I had not realized this about the Giants!


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Like everyone touting their miraculous turnaround, I thought they were a much improved team and would be really tough for the Cowboys to beat at home. Then I got wind of who they have played in the last 4 games. Guys, they are beating teams that would have trouble beating most top 10 college teams. Their last 4 games have been against the jets, falcons, 49ers, and dolphins. Thats 4 of the worst 7 teams in the league with a combined 5 wins between them. 25 other NFL teams would slice through that schedule 4-0 just as easily. I'm not saying they are not a good team, but they haven't faced a tough opponent since week 1 and 2 where they did not look like some great powerhouse team. I'm sorry, but I'm not impressed when a team goes on a run by beating the worst teams in the league week after week. I know they can only play their schedule but they are being way over-hyped based on who they have played the last 4 weeks. Personally, I don't think they are battle tested enough to handle whats coming this Sunday.


Nikola Tesla
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i hear ya

but this is an NFC east battle... unpredictable

but i still feel their defense will get exposed unless the offense decides not to show up in this game.. all the giants have done is make excuses of why they got torched the first two games of the season.

im more concerned with our defense


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Cowboys22;1751835 said:
Like everyone touting their miraculous turnaround, I thought they were a much improved team and would be really tough for the Cowboys to beat at home. Then I got wind of who they have played in the last 4 games. Guys, they are beating teams that would have trouble beating most top 10 college teams. Their last 4 games have been against the jets, falcons, 49ers, and dolphins. Thats 4 of the worst 7 teams in the league with a combined 5 wins between them. 25 other NFL teams would slice through that schedule 4-0 just as easily. I'm not saying they are not a good team, but they haven't faced a tough opponent since week 1 and 2 where they did not look like some great powerhouse team. I'm sorry, but I'm not impressed when a team goes on a run by beating the worst teams in the league week after week. I know they can only play their schedule but they are being way over-hyped based on who they have played the last 4 weeks. Personally, I don't think they are battle tested enough to handle whats coming this Sunday.

Here's the bad news-they're healthy, rested, the coaches had an extra week to prepare, the Meadowlands crowd will be VERY hostile, they're going to want revenge after that wk1 loss.

You have some valid pts, but by kickoff, it could be all moot.:(

Cowboy from New York

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Their o-line has played well all year including against us and Eli's short drops negated our pass rush the 1st time. My big concern against them would be turnovers firts ofcourse. 2nd would be if they get the running game going. Eli has been terrible but hasnt lit it up like he did week one so I'd like to take our chances against him mostly.


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BoysRule2;1751841 said:
Here's the bad news-they're healthy, rested, the coaches had an extra week to prepare, the Meadowlands crowd will be VERY hostile, they're going to want revenge after that wk1 loss.

You have some valid pts, but by kickoff, it could be all moot.:(

They are 4-14 lifetime coming off the bye. I'm not saying this will be an easy game at all. NFC East battles rarely are. My point is that people are hyping the crap out of the giants but they have been beating up on the absolute worst teams in the league for the past 4 games. Our last 4 opponents are all better then their last 4, we have a better record, we beat them, and we are heathier and have more experience in a new scheme just like them, yet everyone seems to want to say they are the better team. I just don't get it and its my opinion that their recent soft schedule is going to hurt them on Sunday as it gets later in the game.


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BoysRule2;1751841 said:
Here's the bad news-they're healthy, rested, the coaches had an extra week to prepare, the Meadowlands crowd will be VERY hostile, they're going to want revenge after that wk1 loss.

You have some valid pts, but by kickoff, it could be all moot.:(
Why are you so negative? It seems every time you post in threads pertaining to Giants, you act like we are destined to lose. :confused:


This is a house of learned doctors
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If the Defense gets pressure on Eli and forces him to throw up some of those wounded Ducks, then this will be another 10 point Victory. There should be much more pressure this time around with Ellis starting and our DBs healthy for the first time this year.


Nikola Tesla
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Joe Rod;1751892 said:
If the Defense gets pressure on Eli and forces him to throw up some of those wounded Ducks, then this will be another 10 point Victory. There should be much more pressure this time around with Ellis starting and our DBs healthy for the first time this year.

Yes but we have to stop their running game..

They live off the play-action

If they cant establish the run they cant pass


This is a house of learned doctors
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94WARE94;1751894 said:
Yes but we have to stop their running game..

They live off the play-action

If they cant establish the run they cant pass

They'll probably get decent yardage in the run game, I don't think that will be shut down 100%. They are going to score some points, but I don't think it will be enough to keep up. Their Defense is overhyped.


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The thing is... they haven't even been really impressive in those games. I'll never argue someone playing their schedule but they didn't really appear dominant in those games especially the Miami game.


