I got robbed for Christmas - literally

Sorry to hear about your misfortune, I saw a talk show once that had an ex-burgular, his advice was that thieves like to be in and out of the place within 90-120 seconds. So when they're in they go for the most obvious places, jewelry boxes, top drawer of the dresser, master bedroom closets, etc. Basically his advice was to hide valuables in the oddest places, that way the thief will come in, get frustrated and leave.
CowboysPrincess said:
While I was gone for Christmas, I was robbed. I got back from my sisters just before the game yesterday. I had left my car home cuz it had been running bad and I didn't want to get stuck somewhere and had hitched a ride with my folks... I got in my car a little while ago to go to the store, went to put my Boston CD on and my stereo was gone! I went into my townhouse to get the SN info for the police and it turns out that they got into my townhouse through the back patio too... All total, I lost... 30 CD's in a case, CD Car Stereo, 1 laptop, a jewelry box w/ 1 diamond and ruby heart pendant and worst of all... mine and my late husbands Wedding rings and my lock box with birth certificates, death certificates, etc...

The good news.... The didn't get my Boston CD.... :)

I'm ready for the new year now... 2004 can take a flying leap....

With all the animosity that has passed between us, this might not mean a lot to you, but I'm deeply sorry that your holidays were ruined that way...

I understand completely that what you miss the most is not the material things, but rather your MEMORIES... there is no worse thief than the one that tries to steal your past from you...

Permit me to express the hope that the coming year is much, much kinder to you... with any luck at all, you won't have to deal with so many jerks like me...
silverbear said:
With all the animosity that has passed between us, this might not mean a lot to you, but I'm deeply sorry that your holidays were ruined that way...

I understand completely that what you miss the most is not the material things, but rather your MEMORIES... there is no worse thief than the one that tries to steal your past from you...

Permit me to express the hope that the coming year is much, much kinder to you... with any luck at all, you won't have to deal with so many jerks like me...

Thank you SB. You hit the nail on the head. It's not the material worth of the items that I'll miss, it's the memories that can never be recaptured by replacing them.

And I hope I have a lot of "jerks" like you and others to deal with in 2005. BTW... I never thought you were a "jerk"...I like conversing with people that are passionate in their thoughts and feelings.

Happy New Year SB.. I look forward to debating you in 2005 :)

And thank you everyone for your kind words and understanding.

Oh... They recovered the diamond/ruby heart pendant and my late husbands fishing poles at a pawn shop.. so, we got a few of the memories back.
Princess, I'm sorry to hear of your situation. Not much any of us can do for you other then to say, I hope 2005 brings you good fortune and replaces your losses 10 fold. Not much but heart felt.

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