I just became a fan of one Pittsburgh Steeler

The police are often noted as being honored during the national anthem. The protest is apt as evidenced by the police union in Cleveland saying they were not going to participate in the flag ceremony last week. That being said LEOBOR laws and police policy is the purview of the entire Republic.
So your megalomaniac mind tells you, you = entire Republic? LOL I got news for you buddy, this Republic had an election last year that elected a man that loves the police and won't disrespect them as you would have done. God Bless America.
So your megalomaniac mind tells you, you = entire Republic? LOL I got news for you buddy, this Republic had an election last year that elected a man that loves the police and won't disrespect them as you would have done. God Bless America.

No I am saying that they are addressing the Republic with these protests. Note what I said about parroting my rhetoric tit for tat before.

I'm not going to talk about the last election because it is against board policy as it has no bearing on the NFL protests.
So your megalomaniac mind tells you, you = entire Republic? LOL I got news for you buddy, this Republic had an election last year that elected a man that loves the police and won't disrespect them as you would have done. God Bless America.

The Dotard loves no one but himself.
No I am saying that they are addressing the Republic with these protests. Note what I said about parroting my rhetoric tit for tat before.

I'm not going to talk about the last election because it is against board policy as it has no bearing on the NFL protests.
The last election is the very thing that has given this protest renewed life the past few days. Now the protesters and media want to spin the message as just an anti-Trump message... it ain't working for this season ticket holder.
when he starts respecting the office and the power he has, eg stops callling other leaders Rocketman, knows that there is no country named Nambia etc then he will get respect
So respect for rocketman will get him respect from you? Liar. :rolleyes:
So respect for rocketman will get him respect from you? Liar. :rolleyes:

It is but one example. How about when discussing his decision to bomb something, he not tell the interviewer about the great chocolate cake he ate?

It is clear you voted for him, that is on you.

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