I Hate Mike Pereira

After the Beasley touchdown did everyone hear what he said?

He was trying to argue that Beasley's catch could be overruled and not be a touch down. And he tried to point out why.

I think he has some bias against the Cowboys. He just seems his calls seems to work against us.

He's part of the NFL Cabal and sticking up for the crappy rules that don't make sense. e.g. Runner breaks plane by extending ball and loses it ( correct me if I'm wrong) TD. WR does same thing, he argues " in the process of the catch"

Weasel words ... Should be running for office :):):)
Pererra is a waste of air time.
Also Brenamman is such an improvement over Buck since he's not the drama queen like both Buck and Pererra. It's like they are trying add some intrigue and controversy to what is a live sporting event that needs no other outside distraction. They need to let the game play out and just announce what's happening, nothing more.
Pererra is a waste of air time.
Also Brenamman is such an improvement over Buck since he's not the drama queen like both Buck and Pererra. It's like they are trying add some intrigue and controversy to what is a live sporting event that needs no other outside distraction. They need to let the game play out and just announce what's happening, nothing more.

Agree. Even though this turned out to be a big Cowboys win, there wasn't that aura of bashing going on that Buck brings. Aikman also seemed to be much better just calling the game, and pointing out the QB perspective of what was happening.
I loved it.

It showed how screwed up the NFL and how Blandino spearheaded the rule being changed so it is so ambiguous and nonsensical that you can't take him with a grain of salt.

The old rule was simple. If the player catches the ball and the ball comes loose as he goes to the ground...if he advances the ball in any form or fashion, it's a catch.

Now, they have completely screwed up the rule and arrogantly think that they made the rule better while everybody at home thinks they are morons who don't know what they are talking about.

I actually long for the days before instant replay. Fewer ads, shorter games, and none of these former refs on TV.

No way a video tech like Blandino should have this much power. He has never officiated a game on the field. Also, these former refs should be sent to a sunny beach home far away from the games.
After the Beasley touchdown did everyone hear what he said?

He was trying to argue that Beasley's catch could be overruled and not be a touch down. And he tried to point out why.

I think he has some bias against the Cowboys. He just seems his calls seems to work against us.

I don't think he hates the Cowboys just viewing the rule that still seems questionable. I see him in many other games and is just giving some insight on the interpretation of the rules on any given play.
NFL ratings are down, we'll get better calls now.

This is the truth. Having the Panthers and Seahawks in the Super Bowl is all fun and games until the ratings drop. Then the NFL wises up and goes back to supporting the big market teams.
I think he has some bias against the Cowboys. He just seems his calls seems to work against us.

Please what? I'm not some paranoid fan who thinks everyone is out to get us. lol
Pereira is giving a view of any given play in all the games he is working. This notion he is somehow bias against the Cowboys that deserves a "Please"
I am past it. Doesn't chNge the fact that there SHOULD be consistency in what makes a catch

I agree. I blame the competition committee who does this crap of making rule changes. Refs catch the heat but it is the committee who puts these vague rules together and leaves it to the interpretation of the crew working the games.
If Dez' catch wasn't a catch, neither was that one.

They were both catches.
After the Beasley touchdown did everyone hear what he said?

He was trying to argue that Beasley's catch could be overruled and not be a touch down. And he tried to point out why.

I think he has some bias against the Cowboys. He just seems his calls seems to work against us.

It was a fair point. Dez actually made more of a move toward the goal line in the playoff game than Beasley did. Dez took three steps while falling forward and reached out for the goal line. Beasley took two steps while falling forward and reached out for the goal line. I wouldn't have been surprised if it had been overturned although Beasley was clearly trying to score instead of just going to the ground ... just like Dez was.
After the Beasley touchdown did everyone hear what he said?

He was trying to argue that Beasley's catch could be overruled and not be a touch down. And he tried to point out why.

I think he has some bias against the Cowboys. He just seems his calls seems to work against us.

I thoroughly enjoyed it all. In pregame, Pieira was on Fox, trying to pretend the rule was now simplified, "going to the ground" and "in the opinion of of the official, held the ball long enough" "pretty obvious now"
Then, during the game, I realized the Beasley catch was ripe for a robbery. Pieria was adamant, right after the play, that his Fox pregame conclusion was cut and dry. I just laughed so hard when the ref concluded. "AFTER THE REVIEW, the ruling on the field stands, TOUCHDOWN."

Take that, Pieria and Blandino... you still can't write the rule to mean what you have kicking around in your heads. So, if you cannot write it, you cannot evenly apply it. And I'm not helping you.

Those clowns looked even more like clowns yesterday, it was perfect.
The problem, and it was pretty obvious by this guys attempt to explain why it might not be a catch, is that these guys clearly don't understand the difference between football moves (Like diving) and going to the ground as the process of the catch.

He was trying to act like Beasley catching it, turning, going forward, and diving was all the process of falling down, rather than a process of football moves.

These people are idiots.

In his defense, that's pretty much what Dez did, even switching the ball to one hand to reach out for the goal line, but it was overturned. He saw how that one was called and had reason to question if a similar decision would be made on Beasley's.
We really REALLY need to move on from the Dez catch/non-catch.

First, please refer to it as the Dez catch. We all know what you mean. Second, the PR job to cover up Blandino's tampering was the only thing they did with any competence. And finally, it is a HUGE deal to simply shrug your shoulders when the league takes a catch away without ANY justification in the rulebook. If the league will not follow their own rules during officiating, then every win becomes whimsical, and predetermined by the refs. It is too far to let the refs determine the outcome of the game.

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