I Like Beer A Lot

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I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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it is hard to have fun chatting with people who are thin-skinned.
if so, then certain people are better off ignoring each other.
i have about 15 on my list at cz
:lmao: apparently, pertinent qualifiers in this ' chatting it up' with others must be some ancient Chinese secret, because you're version of " chatting " would end up with you having you're lungs stomped out of you're chest were you to employ you're fun style of "chatting" ( gee,that's such a fluffy term,albeit most suitable ,all things considered) amongst the thin skinned lung stomper ilk of my actual association when delivered in an untimely/unwanted manner:thumbup:

So,these 15 people you have on ignore? was it because they wouldn't return your like affections after you flufferishly had enjoyed
" chatting" them up firmly?o_O


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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I think I'll hang out here awhile & wait to see if the faint feeble flutterings of fluffed up feathers attempt to squawk out a crowing response,,,,, or will just permanently employ the " chill pill" option while stiffly piping down on the casing-liner:rolleyes:


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Hey Melon amigo....this retired life is a blast so far.....my retired brother says it will get old after a year....we shall see ;) ...if I make that long Lord willing lol


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:lmao: apparently, pertinent qualifiers in this ' chatting it up' with others must be some ancient Chinese secret, because you're version of " chatting " would end up with you having you're lungs stomped out of you're chest were you to employ you're fun style of "chatting" ( gee,that's such a fluffy term,albeit most suitable ,all things considered) amongst the thin skinned lung stomper ilk of my actual association when delivered in an untimely/unwanted manner:thumbup:

So,these 15 people you have on ignore? was it because they wouldn't return your like affections after you flufferishly had enjoyed
" chatting" them up firmly?o_O

the messing around stays in the beer thread other than some minor stuff with loci, trouty and dave outside.
considering this thread blatantly gets into the long and short of things, i would say almost anything goes here.
i am not say that goes with everyone here.
some takes part in it, so then all is fair.
some dont get involved in it and for those, the teasing is not extended to those dimensions.

dont remember all the ignores.
i think the dogg is the only one because of teasing.
there was the guy trouty got in a big fight with and he got really nasty, seemingly-psychotic and annoying.
trouty said he is ok now, but i dont bother to unignore people.
most involved football/tanking etc argument
i remember aria and mkevon - the only 2 i actually dislike enough to remember their names.
not someone I would give a ride for if they ran out of gas.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Hey Melon amigo....this retired life is a blast so far.....my retired brother says it will get old after a year....we shall see ;) ...if I make that long Lord willing lol
Oh brother! It's done got long gone in the old dept. for me anyway & you know? With everything owned free& clear with $ to do or buy just about anything ,I could've tooled up to Nebraska in February for a 3 day pheasant hunt or something, as it seems that prep& the road is of some of my fondest enjoyments,yet with just the cat & me,those escape from the home front forays aren't all that pressing ( or needed:lmao:) anymoreo_O



I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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gee, u just made me look up the multiple urban definitions of **** again.
It's the **** definition that's most suitable of slapping across yer' forehead ,thats the one yer' labeled with,,,Puttyo_O


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Oh brother! It's done got long gone in the old dept. for me anyway & you know? With everything owned free& clear with $ to do or buy just about anything ,I could've tooled up to Nebraska in February for a 3 day pheasant hunt or something, as it seems that prep& the road is of some of my fondest enjoyments,yet with just the cat & me,those escape from the home front forays aren't all that pressing ( or needed:lmao:) anymoreo_O


It sure is nice being free n cleared...Traveling doesn’t appeal that much to the Mrs n me for now...heck I’m content just being in my garage/shop piddling lol


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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the messing around stays in the beer thread other than some minor stuff with loci, trouty and dave outside.
considering this thread blatantly gets into the long and short of things, i would say almost anything goes here.
i am not say that goes with everyone here.
some takes part in it, so then all is fair.
some dont get involved in it and for those, the teasing is not extended to those dimensions.

