I had not realized this about the Giants!

Tom [Giants fan]

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The Cowboys needed a late TD to salt the game away in Dallas to beat the Giants when they were playing their worse football. Why isn't that being discussed? What makes Cowboy fans so confident that they are going to beat the Giants handily now in Giants stadium? I'm not saying the Cowboys won't win but it seems like a lot here are assuming a win.


Dem Boyz
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Tom [Giants fan];1753034 said:
The Cowboys needed a late TD to salt the game away in Dallas to beat the Giants when they were playing their worse football. Why isn't that being discussed? What makes Cowboy fans so confident that they are going to beat the Giants handily now in Giants stadium? I'm not saying the Cowboys won't win but it seems like a lot here are assuming a win.

Says a giants fan.. :lmao:


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Tom [Giants fan];1753034 said:
The Cowboys needed a late TD to salt the game away in Dallas to beat the Giants when they were playing their worse football. Why isn't that being discussed? What makes Cowboy fans so confident that they are going to beat the Giants handily now in Giants stadium? I'm not saying the Cowboys won't win but it seems like a lot here are assuming a win.
cause we beat you guys in the 1st meeting when our defense also played like crap. the hype around your defense will be tested facing a good offense and a great o-line. just a few points to try and answer your question. i think it will be a close game though.

hey Tom, do you know carl?


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Tom [Giants fan];1753034 said:
The Cowboys needed a late TD to salt the game away in Dallas to beat the Giants when they were playing their worse football. Why isn't that being discussed? What makes Cowboy fans so confident that they are going to beat the Giants handily now in Giants stadium? I'm not saying the Cowboys won't win but it seems like a lot here are assuming a win.

It was also Manning's best game far and away...

He has regressed since then. Remember we weren't full strength on defense either...

It should be a good game...


Dem Boyz
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trickblue;1753049 said:
It was also Manning's best game far and away...

He has regressed since then. Remember we weren't full strength on defense either...

It should be a good game...

That's another great point.. Now we are healthy and no way in hell should we give up any big plays this sunday.


just trying to get better
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trickblue;1753049 said:
It was also Manning's best game far and away...

He has regressed since then. Remember we weren't full strength on defense either...

That's a great point about Manning.


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Tom [Giants fan];1753034 said:
The Cowboys needed a late TD to salt the game away in Dallas to beat the Giants when they were playing their worse football. Why isn't that being discussed? What makes Cowboy fans so confident that they are going to beat the Giants handily now in Giants stadium? I'm not saying the Cowboys won't win but it seems like a lot here are assuming a win.
You normally post logical posts but this is really dumb and being a homer.

Our D was missing some of our stater as well but I guess it only applies to your team. So you put up 35 points on us, so what? We put up 45 on your team.

This is a Cowboys board, of couse we think our team is better and will win, just like your board members think your team is better and win.

Since your excuse is injury, I guess your team didn't do a good job of have decent backups like us, oh wait, our injuries doesn't matter, only yours.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Cowboy from New York;1751844 said:
Their o-line has played well all year

And yet, they rank 15th in total offense, at 334.0 yards per game, and 19th in yards per play, at 5.2... they're 10th in third down conversion percentage, at 44 per cent... basically, they are a middle of the pack offense, not particularly good, not particularly bad...

If their offensive line really had played as well as you claim, those numbers would not be that completely mediocre...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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ABQCOWBOY;1751937 said:
The only thing that really worries me about that team is there running game.

Other than one 44 yard run by Ward, the Giants gained 80 yards on 21 attempts against the Boys in that season opener... and that was with us losing our run-stuffing nose tackle early on...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Tom [Giants fan];1753034 said:
The Cowboys needed a late TD to salt the game away

The Cowboys took the lead in the 2nd quarter, and never relinquished it... they didn't "need" that late TD, they were ahead at the time... every time the Giants tried to make a run, the Boys answered them back...

to beat the Giants when they were playing their worse football.

And of course, the Cowboys had nothing to do with you guys playing your "worse football"... LOL...

