I just became a fan of one Pittsburgh Steeler

providing you $16 million a year .
This is the only part I have an issue with. One's income is irrelevant, and ridiculous to use in justifying mistreatment. Someone can try to argue whether or not someone is really mistreated, but you can't tell someone you make a lot of money so take whatever abuse you think you and your people are getting.
That's your opinion not fact.... but now who is being the megalomaniac demanding his opinion be accepted as the truth? That would be you Fuzzy... hypocrisy at it's finest :D

His QB rating is what I gauge that by. I never demanded anything but I will say that when you try using my rhetoric back at me all it does is tell me that it worked the first time around.

It reminds me of when I was a child seeing some barb strike home and have the petulant reply of, "No, you are!" I read you in the same tones.

Do you disagree with the following seeing that this is what they are protesting for:

Police enjoy extra rights over the public that protect them from investigation and prosecution.
The standards for use of force need to be reformed.
Police do not receive near enough training.
There is an inherent conflict of interest in how police investigations and prosecutions are normally conducted.
Police policies like stop and frisk and broken windows are ineffective and disproportionately target minorities.
His QB rating is what I gauge that by. I never demanded anything but I will say that when you try using my rhetoric back at me all it does is tell me that it worked the first time around.

It reminds me of when I was a child seeing some barb strike home and have the petulant reply of, "No, you are!" I read you in the same tones.

Do you disagree with the following seeing that this is what they are protesting for:

Police enjoy extra rights over the public that protect them from investigation and prosecution.
The standards for use of force need to be reformed.
Police do not receive near enough training.
There is an inherent conflict of interest in how police investigations and prosecutions are normally conducted.
Police policies like stop and frisk and broken windows are ineffective and disproportionately target minorities.
:facepalm: Your insanity confirmed. Harassing me with this line of questioning after I've already addressed the bigger issue will net you no answers. I will report your harassment if you persist. Last warning.
:facepalm: Your insanity confirmed. Harassing me with this line of questioning after I've already addressed the bigger issue will net you no answers. I will report your harassment if you persist. Last warning.

By bigger issue you mean your strawman about what they are protesting right?

Do you disagree with the following seeing that this is what they are protesting for:

Police enjoy extra rights over the public that protect them from investigation and prosecution.
The standards for use of force need to be reformed.
Police do not receive near enough training.
There is an inherent conflict of interest in how police investigations and prosecutions are normally conducted.
Police policies like stop and frisk and broken windows are ineffective and disproportionately target minorities.
By bigger issue you mean your strawman about what they are protesting right?

Do you disagree with the following seeing that this is what they are protesting for:

Police enjoy extra rights over the public that protect them from investigation and prosecution.
The standards for use of force need to be reformed.
Police do not receive near enough training.
There is an inherent conflict of interest in how police investigations and prosecutions are normally conducted.
Police policies like stop and frisk and broken windows are ineffective and disproportionately target minorities.
Then what is it that you argued that was the bigger issue addressed?
What conditions must be met to make the protest stop? No blacks killed by cops? Never going to happen. Freedom of expression? Tell that to Tim Tebow who was told by the NFL to stop taking a knee or tell that the Dallas Cowboys who were denied the right to wear a decal on their helmet to show support for their fallen Dallas police officers. Freedom from having someone else idiology forced on you? Tell that to the bakers and florist being forced to participate in same sex weddings. The truth is there are no conditions that will ever pacify those taking a knee.
What conditions must be met to make the protest stop? No blacks killed by cops? Never going to happen. Freedom of expression? Tell that to Tim Tebow who was told by the NFL to stop taking a knee or tell that the Dallas Cowboys who were denied the right to wear a decal on their helmet to show support for their fallen Dallas police officers. Freedom from having someone else idiology forced on you? Tell that to the bakers and florist being forced to participate in same sex weddings. The truth is there are no conditions that will ever pacify those taking a knee.

Ahh the slippery slope argument.

Repeal LEBOR laws.
Review use of force standards.
End stop and frisk and broken windows policing.
Create independent investigative and prosecutorial bodies to deal with police misconduct.

