I had not realized this about the Giants!


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Cowboys22;1752008 said:
Because they are being soo over-hyped for beating the jets, falcons, 49ers, and dolphins. All 4 of those teams are in the bottom 10% of the league yet the giants get a ton of credit for the winning streak. Like I said in my original post, I don't think they are a bad team or that beating them will be easy, but I do feel that the Cowboys are the better team and should win. It seems that losing to the pats has downgraded the Cowboys in some peoples eyes while the giants continue to be elevated by beating the worst teams in the league. That was my point.

They may be over hyped because they are 6-2 and the 3rd best record in the NFC with a 6 game win streak regardless of who they played. They played 6 NFL teams and won. I do think this is a game we should win because I think our overall talent is better. As far as the Cowboys being down graded I really have not seen that, many are still saying Dallas is the best in the NFC. I have heard some say that the Giants will be considered the best if they win this game.


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Doomsday101;1752023 said:
They may be over hyped because they are 6-2 and the 3rd best record in the NFC with a 6 game win streak regardless of who they played. They played 6 NFL teams and won. I do think this is a game we should win because I think our overall talent is better. As far as the Cowboys being down graded I really have not seen that, many are still saying Dallas is the best in the NFC. I have heard some say that the Giants will be considered the best if they win this game.

Did you hear Troy Aikman on with the Musers this morning. He said Dallas should be considered up there with NE & Indy. If Dallas would play NE again, Dallas could win. And Dallas doesn't get any credit for playing as well as they did. Also if Dallas played Indy, he would give them a chance to win. Just as if the Indy / NE were the same situation, up 20 - 10 in another game, Indy would probably hold on to win.
But I do agree with your post, they won 6 in a row and that is a sign of a good team. A good team is supposed to win those games. No matter what or how, they are wins. I think we should win this game also. But look at the Bufflao game. Troy also said, if Tony Romo would have anothe 5 pick game, we would lose that game if played again.
I guess I am saying anything can happen, but we are starting to be considered an elite team, not just best in the NFC. According to Troy anyway. And we know he's not a homer.


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jazzcat22;1752046 said:
Did you hear Troy Aikman on with the Musers this morning. He said Dallas should be considered up there with NE & Indy. If Dallas would play NE again, Dallas could win. And Dallas doesn't get any credit for playing as well as they did. Also if Dallas played Indy, he would give them a chance to win. Just as if the Indy / NE were the same situation, up 20 - 10 in another game, Indy would probably hold on to win.
But I do agree with your post, they won 6 in a row and that is a sign of a good team. A good team is supposed to win those games. No matter what or how, they are wins. I think we should win this game also. But look at the Bufflao game. Troy also said, if Tony Romo would have anothe 5 pick game, we would lose that game if played again.
I guess I am saying anything can happen, but we are starting to be considered an elite team, not just best in the NFC. According to Troy anyway. And we know he's not a homer.

I agree. At 7-1 I think we have the right to say we are the 2nd best in the NFL right now after all last time I checked the Colts were 7-1 just as we are. As for the Pats I hope we do get another chance to play them.


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Doomsday101;1752056 said:
I agree. At 7-1 I think we have the right to say we are the 2nd best in the NFL right now after all last time I checked the Colts were 7-1 just as we are. As for the Pats I hope we do get another chance to play them.

I think the Pats can claim the best. I personally don't believe they are the best but they have beaten both Indy and us. I don't think the Cowboys can claim they are second. We hung in with NE but we got beat. Indy actually had them beat and chocked. Indy was not at full strenght offensively and because of these two factors, I'd say that they are the lagit #2 in the NFL right now. The one that gets me is Pittsburgh or NY or whomever else at #3. I think that we can and should be considered the #3 team in the league right now. To me, no question but hey, you always have somebody out there that doesn't agree so............


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You are so right, and it is funny how the media cannot focus on that.....if it was us, they sure would tell about it.


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ABQCOWBOY;1752073 said:
I think the Pats can claim the best. I personally don't believe they are the best but they have beaten both Indy and us. I don't think the Cowboys can claim they are second. We hung in with NE but we got beat. Indy actually had them beat and chocked. Indy was not at full strenght offensively and because of these two factors, I'd say that they are the lagit #2 in the NFL right now. The one that gets me is Pittsburgh or NY or whomever else at #3. I think that we can and should be considered the #3 team in the league right now. To me, no question but hey, you always have somebody out there that doesn't agree so............

I think we have as much right to claim it. Pats played a poor game with too many penalties and as far as injuries we were not at full strenght either. Bottom line to me is the Colts are 7-1 and Dallas is 7-1 that is the only fact that matters. This is not the BCS


Mick Green 58
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They are 0-2 against teams with a winning record.

All the teams in which they have defeated are 13-36.

I understand that they were learning a new defense, Michael Strahan was playing for the first time since the previous season and they put up 35 points on our defense.

Dallas is the better team. The only problem is that the best team doesn't always win.

- Mike G.


Mick Green 58
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Doomsday101;1752251 said:
I think we have as much right to claim it. Pats played a poor game with too many penalties and as far as injuries we were not at full strenght either. Bottom line to me is the Colts are 7-1 and Dallas is 7-1 that is the only fact that matters. This is not the BCS


The cool thing about it is that Dallas will literally get to prove that they are the best in the NFC in the regular season on the field.

