I Like Beer A Lot

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*they pull that incognito slicky-boy maneuver every now& again besides( there's automatic firewall filters in place that'll trigger a locked down post,till a moderator proofs& deems it suitable(or not) for forum consumption,,,)trust me on this one, my Micky Spillane inspired amigoo_O
*they pull that incognito slicky-boy maneuver every now& again besides( there's automatic firewall filters in place that'll trigger a locked down post,till a moderator proofs& deems it suitable(or not) for forum consumption,,,)trust me on this one, my Micky Spillane inspired amigoo_O
See @Corso ! ,,,I told you so,,,er,,,or about as much anyway,,,,:lmao::lmao2::lmao:

hey hey, u r not allowed to have that much fun!
cease and desist
corso always has fun:thumbup::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::dance::dance::dance::oldcouple::bow::bow:
We served a time out together on another foreign and distant forum and I can attest to that. It was like "Papillion" but he was both guys on the island and I was just there to take notes.

FUN = Family Unity Nuttiness and the greatest of these is Nuttiness. You are never too old to be nutty. Save nuttin', hold nuttin' back.
Corso is a fun
guy :):welcome:
I think he got a little steamed over something or other
Stealth-mode censoring. Right.

Just kill my **** right now. Delete it all.
Clicker hit his avatar,,,there ain't no "members recent activity /last seen listing" which ain't all that big of a hairy deal,as it's = when a forum member logs-off from website, but more likely indicative of someone taking a walk or break,,,he's prolly sleeping off a snootfull & be his old recalibrated snarky self in a day or so
UPpppppp,Man& where you been keeping yerself ?,my dear good friend

*man, them shark attack reports that's been coming outta' yer'A.O.? :lmao: sometimes really makes me question yer Sanity,,,just sayin':lmao:
corso always has fun:thumbup::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::dance::dance::dance::oldcouple::bow::bow:
Corso is a fun
guy :):welcome:
I think he got a little steamed over something or other

Clicker hit his avatar,,,there ain't no "members recent activity /last seen listing" which ain't all that big of a hairy deal,as it's = when a forum member logs-off from website, but more likely indicative of someone taking a walk or break,,,he's prolly sleeping off a snootfull & be his old recalibrated snarky self in a day or so

OMG - corso is from el paso. i hope everything is ok.
HAVE A GREAT WEEK BOYS!!!! Me....OW :lmao:
Bola de jotos

OMG - corso is from el paso. i hope everything is ok.
Corso is a fun
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