I think it's time to throw Rush in and see what is there

Dak has struggled mightily in recent games. I'm just not sure how it would benefit him or the team to sit him down and play out the season with a guy who's even less experienced. Especially without Zeke. Throwing Rush to the wolves doesn't seem like it would accomplish anything.

At this point, unless Dak appears shell shocked to the point where he's going to irrevocably damaged you let him play his way through this slump. I think you'd learn a lot more about Dak by leaving him in than you would about Rush by putting him in.

I agree. I really think the Atlanta game and the beating he took, messed with his head. Defenses know that we don't have Zeke and no deep threat. Play to stop the short pass and we stop the Cowboys right now. This is on coaching and Dak adjusting to this new reality.
ok so I can see the following:

blah, blah, blah, dak sucks, blah blah, blah
blah, blah, blah, can't win without zeke, blah blah, blah
blah, blah, blah, fire the coaching staff, blah blah, blah (ok, I am on board with this one)


blah, blah, blah, put Cooper f'ing Rush in?, blah blah, blah

no, just no....nothing to see there...although, it's kinda weird/ironic that he is actually getting on the job training that Dak lacked since he was thrust into the starting role in his first season once everyone went down in August...no time to train, but cooper getting seasoning....no reason to throw him to the wolves, he can see plenty on how NOT to QB a team by standing next to Garrett and Linehan on the sidelines - let's keep him there....Dak getting his OTJ training now....let-'er-rip young fella...don't worry about INT's, learn how to throw a deep ball when the consequences don't matter...I'm with you

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