That trend is already starting across the country. And exactly what ideology is being forced on you. You refuse to take an honest look at what is actually being protested.
Ahh the slippery slope argument.

Repeal LEBOR laws.
Review use of force standards.
End stop and frisk and broken windows policing.
Create independent investigative and prosecutorial bodies to deal with police misconduct.

That trend is already starting across the country. And exactly what ideology is being forced on you. You refuse to take an honest look at what is actually being protested.
The only thing I'm refusing is to indulge your foolishness. Michael Brown attacked a cop and got killed and then the false narrative began, "hands up, don't shoot". How many black folks have been killed by police and later found to be no fault of the police? It seems to be happening a lot. Police will kill you when you threaten them. That should be the lesson learned. Until that happens, black folks that continue to challenge the police will continue to die. It's a shame this lesson didn't sink into black society when Trayvon Martin got himself killed. But then again, some folks actually think a nightwatchmen should just take a beating.
The only thing I'm refusing is to indulge your foolishness. Michael Brown attacked a cop and got killed and then the false narrative began, "hands up, don't shoot". How many black folks have been killed by police and later found to be no fault of the police? It seems to be happening a lot. Police will kill you when you threaten them. That should be the lesson learned. Until that happens, black folks that continue to challenge the police will continue to die. It's a shame this lesson didn't sink into black society when Trayvon Martin got himself killed. But then again, some folks actually think a nightwatchmen should just take a beating.

I have no issue with how the Brown situation ended up after the DoJ investigation. That mockery of a GJ proceeding that the Ferguson DA oversaw was exactly what I was talking about with police and prosecutors policing themselves.

Trayvon Martin was all on the testimony of Zimmerman and inconclusive. I have no issue with presumption of innocence.

Gray, Rice, Garner, and others were a far different matter.

Either way that doesn't mean that police should get extra rights nor that the should be allowed to police themselves nor that the should be allowed to have terrible policy like broken windows or civil forfeiture nor that they need more training.
I have no issue with how the Brown situation ended up after the DoJ investigation. That mockery of a GJ proceeding that the Ferguson DA oversaw was exactly what I was talking about with police and prosecutors policing themselves.

Trayvon Martin was all on the testimony of Zimmerman and inconclusive. I have no issue with presumption of innocence.

Gray, Rice, Garner, and others were a far different matter.

Either way that doesn't mean that police should get extra rights nor that the should be allowed to police themselves nor that the should be allowed to have terrible policy like broken windows or civil forfeiture nor that they need more training.
So tell those grievances to the police guarding the stadium, not the fans or owners.
So tell those grievances to the police guarding the stadium, not the fans or owners.

The owners were standing with their players for the most part. Not all fans feel as you do. Sorry that the NFL is not the safe place you want it to be.
The owners were standing with their players for the most part. Not all fans feel as you do. Sorry that the NFL is not the safe place you want it to be.
What does that have to do with the kneelers not directing their protest to the proper audience. You keep wanting to make this about what I want. I think it's because you are afraid I'm going to get what I want.
What does that have to do with the kneelers not directing their protest to the proper audience. You keep wanting to make this about what I want. I think it's because you are afraid I'm going to get what I want.

Who are you to say is the proper audience? If you don't want to watch then don't. You really need to stop speaking for other people.
Who are you to say is the proper audience? If you don't want to watch then don't. You really need to stop speaking for other people.
If their grievance is with the police then that would be their proper audience. This isn't rocket science, Fuzzy. Now you seem to have just resorted to being a contrarian for contrary's sake. It's quite laughable and cute. :p
If their grievance is with the police then that would be their proper audience. This isn't rocket science, Fuzzy. Now you seem to have just resorted to being a contrarian for contrary's sake. It's quite laughable and cute. :p

The police are often noted as being honored during the national anthem. The protest is apt as evidenced by the police union in Cleveland saying they were not going to participate in the flag ceremony last week. That being said LEOBOR laws and police policy is the purview of the entire Republic.

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