I believe Goose Gosselin said that out of the 5 teams with winning records in the NFC, we get to play 4 of them. I have not checked this claim but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.


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5Stars;1751985 said:
If the Cowboys beat the Giants, I really think that they will sweep the NFCE this year like they did that year when (what's his name?) was the coach.

What was his name? :bang2:

Come on you can think of it. He is coach at Ga. Tech now. You can do it.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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5Stars;1751985 said:
If the Cowboys beat the Giants, I really think that they will sweep the NFCE this year like they did that year when (what's his name?) was the coach.

What was his name? :bang2:

Rockytop6;1752293 said:
Come on you can think of it. He is coach at Ga. Tech now. You can do it.

Strange but true, that was the first time in the history of the NFC that a team went undefeated in the division. Philly did it since I think...

I was at that iggle game when we clenched it...


Regular Joe....
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Doomsday101;1752251 said:
I think we have as much right to claim it. Pats played a poor game with too many penalties and as far as injuries we were not at full strenght either. Bottom line to me is the Colts are 7-1 and Dallas is 7-1 that is the only fact that matters. This is not the BCS

No, it's not and we are not the defending World Champs. As far as I am concerned, Indy is the 2nd best team in the NFL until somebody other then NE can beat them.


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ABQCOWBOY;1752468 said:
No, it's not and we are not the defending World Champs. As far as I am concerned, Indy is the 2nd best team in the NFL until somebody other then NE can beat them.

That's fine. I know we can beat the colts and did last season as far as the colts being the world champs yes they are and they are currently 7-1 as are the Cowboys and I don't think we take a backseat to them.

Chuck 54

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Most teams coming off the bye week are a little slow to get started, especially on offense. This is a great week to get another fast start on offense, like last week....that would put their team under a lot of early pressure and take them out of the running game.


Regular Joe....
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Doomsday101;1752473 said:
That's fine. I know we can beat the colts and did last season as far as the colts being the world champs yes they are and they are currently 7-1 as are the Cowboys and I don't think we take a backseat to them.

But they take a backseat to us? Sorry, I don't buy that. You beat the Champs before you can say your better then they are. At least, that's how I look at it. Your entitled to yours but that's not how I look at it.


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ABQCOWBOY;1752486 said:
But they take a backseat to us? Sorry, I don't buy that. You beat the Champs before you can say your better then they are. At least, that's how I look at it. Your entitled to yours but that's not how I look at it.

It is opinion. Do I think head to head Dallas can beat the colts yes I do. If someone says the Colts would win then again it is opinion. Right now the Colts are no better off than Dallas is both are 7-1 the rest is nothing but opinion.


Regular Joe....
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Doomsday101;1752505 said:
It is opinion. Do I think head to head Dallas can beat the colts yes I do. If someone says the Colts would win then again it is opinion. Right now the Colts are no better off than Dallas is both are 7-1 the rest is nothing but opinion.

If we are talking about Opinion, I think the Colts are the best team in Football. When they have all there pieces and we have all ours, I think they will still be the best team in Football. I think that if we get another chance to play the Pats, we can beat them. I think that if the Colts meet them again, the Colts will beat them. Do we have a chance to beat the Cotls? Yes, I think we have a chance but I think they are a better team then we are top to bottom. I guess thats why they play them.

However, opinion is different then where I would rank them right now. I rank them on what they've done thus far in the season.

Thus far, I'd have to rank the as Pats 1#, Colts 2# and Cowboys 3#. I just think that the Colts have done more, thus far then we have. Tougher schedule, IMO. Defensively, they are ranked higher then we are. Offensively, we are just a little bit higher. I do put stock in how they played New England. I think they had them beat and let it slip away. I think we were beaten by New England in the 1st quarter and hung in but were never really in a position to win. That's just how I see it at this point.


The Funcooker
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94WARE94;1751839 said:
i hear ya

but this is an NFC east battle... unpredictable

but i still feel their defense will get exposed unless the offense decides not to show up in this game.. all the giants have done is make excuses of why they got torched the first two games of the season.

im more concerned with our defense
Agreed. Anytime NFC East teams meet up, no matter who, you throw away the their record, where they stand in the division and conference, who they've beat and every other stat. It's always a fight.


The Funcooker
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The build up was...Dallas was just the WAAAY better team.


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Cowboys22;1751835 said:
Like everyone touting their miraculous turnaround, I thought they were a much improved team and would be really tough for the Cowboys to beat at home. Then I got wind of who they have played in the last 4 games. Guys, they are beating teams that would have trouble beating most top 10 college teams. Their last 4 games have been against the jets, falcons, 49ers, and dolphins. Thats 4 of the worst 7 teams in the league with a combined 5 wins between them. 25 other NFL teams would slice through that schedule 4-0 just as easily. I'm not saying they are not a good team, but they haven't faced a tough opponent since week 1 and 2 where they did not look like some great powerhouse team. I'm sorry, but I'm not impressed when a team goes on a run by beating the worst teams in the league week after week. I know they can only play their schedule but they are being way over-hyped based on who they have played the last 4 weeks. Personally, I don't think they are battle tested enough to handle whats coming this Sunday.

Yeah, their wins aren't impressive.

It is difficult to know how good they are.

One thing about beating up on a several weaker teams in a row .... sometimes teams build momentum and confidence against these lesser teams, and in the process, actually become pretty darn good.

That's something that needs to be factored in too, IMO.