I Like Beer A Lot

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puttyism is everywhere in the kind gentle way that naughty melon cannot comprehend.

So,,,what yer' actually attempting to impart by that single droplet of PUTTYISM hitting the TIDY BOWEL MANS A.O. is yer' melding completely & comfortably at home with the toilet bowels pre flush contents?,,,l COPY ON THAT ,WALLY:thumbup:

So,,,what yer' actually attempting to impart by that single droplet of PUTTYISM hitting the TIDY BOWEL MANS A.O. is yer' melding completely & comfortably at home with the toilet bowels pre flush contents?,,,l COPY ON THAT ,WALLY:thumbup:

u can fight puttyism all u want with toilet bowl humor.
but puttyism message is powerful and a single convert will mulitply.
beware as melonputty may turn ur other mirrors to the puttyism white light future.
i am going to clean my paperwork out in my room!!!
  • ,,,er,,,thats what the TIDY BOWEL MANS A.O. is USUALLY CENTRALLY DEPLOYED in folks domiciles for there WALDO, to jettison that unclean paperwork there PUTTY!,,,,doesn't that kinda' annoy yer' herd of wallrats ? with all that compiled PUTTYED UP PAPER just casually tossed all willy-nilly within the confines of yer' padde,,,er,,,room?,,,,I'm here for you Bro, just whenever yer' in need of life's helpful insights,,,,I'm Here for you ,Bro!:thumbup:
  • ,,,er,,,thats what the TIDY BOWEL MANS A.O. is USUALLY CENTRALLY DEPLOYED in folks domiciles for there WALDO, to jettison that unclean paperwork there PUTTY!,,,,doesn't that kinda' annoy yer' herd of wallrats ? with all that compiled PUTTYED UP PAPER just casually tossed all willy-nilly within the confines of yer' padde,,,er,,,room?,,,,I'm here for you Bro, just whenever yer' in need of life's helpful insights,,,,I'm Here for you ,Bro!:thumbup:

resist u try.
fail u will.
futile ur resistance
resist u try.
fail u will.
futile ur resistance
I Copy Wally:p
And don't you ferget to extra rigorously work yer' wiper with that paperwork upon discharging yer' built up excess PUTTY that should be ( hopefully you don't cure it out fer some weird ancient Chinese Secret)dead air dropped with a plop express delivery to Mr. Tidy Bowel Man's A.O. :thumbup:

I Copy Wally:p
And don't you ferget to extra rigorously work yer' wiper with that paperwork upon discharging yer' built up excess PUTTY that should be ( hopefully you don't cure it out fer some weird ancient Chinese Secret)dead air dropped with a plop express delivery to Mr. Tidy Bowel Man's A.O. :thumbup:

pottymouth does not change the simple fact that ur resistance is futile
puttyism will inevitably triumph
pottymouth does not change the simple fact that ur resistance is futile
puttyism will inevitably triumph
Ha,,,,ya,know what else there, WALDO? ,,,Tony Orlando really was being held at the mercy of the crack of Dawn ,also! ,,,therefore let's dispense with the frivolous frivolity shall we? ,,,,you suck& I'm king ding-dong,,,neener-neener-neener,,,HA!o_O
Ha,,,,ya,know what else there, WALDO? ,,,Tony Orlando really was being held at the mercy of the crack of Dawn ,also! ,,,therefore let's dispense with the frivolous frivolity shall we? ,,,,you suck& I'm king ding-dong,,,neener-neener-neener,,,HA!o_O

puttyism rules inevitably.
melon keeps running around the old oak tree...
Putty of Puttyness, for where ever has my putty play pal puttied off to?,,, perhaps he be pondering perpetual promiscuity of fine eyed Asian lady boys scantily clad & seductively lounged across the red couch of casted phantesy,,, or ,,,,perchance he be picking peas from the previously plucked pods of past procurement thru the projected pathetic Zen power of the phenomenally pink color of his self proclaimed premier Puttyness of pathologically imPure PUTTYISM,,, Alas,,,I know not, nor dare venture the quaintest of best guesses, for were I dare to purloin a passing presumption ,he'd prolly playfully be preparing a prebaked one-eyed pumpkin bedtime pajama party favour fun time plaything in bypassing the sinful mortal passions that plague the less than princely which he purports is of his principled priority position,,, ya,my Pal Putty got priorities preempting the painfully pro rated loss of pay when the prestigious pomp of powerful prefect perfection of his good friend & even worse superior FOE, MELON 'winner'FEUD parades thru the PUTTY's paradise playground,,, WHY?,,,OH,,,WHY WALDO for do you scamper in scurried frenzied primate like manner away in paralyzed fright due to the premonition of my presence? ,,,yo- Bro! I' ll pay fer' some new panties should the preeminent pounding of a back portal PUTTY slide be incurred in a loosened kinda' puppy dog way,as the overfilled Puttyness of yer' brown eyes indicate yer' forever packing full capacity in that preening posture of which you pop off about ,,,where is my putty-buddy?