What makes Cowboy fans so confident that they are going to beat the Giants handily now in Giants stadium?

Gee, maybe I'm confident that my team is BETTER than yours...

I'm not saying the Cowboys won't win but it seems like a lot here are assuming a win.

It surprises you that a Cowboys message board is pro-Cowboys??

Did you know the word "naive" is not in the dictionary?? :D


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Tom [Giants fan];1753034 said:
The Cowboys needed a late TD to salt the game away in Dallas to beat the Giants when they were playing their worse football. Why isn't that being discussed? What makes Cowboy fans so confident that they are going to beat the Giants handily now in Giants stadium? I'm not saying the Cowboys won't win but it seems like a lot here are assuming a win.

The Cowboy defense has improved vastly since then, just as the Giants defense has and our offense has maintained itself, which the Giants offense has not.

In addition, the Cowboys have Newman, Ellis and Tank Johnson on defense now and did not in the first game which was also in a new defensive system (just as the media likes to point out about the Giants).

Dallas will win this game handily unless they get the turnover bug.


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Tom [Giants fan];1753034 said:
The Cowboys needed a late TD to salt the game away in Dallas to beat the Giants when they were playing their worse football. Why isn't that being discussed? What makes Cowboy fans so confident that they are going to beat the Giants handily now in Giants stadium? I'm not saying the Cowboys won't win but it seems like a lot here are assuming a win.

We're assuming we'll win because we think our team is better than the Giants. We're confident in our teams abilities and don't believe the Giants hold up well against us.

If we end up losing, it'll be a surprise to most all of us I'm sure.

ghosttown cowboy

Wyoming's #1 boys fan
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I just got thru watching the replay of last years 1st gints game. I don't think Romo was sacked one time, just like the 2nd game in the Meadowlands last year and the 1st game this year. The gints cant get to Romo, and now that he has had a few games under his belt, he won't make the same mistakes that he made his first time playing, mainly 3 picks. All I have heard this week is how Osi and Gap Tooth are going to sack Romo all night, I just don't see it. Tiki scared me more than Jacobs, Tiki could beat our guys to the outside, BJ can't, he is an in between the tackles runner, and if we can hold AD to 63 yards we can hold this chump. I guess their red jerseys are their yearly Cowboy jerseys, because they never wear them unless they are playing us, at least I can't recall them wearing them. The only offensive person that scares me is Plax, he seems to beat us deep or get 3 TDs everytime they play us. I wish he was still a Steeler. I am starting to hate the gints more than the deadskins.


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I could see them attempting to keep him in the pocket, but I wish them luck. If their ends can't pin their ears back and come after him, but have to hold their lanes? I think our tackles will be fine once they're engaged. It's the speed around the edge that worries me.

Playing lanes will lower the speed edge that they might have on our tackles.

Yet another advantage of a mobile QB.


When Jerry, when?
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BoysRule2;1751841 said:
Here's the bad news-they're healthy, rested, the coaches had an extra week to prepare, the Meadowlands crowd will be VERY hostile, they're going to want revenge after that wk1 loss.

You have some valid pts, but by kickoff, it could be all moot.:(

I think that the Cowboys have displayed some very different looks this year, both on offense and defense.

This makes it hard to prepare against them. Some games TO is in motion, other games he has not been in motion. Some games the RBs have been very active in the passing game, and others they haven't. Crayton was really featured in some games, others he hasn't played much of a role. Hurd was a factor early on, and now has disappeared.

Barber was the second half and red zone runner, and now he shares plays with Jones the whole game, even putting Jones in the game on red zone plays.

The Cowboys have used a no huddle offense, and then went away from it.

The Giants brain trust has to come with a myriad of defenses for this kind of attack.

Then last week we saw a whole new look on defense, with 6 DBs in the game. That was pretty effective against McNabb. I look for something new this week with Johnson being more of a nose tackle type.

I realize that on any given Sunday..........but I'm not sweating bullets this Sunday.