I understand the frustration, but one game does not a career make or break


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You are deflecting again (apportioning blame to 'play calling' and 'entire offense').
The repeated issue (you conveniently implied it was a one off) is that Dak can't perform in the most intense situations...games when we trail and late game comebacks.
It's 'inexplicable' only if you don't accept that Dak crumbles in clutch, high pressure moments.
Assigning a portion of blame to the offense and playcalling isn't deflecting. It's actually how football works. Lamb dropped passes, which cost the team. Missed blocking assignments - of which there were several - affected Dak's ability to go through progressions, etc. Anyone that doesn't think playcalling affects the offense is obtuse, so if the shoe fits.

I didn't imply anything. You may have inferred something, but that's your problem. THE TEAM has not performed well in high-pressure situations, and that's on both sides of the ball. I didn't give Dak a pass. He's played poorly when we've needed him to be his best. That's obvious.


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This is false. Fans can put pressure on ownership by not giving them money. If ownership feels pressure they will make changes. Those changes will impact winning/losing.
We saw this in the late 80's when fans not only stopped buying season tickets, but long-time ST holders turned in their rights to purchase them. For the Cowboys, less than 15% of their total revenue comes from season tickets, and considering they've sold pout every game since 2009, don't expect even a significant drop in ticket holders to matter to the Jones family. As far as merch sales go, the same thing, really. The bulk of revenue for NFL teams comes from broadcast contracts. Jerry Jones isn't going to change his MO just because merch and/or ticket sales drop off. He's too old for it to matter to him. Stephen and company may feel differently after Dad is gone.

nate dizzle

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You can almost see it. He gets so mental that he starts hurrying throws and making bad decisions. His problem if in his head, not his arm.
Yeah. It's called being a choker. It might be the literal definition. We've all got friends that you know you can get in their head when you're competing and they'll fall apart, even if they're beating you to start the game you can throw them off their game by telling them they're gonna choke it away. Doesn't matter if it's basketball, golf, bowling, badminton or Mario Cart.

He's mentally weak when the lights come on and the other team is still standing there ready to fight. He crumbles. Glass jaw.


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Assigning a portion of blame to the offense and playcalling isn't deflecting. It's actually how football works. Lamb dropped passes, which cost the team. Missed blocking assignments - of which there were several - affected Dak's ability to go through progressions, etc. Anyone that doesn't think playcalling affects the offense is obtuse, so if the shoe fits.

I didn't imply anything. You may have inferred something, but that's your problem. THE TEAM has not performed well in high-pressure situations, and that's on both sides of the ball. I didn't give Dak a pass. He's played poorly when we've needed him to be his best. That's obvious.
You did give Dak a pass, as you put the blame evenly on the Offense (and now doubt lauded Dak in the regular season)..... the blame isnt divided equally and the issue is wholly down to the fact that Dak doesnt play up to the value of the contract as he's not a difference maker that can (on his own) take us to the next level.....if he was on a Rookie deal i'd think he's great, but as a top paid QB, that doesnt move the needle and has problems stepping out and up of the comfort zone

As for CD's drops Broaddus put them on the throw.


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Man, I am not going easy on Dak. He played a terrible game. My point was that he could’ve played aight and we still would’ve been boat faced. My point also is that Dak has the talent, but unlike Lamar, he requires something very different to succeed. You can almost see it. He gets so mental that he starts hurrying throws and making bad decisions. His problem if in his head, not his arm, and we’ve seen him play very well for extended periods.

Idk….everyone has an opinion. Will Dak ever be Patrick or Tom? Of course not, but I think he’s good enough to produce excellent results. This playing thing really screws with his head. Is that fixable ? I think so, but I could be wrong. Out wouldn't be the first time.
How can you impose composure on an 8 year veteran? It's not as if this is something new. The only way of achieving it is building a team that GUARANTEES a lead, so that he can play his game. The problem is, his contract, and CAP% (which near is near impossible as we still have to account for the deferred money) means we'll be struggling for JAG's to fill out the roster. You cannot have the top paid performers not playing up to the contract, if they arent you may as well redistribute the CAP to other areas.

Its immaterial how good/bad Dak is, he just has this continued inability in the biggest games when facing adversity and its on him to perform.


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Pattern recognition
As outlined by Broaddus, the two misses to CD, he wasnt the no.1 target. The designated no.1 target wasnt open so he rushed the throw to CD, but as you say Dak's reading the no.1 target but isnt able to deduce the coverage on no.2, it's as if I just need to get rid of it.


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I totally disagree. Love has been very hot the past 6 games, and they’ve got a solid run game. Will you feel better about this loss if GB gets to the SB?
I would but it won’t happen… SF is going to beat the heck out of them…
Maybe then some of you will realize what others already have. This team, coaches, players, DO NOT CARE…
All they care about, led by their so called leader… is getting rich.
Nothing will change as long as Jerry is GM.


You saw their last true coach who cared, rant at half time…
You’ve seen Irvin lose it.

Aikman, Staubach, Smith, Irvin, Woodson the list is long. Played for the love of the game and the star.

Dak plays so he can dress and buy Louis Vitton and the others all play so they can get rich and make podcasts


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First, the game:

Offense; What offense? The entire play calling philosophy was bewildering. GB stacked the box, we ran the ball. 4 rushers, we passed. No rhythm, no rhyme. No doubt Dak played poorly, but the play calling was absolutely atrocious. I have NO IDEA why MM would get away from what has worked best at home all year. I had my brother on the phone from our first snap and was screaming at him (he’s my little brother, even though he’s 59. It was all his fault).

