bigDfan said:
hey iceberg, I am glad to see that I am not alone when it comes to not being so quick to judge our guys based solely on one or two bad games (or in a lot of cases here, one or two bad plays). I don't post much, because honestly it is hard for me to spend much time on the site because of fellow "fans" who are so quick to write our 'Boys off. Opinions are acceptable, but there is not much loyalty here sometimes.
it is aggrevating to watch fans (and they are fans, to be sure) get all excited about a play, or even a game, as if it defined an entire career that is yet to be defined from a player. you'd like think we'd give a player a chance, but nope. some fans insist on players blowing them away EACH AND EVERY WEEK or they're a bust. nevermind 99% of the player DO NOT reach such lofty goals, as fans we're safe.
secure even, in our own "fandom".
and i do agree, that overall "rookie fan" stance gets old and does make it difficult to talk with people at times, or even wade through a group where many posts are gonna be short sighted knee jerk reactions OR "if you were a cowboy which one would you be and why?" type posts.
but - in an open group sooner or later you're going to run into a style that grates on you so you just gotta keep in mind there *will* be times *i* grate on others. usually i mean to when i do, though. : )