I Like Beer A Lot

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I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Hi fella's. Been awhile since I stopped by the bar. Welp, it's either tonight or tomorrow nite the blastro's will finally bring home that championship. Hope everyone is well. Save some candy for me from all that trick or treating.

@Melonfeud @maxdogg @Trouty @haleyrules @waldoputty@Ranching
Mallard ducks rock,kiddo!
My dad built a big catfish pond and bought a couple dozen ' wing- clipped' mallard ducks,,, one hen even nested/ hatched eggs in a flower box right next to the back door(it was cool,you could reach down and stroke her back and she'd quack and raise hell, I only saw/ did it once while rarely visiting, dad fuzzed up cuz' I was ***** with his duck:lmao:) anyway about 3 Years after he bought them a wild flock lit on his pond, he said there was prolly 75 total,and stayed for a couple of days,,,,then they ALL FLEW SOUTHo_O
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