*ya,I've not shotgunned/ scattershot a plethora of the letter P's at my pal Putty for quite awhile & didn't want to rust up cuz' ,,,practice makes perfect in practical preformanceo_O
Putty of Puttyness, for where ever has my putty play pal puttied off to?,,, perhaps he be pondering perpetual promiscuity of fine eyed Asian lady boys scantily clad & seductively lounged across the red couch of casted phantesy,,, or ,,,,perchance he be picking peas from the previously plucked pods of past procurement thru the projected pathetic Zen power of the phenomenally pink color of his self proclaimed premier Puttyness of pathologically imPure PUTTYISM,,, Alas,,,I know not, nor dare venture the quaintest of best guesses, for were I dare to purloin a passing presumption ,he'd prolly playfully be preparing a prebaked one-eyed pumpkin bedtime pajama party favour fun time plaything in bypassing the sinful mortal passions that plague the less than princely which he purports is of his principled priority position,,, ya,my Pal Putty got priorities preempting the painfully pro rated loss of pay when the prestigious pomp of powerful prefect perfection of his good friend & even worse superior FOE, MELON 'winner'FEUD parades thru the PUTTY's paradise playground,,, WHY?,,,OH,,,WHY WALDO for do you scamper in scurried frenzied primate like manner away in paralyzed fright due to the premonition of my presence? ,,,yo- Bro! I' ll pay fer' some new panties should the preeminent pounding of a back portal PUTTY slide be incurred in a loosened kinda' puppy dog way,as the overfilled Puttyness of yer' brown eyes indicate yer' forever packing full capacity in that preening posture of which you pop off about ,,,where is my putty-buddy?

*ya,I've not shotgunned/ scattershot a plethora of the letter P's at my pal Putty for quite awhile & didn't want to rust up cuz' ,,,practice makes perfect in practical preformanceo_O
You left out Pendejo!! Lol!
puttyism rules inevitably.
melon keeps running around the old oak tree...

:lmao: just when you thought yer' ol' foe MELON done passed out, and you could wiggle outta' yer' worm hole to crow,,,the BARON feud flam hammer flies thru yer' wheelhouse,,,:lmao:
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Putty of Puttyness, for where ever has my putty play pal puttied off to?,,, perhaps he be pondering perpetual promiscuity of fine eyed Asian lady boys scantily clad & seductively lounged across the red couch of casted phantesy,,, or ,,,,perchance he be picking peas from the previously plucked pods of past procurement thru the projected pathetic Zen power of the phenomenally pink color of his self proclaimed premier Puttyness of pathologically imPure PUTTYISM,,, Alas,,,I know not, nor dare venture the quaintest of best guesses, for were I dare to purloin a passing presumption ,he'd prolly playfully be preparing a prebaked one-eyed pumpkin bedtime pajama party favour fun time plaything in bypassing the sinful mortal passions that plague the less than princely which he purports is of his principled priority position,,, ya,my Pal Putty got priorities preempting the painfully pro rated loss of pay when the prestigious pomp of powerful prefect perfection of his good friend & even worse superior FOE, MELON 'winner'FEUD parades thru the PUTTY's paradise playground,,, WHY?,,,OH,,,WHY WALDO for do you scamper in scurried frenzied primate like manner away in paralyzed fright due to the premonition of my presence? ,,,yo- Bro! I' ll pay fer' some new panties should the preeminent pounding of a back portal PUTTY slide be incurred in a loosened kinda' puppy dog way,as the overfilled Puttyness of yer' brown eyes indicate yer' forever packing full capacity in that preening posture of which you pop off about ,,,where is my putty-buddy?

*ya,I've not shotgunned/ scattershot a plethora of the letter P's at my pal Putty for quite awhile & didn't want to rust up cuz' ,,,practice makes perfect in practical preformanceo_O

wow u r back to ladyboys and pooping again.
ur fetish is not healthy, bro
repent to ur salvation that is puttyism!

:lmao: just when you thought yer' ol' foe MELON done passed out, and you could wiggle outta' yer' worm hole to crow,,,the feud flam hammer flies thru yer' wheelhouse,,,:lmao:

more of ur wiggly and poopy comments.
bro, u need to change ur ways
that is why melonputty left u
he sees the sins and self-destructure nature of ur ways
join the white light of puttyism!
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