Defense: Even if Dak had played an average - not all-time great - game, we weren’t going to win that game. The defense was an abomination. I’m not sure if Dak had played great we could’ve won. It would’ve taken an excellent game from the offense to even have given us a chance. I don’t think that would’ve been enough, but who knows. WHY WERE WE PLAYING SO MUCH ZONE WHEN M-T-M IS WHEN WE’VE HAD THE GREATEST SUCCESS THIS YEAR?!?!?!

Coaching: I mean, please. We were thoroughly out-coached. Their water boy probably handed out fluid like an all-pro. Ours probably fumbled the Gatorade. Good lord…..


I understand the frustration, but one game does not a career make or break. Yeah, I know we were boat raced by good teams this season, but I also saw top-tier play in many, many games this year. It’s not the players, it’s the consistency and getting the players ready for big games. Call it whatever you want: discipline, toughness….idk. Whatever it is, we don’t have it.

What to do:

No idea. Fire the coaches? Quinn was no better than MM, so he isn’t the answer. A dude like Harbaugh? He’d be okay for about 3 years, then he seems to wear out his welcome regardless of success. I’m convinced the offense is there. I’m not convinced the defense is. Parsons was a no-show….again. Something can bring out the best in him consistently, but whatever that something is doesn’t exist on the team right now.

Better luck next time, I guess.
It's not just one game. Three years in a row they have lost early in the playoffs. They closed out 2023 leaking oil and sputtering nearly losing 3 in a row to playoff teams.

The QB has the ability to check out of plays according to the defense he sees so if they are running into stacked boxes and passing into 7 back in coverage, that is on the QB.

It's unconscionable that a DC would change his entire pass defense scheme because one guy is injured. Quinn could have leaned on his depth to start the game and rolled a S over to assist. At least try something other than tap out.


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If you want.. it is not that hard to find the evidence that Dak has always sucked. This is a great one from 2018:

Basically it talks about the fact that so many of Daks passing yards are actually after the catch.. and that remains consistent through his whole career. In other words.. Dak has always relied on his receivers to make him look good. And this was BEFORE the ankle.. so those who use the injury as an excuse need to look again.

Dak has always been mediocre.. but looks pretty because he is on a very talented squad and plays very very very well against weak opposition.

There is no mystery and it goes a lot lot deeper than 'one game'.


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If you want.. it is not that hard to find the evidence that Dak has always sucked. This is a great one from 2018:

Basically it talks about the fact that so many of Daks passing yards are actually after the catch.. and that remains consistent through his whole career. In other words.. Dak has always relied on his receivers to make him look good. And this was BEFORE the ankle.. so those who use the injury as an excuse need to look again.

Dak has always been mediocre.. but looks pretty because he is on a very talented squad and plays very very very well against weak opposition.

There is no mystery and it goes a lot lot deeper than 'one game'.
Yep, Sunday's performance crossed another 'excuse' off the board.....it's only the 49ers who has Dak's number.
I'm actually hating my own take....but this outright denial that Dak doesn't have serious psychological flaws when trailing and pressure's on is seriously killing any chance of success.
Dak's not to blame (totally), but he's not the solution (particularly with the expected extension).


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Yep, Sunday's performance crossed another 'excuse' off the board.....it's only the 49ers who has Dak's number.
I'm actually hating my own take....but this outright denial that Dak doesn't have serious psychological flaws when trailing and pressure's on is seriously killing any chance of success.
Dak's not to blame (totally), but he's not the solution (particularly with the expected extension).
I hadn't mentioned that but yep the old '49s' curse myth surely busted.

Dak will be fine as long as we don't need to go through GB, 49ers, Lions, Seattle or Rams.

What I love is that we haven't even had a talk about what Dak would look like against Kansas, Bills and Baltimore. Lol.

Can you imagine if Dak had to play Bills last week.. in the snow??

In fact, I don't see a single match up that I think Dak wins last week.. other than maybe a banged up Eagles?


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Maybe we were worn down from the season. But every year in the playoffs our coaches crap the bed along with players.


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Dak has been a more than serviceable QB. He just doesn't have big game mettle. The team does not have one player that is able to make statement on the field when needed.


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Yeah. It's called being a choker. It might be the literal definition. We've all got friends that you know you can get in their head when you're competing and they'll fall apart, even if they're beating you to start the game you can throw them off their game by telling them they're gonna choke it away. Doesn't matter if it's basketball, golf, bowling, badminton or Mario Cart.

He's mentally weak when the lights come on and the other team is still standing there ready to fight. He crumbles. Glass jaw.
Not a glass jaw. They can't be fixed. Choking can.


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You did give Dak a pass, as you put the blame evenly on the Offense (and now doubt lauded Dak in the regular season)..... the blame isnt divided equally and the issue is wholly down to the fact that Dak doesnt play up to the value of the contract as he's not a difference maker that can (on his own) take us to the next level.....if he was on a Rookie deal i'd think he's great, but as a top paid QB, that doesnt move the needle and has problems stepping out and up of the comfort zone

As for CD's drops Broaddus put them on the throw.
I don't care effete Broaddus put them. I have eyes.