dont remember all the ignores.
i think the dogg is the only one because of teasing.
there was the guy trouty got in a big fight with and he got really nasty, seemingly-psychotic and annoying.
trouty said he is ok now, but i dont bother to unignore people.
most involved football/tanking etc argument
i remember aria and mkevon - the only 2 i actually dislike enough to remember their names.
not someone I would give a ride for if they ran out of gas.
:rolleyes: well,as far as anything goes, castle Dallas has been pretty Lenient in allowing pretty much unbridled B.S. ,,,but the old formation of fun ain't got the same players at roll call anymore ever since you're brand of teasing
( that is what you've actually termed it as,right Putty? TEASING :rolleyes:) Jack held ZERO tolerance for it,Immediately! Josh ain't on the radar,& Kev just flat told you to pack pounds of sand up the putty port,palo_O,,,,fluff all that up while yer' gleefully engaged in yer' next round of TEASING,,, you foppish twato_O


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:rolleyes: well,as far as anything goes, castle Dallas has been pretty Lenient in allowing pretty much unbridled B.S. ,,,but the old formation of fun ain't got the same players at roll call anymore ever since you're brand of teasing
( that is what you've actually termed it as,right Putty? TEASING :rolleyes:) Jack held ZERO tolerance for it,Immediately! Josh ain't on the radar,& Kev just flat told you to pack pounds of sand up the putty port,palo_O,,,,fluff all that up while yer' gleefully engaged in yer' next round of TEASING,,, you foppish twato_O

jack did not like it, so i did not.
josh is with his son on spring break week.
dogg - i told him i would stop, but he says keep being putty, but then he goes off.
if someone says one thing and do another, then it is just too bad.
that becomes irrelevant and not in putty zen world.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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jack did not like it, so i did not.
josh is with his son on spring break week.
dogg - i told him i would stop, but he says keep being putty, but then he goes off.
if someone says one thing and do another, then it is just too bad.
that becomes irrelevant and not in putty zen world.
:lmao: and the delusion is in full tilt boogie speed once again with the " putty zen world" of a fuzzy comfy blankey of safe space shelter,,well "putty zen world" when are you going to post up all these POWERFUL PUTTY PM's where I've supposedly caved to yer' preeminence of power projection you so bold as a brass battleship's bell clanging off about that transpired dec2 of 2017???? Ya-know?
When a person starts popping their chops & are called out on it then can't produce ,which proves that crowing clown to be a LIAR & if that dont reverberate the very foundations of that little zen fortress you so fictitiously flaunt ( about 21 forum rending posts that's gonna put me down for the count),,, you either post them or you publicly apologize to me& never speak to me ,comment about me or comment to anything remotely of mention 5 miles in any direction of my casing-liner,or this little Fandango -o- Feudian Fun you enjoyed with me today,,,is gonna haunt yer' little chatty TEASING operations on a daily basis:thumbup:


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:lmao: and the delusion is in full tilt boogie speed once again with the " putty zen world" of a fuzzy comfy blankey of safe space shelter,,well "putty zen world" when are you going to post up all these POWERFUL PUTTY PM's where I've supposedly caved to yer' preeminence of power projection you so bold as a brass battleship's bell clanging off about that transpired dec2 of 2017???? Ya-know?
When a person starts popping their chops & are called out on it then can't produce ,which proves that crowing clown to be a LIAR & if that dont reverberate the very foundations of that little zen fortress you so fictitiously flaunt ( about 21 forum rending posts that's gonna put me down for the count),,, you either post them or you publicly apologize to me& never speak to me ,comment about me or comment to anything remotely of mention 5 miles in any direction of my casing-liner,or this little Fandango -o- Feudian Fun you enjoyed with me today,,,is gonna haunt yer' little chatty TEASING operations on a daily basis:thumbup:

putty zen world is an approach to life putty has taken.
particularly after all that has happened in my life.
other than health/life, nothing really matter than much.

