I Like Beer A Lot

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more of ur wiggly and poopy comments.
bro, u need to change ur ways
that is why melonputty left u
he sees the sins and self-destructure nature of ur ways
join the white light of puttyism!
,,,er,,,just what part of Delusional are you Hilariously under equipped in the factual records that this " MELONPUTTY " is a figment of yer clinging to the coo,,,,er,,,ya,,,that treacherous china-doll bent fetish 'mirror melon' always did talk to much anyway,,, & he'd always seemed to wanna' travel the back roads there Waldo,,,and always wanted to hear Elton John's " brown dirt cowboy thunder" song while dressing up as one of the village people,,you two got my blessings,,,cuz', I'm glad that always talkin' SOB is gone,,, & well , you do need a fierce protector in defense of the feebleness that is PUTTYISM,,, so just consider it a early Christmas present, Putty-Buddy&Pal o' mine that you are,,,:thumbup:

*deep within the confines of the FEUDIAN fortress wheelhouse, MELON'S warrior sense's are screaming to finish the battered beaten & mentally brain scrambled WaldoPutty Once & for evermore as the successful offensive onslaught of superior FEUDIAN battle tactics having so thoroughly decimated the Putty to pity levels,,,MELON was certain his two year old buried dead pet cat, affectionately called Ki-ki or CAT,,, could finish the Waldo off with one of her dead paws tied to her dead tail even& MELON surely knew the soulless doctrine of PUTTYNESS would gleefully derive immense twisted enjoyment were the roles reversed cuz' he is a spiteful vindictive commie bass turd straight down to the ground he is,,,Yet, the MELON graciously grants the feebleness of the mind of PUTTY some semblance of cool groovitude that of which he may anchor his road to wellness & recovery from,,,for the MELON superior is that of all things over the WALDO ,,,and compassion for a mortally wounded foe is also one in his superior Repertory:confused:
Hey @waldoputty ,,,hey bro! Have you ever you tubed that "epic of Gilgamesh"? ,,,Man ,I'll nod off to sleep maybe 10- 12 times a month listening to that same story,,,& well, I'd just figured you could use alittle upped amperage groovitude to help kick start yer' cool,,, Ya know? as the fractional output yer' inadvertently absorbing thru the mere proximity of the "MELON PUTTY" is gonna take way to long in getting yer' game up to speed ,ya see, my putty buddy pal,,,:thumbup:

,,,er,,,just what part of Delusional are you Hilariously under equipped in the factual records that this " MELONPUTTY " is a figment of yer clinging to the coo,,,,er,,,ya,,,that treacherous china-doll bent fetish 'mirror melon' always did talk to much anyway,,, & he'd always seemed to wanna' travel the back roads there Waldo,,,and always wanted to hear Elton John's " brown dirt cowboy thunder" song while dressing up as one of the village people,,you two got my blessings,,,cuz', I'm glad that always talkin' SOB is gone,,, & well , you do need a fierce protector in defense of the feebleness that is PUTTYISM,,, so just consider it a early Christmas present, Putty-Buddy&Pal o' mine that you are,,,:thumbup:

*deep within the confines of the FEUDIAN fortress wheelhouse, MELON'S warrior sense's are screaming to finish the battered beaten & mentally brain scrambled WaldoPutty Once & for evermore as the successful offensive onslaught of superior FEUDIAN battle tactics having so thoroughly decimated the Putty to pity levels,,,MELON was certain his two year old buried dead pet cat, affectionately called Ki-ki or CAT,,, could finish the Waldo off with one of her dead paws tied to her dead tail even& MELON surely knew the soulless doctrine of PUTTYNESS would gleefully derive immense twisted enjoyment were the roles reversed cuz' he is a spiteful vindictive commie bass turd straight down to the ground he is,,,Yet, the MELON graciously grants the feebleness of the mind of PUTTY some semblance of cool groovitude that of which he may anchor his road to wellness & recovery from,,,for the MELON superior is that of all things over the WALDO ,,,and compassion for a mortally wounded foe is also one in his superior Repertory:confused:

puttyism needs no defense bro ;)
Hey @waldoputty ,,,hey bro! Have you ever you tubed that "epic of Gilgamesh"? ,,,Man ,I'll nod off to sleep maybe 10- 12 times a month listening to that same story,,,& well, I'd just figured you could use alittle upped amperage groovitude to help kick start yer' cool,,, Ya know? as the fractional output yer' inadvertently absorbing thru the mere proximity of the "MELON PUTTY" is gonna take way to long in getting yer' game up to speed ,ya see, my putty buddy pal,,,:thumbup:


sorry bro, been a little busy today with a house problem and some stuff with the company...
u should have many mirrors keeping u company :thumbup:
The Zombie hordes have overran my casing-liner over at nation states,,,but I had been moved to the rejected realms region for non conformity issues,,,o_O
Hellooooooooooooo, helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, is anybody here?????????
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