I Like Beer A Lot

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:lmao: I got $100 sez' waldo is so functionally disconnected & void, in the commonly granted understanding of common sense comprehension,,, that he'd lean into a left hook, $100 sez' soo_O

Easy pickings :muttley:

2 rats r at it again.
the one focused on man butts
and the one waiting on super tender fajitas...

it is sweet how u 2 seemed to have found each other.
putty has to work today and cannot play with u today
2 rats r at it again.
the one focused on man butts
and the one waiting on super tender fajitas...

it is sweet how u 2 seemed to have found each other.
putty has to work today and cannot play with u today

Hey mr rata..No doubt that running a rat factory is a lot of work...
Hey mr rata..No doubt that running a rat factory is a lot of work...
" Meanwhile, somewhere deep within the inner confines of his super secret rodent selective breeding chi-com funded laboratory ,nestled between the twin round mounds of Mt. MAN BUTT,the ongoing derangement of the deviant Dr. Waldo Rat Man Putty continues,,,"

" Meanwhile, somewhere deep within the inner confines of his super secret rodent selective breeding chi-com funded laboratory ,nestled between the twin round mounds of Mt. MAN BUTT,the ongoing derangement of the deviant Dr. Waldo Rat Man Putty continues,,,"

2 rats r at it again.
the one focused on man butts
and the one waiting on super tender fajitas...

it is sweet how u 2 seemed to have found each other.
putty has to work today and cannot play with u today
not a play day :oops:
Hey mr rata..No doubt that running a rat factory is a lot of work...
" Meanwhile, somewhere deep within the inner confines of his super secret rodent selective breeding chi-com funded laboratory ,nestled between the twin round mounds of Mt. MAN BUTT,the ongoing derangement of the deviant Dr. Waldo Rat Man Putty continues,,,"


no factory, no lab, all paperwork
powerpoints to be exact or many powerpoints
see u r still focused on butts, so sad
Active in the easily efforted art of grinding yer' pair of pea- nutts into the dust of meaningless *puttypoofitude* o_O



ok, came to check on news but no much news at all.
going back to work now
melon better behave or coachie will need to apply punishment
You no sukki any time upon the FEUDIAN appendage of manliness ,,,EVER!!!,,, Dr. WALDO "rat man of weirdness" PUTTY,,,just sayin,,,to-bad/ so sad fer' YOUo_O



*DOH':facepalm: ,,,er,,,:lmao: man alive BIG-G,,,:lmao2:,,,I could've swore it was a PUTTY post I'D THOUGHT I was quoting,,,my bad BRO on that post:oops:

* yer' fixing to enjoy an extra refined measure of FEUDIAN FART KNOCKING the fire from yer' flamboyant frilliness from NOW ON,WALDO:mad:
sounds like u r being shy about having a thing for coachie sukki
kind of strange since u r out of the closet about desiring putty butt
:lmao: the only desire I truly yearn for concerning
" putty butt " involve a set of:,handcuffs affixed to neck collar, 1 large tube of industrial strength super glue & 1 twenty minute burn time road side safety fusee & yer putty butt located 21 minutes away from a dead run distant water hole,,, o_O
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