LIKE BROTHER I CANT BELEIVE THAT ***** TOOK That right away.,FFFFing A dittie bag! ,,boy-Howdy!ght a
Slamming & Bamming I'll thank you MaM,, ,but I'll be Damned to pay ghhfer what I done took,,,
Damn! Fellers, I love all guys& gals,,, I've swilled the 'proper' amount of
" none genuine " thet' I'd prolly just plant a full on ol' lip- lock on my river riding Bro's! But I'm saving that big ol' crawdad I'm holding 'under my tongue fer' that butt-crack sliding surprise fer' Ms.Midol @daboyzruleperiod when her ' phased array' ain't vectored my way,,,, I know a double fistful of truth's,,, & this is certainly one of them,,, thet' boost -o- surprise - so close to ones casing-liners third eye is a
" tighten' up" call,,,er,,,just saying
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise,,,, & Shazam