With all due respect, you jumped over a key contextual phrase in your desire to rant.
If a personal/private matter has not reached a dysfunctional or other factors mitigate in such a way that it remains private, no one will know to pass judgment.
But ... if a dysfunction is out of control, it tends to manifest itself in public behavior inviting the scrutiny of others.
Second, we need to dispense with this notion that we should never judge. That notion comes from misinterpreting the Bible passage "Judge not that you not be judged." Of course, the same person - who we can't name around here other than in vanity - said, "Judge not merely by appearance but judge righteous judgments" and said, "By their FRUITS you shall know them."
Humans have the capacity to use their brains to observe, to evaluate and to make decisions based on those evaluations. That is called JUDGING! We also have the ability and capacity to JUDGE right behavior and wrong behavior. We have the capacity to assess situations and make evaluations of those situations to determine whether they are courses of action that will lead to good things resulting or bad things resulting.
So when people make an assessment of Hardy, they're doing so based on the information that has come to their attention, the decisions he made in life and have become public and the decisions he continues to make in life (funny how no team wants him even though he can aid their pass rush).
And then they determine whether they want him a part of their circle of friends, their teams, etc.
This is a function we ALL go through.