Mr Cowboy;1650411 said:
We're good enough to be 2-0. Our defense hasn't been top notch, but I think we will get there.
Now if you want to play what ifs, what if TO hadn't dropped 3 passes. What if Ratliffe hadn't been held on that one TD. What if Crayton hadn't muffed that punt, he had a wide open field.
What if my aunt had balls......then he'd be my uncle.
None of those things happened, so let's enjoy the win, and look forward to improvements and a great season.
I like the "what if game" also.
1.We score on the first drive if TO catches the slant.
2.We score on two of those drives that we didn't score on, if we didn't get a ton of offensive penalties.
3.What if Henry had not dropped that interception that went straight thru his hands, there would be no 2nd TD for Miami, score would be 37 - 13
4. What if Hamlin catches the interception that bounced off both of his hands and right into the receivers hands for the touch down?
5. What if Newman had played?
6. What if Barber had started?
7. What if Terry Glenn had played?
8. What if Ellis had played?
9. What if the Herschel Walker trade had never happened?
10. What if Danny White could've won all 3 of those NFC championship games?
What if I had Jerry Jones' wallet?