Regular Joe....
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The only thing that really worries me about that team is there running game. If we stop that, we beat the Giants, no problem.

There defense is not great IMO. Everybody touts them as the best pass defense, best pass rush in the NFL yadda...yadda. To me, there not all that great. There run defense is average at best, IMO. You look at the sack numbers they put up and it looks impressive but without a 12 sack game against an undermaned OL in Philly, they come back to the back real quick. There pass defense is ranked 9th over all in the NFL but you figure, teams are not trying to pass against NY. There running the ball because they are not very good at defending the run. We are ranked 17th against the pass but our defense is actually much better then that against the pass. NY is giving up 6.5 YPC defensively. We are giving up 6.4. We are tied for 6th in the NFL with NE, with NYG just behind us. The difference is the number of times teams are trying to pass against us vs the number of passes NY is seeing. NYG defense has given up 12 TDs against the pass, we have given up 12 TDs against the pass. The big differentiator here is that they have not seen NE yet. Tom hung 5 on us. As yet, NY has not had the pleasure. Honestly, there run defense is horrible thus far. Here are the breakouts of what they have given up in the rush game to this point.
* reflects NFL Offensive Rushing rank

Dallas 142 Yds/4.7 YPC/2 TDs *10th
GB (who can't rush the ball to save there lives) 83 Yds/2.9/2 TDs *32nd
Wash 82 Yds/3.0 YPC/1 TD *9th
Philly 114 Yds/5.0 YPC/0 TDs *14th
Jets 55 Yds/2.2 YPC/0 TDs *22nd
Atlanta 103 Yds/6.9 YPC/1 TD *20th
SF 103 Yds/5.7 YPC/0 TDs *26th
Fins 126 Yds/4.8 YPC/0 TDs *12th

Now, the effort against Washington was a good one but there playing the run all the way in that came, putting it on a young Campbell to win it. The Jets game was a good showing but it's against a pretty poor rushing team. Hey, there giving up 4.2 per carry, on average, for the year. I just don't think that defense is a as good as everybody tries to make it out to be.


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Another thing to consider is that Eli plays worse at home and Romo plays better on the road.


Optimist Prime
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Funny, when we were beating the hell outta the bottom-feeders the media gave Dallas no love but now as NYG have feasted off of them "they're the best team in the NFC"! No respect, I tell ya, no respect!! We'll EARN that respect Sunday, though!


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Why are we to think that the 'boys don't wade in there and, for lack of a better, more descriptive phrase (trying to keep it clean)...ravage Eli and company?? I'm quite sure that they are up for the Giants just as much as the Giants are for us. I personally feel like they get manhandled this time. They managed several points the last time against our D when the players were learning a new twist on the Wade-34. Not likely to happen this time. As stated before, we now have a (for the most part) healthy Defense and the offense couldn't look much better....I'd like to know why all the naysayers feel like we're the underdog here???? Don't give me the NFC east match-up crude...we all know a division game is important...regardless of the division. Show me some real reasons to feel like we're supposed to quiver and bite our fingernails.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
If the Cowboys beat the Giants, I really think that they will sweep the NFCE this year like they did that year when (what's his name?) was the coach.

What was his name? :bang2:


Well-Known Member
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I don't see why people feel the need to down play the Giants. They fought us pretty hard last time and I would expect the same thing this time around. I don't think this will be a high scoring game like last time but this is no walk in the park.


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Doomsday101;1751993 said:
I don't see why people feel the need to down play the Giants. They fought us pretty hard last time and I would expect the same thing this time around. I don't think this will be a high scoring game like last time but this is no walk in the park.

Because they are being soo over-hyped for beating the jets, falcons, 49ers, and dolphins. All 4 of those teams are in the bottom 10% of the league yet the giants get a ton of credit for the winning streak. Like I said in my original post, I don't think they are a bad team or that beating them will be easy, but I do feel that the Cowboys are the better team and should win. It seems that losing to the pats has downgraded the Cowboys in some peoples eyes while the giants continue to be elevated by beating the worst teams in the league. That was my point.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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BoysRule2;1751841 said:
Here's the bad news-they're healthy, rested, the coaches had an extra week to prepare, the Meadowlands crowd will be VERY hostile, they're going to want revenge after that wk1 loss.

You have some valid pts, but by kickoff, it could be all moot.:(

Historically the NYFG are, I believe, 4-13 after the bye week...


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
To win 6 games straight in the NFL is an accomplishment. No Matter what team is the opponent or how bad they are.
This will be a tough hard fought game. I thought the Eagles would be also, but it doesn't mean this will be as easy.