i dont have to do anything.
i told you the date so you can get it from him.
if you want to ***** about it, then too bad.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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putty zen world is an approach to life putty has taken.
particularly after all that has happened in my life.
other than health/life, nothing really matter than much.

i dont have to do anything.
i told you the date so you can get it from him.
if you want to ***** about it, then too bad.
So,,,the truth being you are unable to back yer' play heh? Rendering you a person of false words( kinda like how you so hairlessly chested placed upon KEV,,,HEH? TRUELY ILLUSTRATING the pinch'e chico hypocrite unto any proclaimed life's guidance or creed ,,,SHEESE,,, you really should just consider shutting yer' pie hole around me,kid.


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So,,,the truth being you are unable to back yer' play heh? Rendering you a person of false words( kinda like how you so hairlessly chested placed upon KEV,,,HEH? TRUELY ILLUSTRATING the pinch'e chico hypocrite unto any proclaimed life's guidance or creed ,,,SHEESE,,, you really should just consider shutting yer' pie hole around me,kid.

no, it was suggested that the pms should not be posted, and i agree with that.
so i will not.

if you go get his approval to send it to you, i will even spend the effort to send you a few of them.

if you just want to use this issue as some type of argument, go ahead and knock yourself out.
putty does not change his mind easily.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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no, it was suggested that the pms should not be posted, and i agree with that.
so i will not.

if you go get his approval to send it to you, i will even spend the effort to send you a few of them.

if you just want to use this issue as some type of argument, go ahead and knock yourself out.
putty does not change his mind easily.
I could care less what this 3rd person of fantasy labeled putty does or does not change easily, the cold hard fact of the matter is that you popped off proclaiming both I& yourself ( plural ,meaning more than one yet clearly stating less than three) held pm's on dec 2 of 2017 of which there is documentation proving I've succumbed unto your omnipotent presence or some such delusional $hit that could only have incubated in the over torqued wreckage of you're mind,,,, just whatever or whoever the hell I'm supposed to seek out permission of this 3rd person is totally irrevalant & beyond the scope of comprehension in what your bold boasts put out there ,putty.


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I could care less what this 3rd person of fantasy labeled putty does or does not change easily, the cold hard fact of the matter is that you popped off proclaiming both I& yourself ( plural ,meaning more than one yet clearly stating less than three) held pm's on dec 2 of 2017 of which there is documentation proving I've succumbed unto your omnipotent presence or some such delusional $hit that could only have incubated in the over torqued wreckage of you're mind,,,, just whatever or whoever the hell I'm supposed to seek out permission of this 3rd person is totally irrevalant & beyond the scope of comprehension in what your bold boasts put out there ,putty.

in post 24342, i stated:
"now i am being serious.
in pm's, i actually suggested to him that i would stop teasing him in the putty way.
but he insisted in pm's that it is was fine and keep going the way i am and that he just needed to control his temper.
so i said ok, and kept having fun putty style.
the rest is history."

i said him (max) to you in the post.
so that is singular (max) and not plural.
like i said, if you want to see those pms between max and i so badly, then go get his permission.

i never said you had any pms - i have no idea where you got that from.
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I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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no, it was suggested that the pms should not be posted, and i agree with that.
so i will not.

if you go get his approval to send it to you, i will even spend the effort to send you a few of them.

if you just want to use this issue as some type of argument, go ahead and knock yourself out.
putty does not change his mind easily.
Foppish ****,Foppish ****,,,,foppish **** of crawdad zen

Mounted up backwards on the bicycle b.s. boasts furiously backpedaling into the shadows of shame to hide his face,,,as the spirits of dead ancestors groan& howl with the shame bestowed upon them,,,haunt the walls of yer' bedroom at night scratching out their displeasured shame you've brought upon them,,,o_O
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