse shakes every bandwagoner off the cart.

Call me crazy but I think the Cowboys are a little more popular nationaly and even internationaly. ;)
HardHittin'Witten said:
"Stay classy, San Diego."

He could have used the other line Ron Burgandy uses from the teleprompter. :D

or how bout that other line "go **** yourself San Diego" :laugh2:
they should thank all the Boys fans for saving them from a local Blackout of the game. Our fans made it possible for all their fans to watch from the comfort of their homes
TD22 said:
I read this at the "Official San Diego Chargers Forum"......


Cowboys Fans Vs. Raiders Fans

However, contrary to some others in this forum, I wouldn't say they were even close to as lame as Raiders fans. The Raider Nation typically runs about 95% ioditic/weekend pass/derelict types. The Cowboys fans were maybe pushing 60% (at best) in my opinion.

Hell, one of them even called off a fellow Cowboys fan who tried to cut in the bathroom line. If those were Raiders fans, they would have exchanged gang signs and patted each other on their neck tattoos while heckling everybody behind them.

Bottom line -- The Chargers blew it and the Cowboys fans had a reason to be happy about the first of their three wins this season."

Now here is a fair minded individual......Not!

Guess I should think he's just being like this just because they lost, but I lean to the side that would think he is just a fool!

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