As a truck driver, I see a lot of incredibly stupid maneuvers on the road, on a daily basis.
Sometimes it makes me laugh, sometimes it makes me wonder...but mostly it ticks me off. Not only because they're getting in my way, and being extremely discourteous, but because it makes me angry that I'm the same species of being as these morons.
For instance, I was once driving in the center lane of a 65 mph highway, and passed, not one, but TWO cars in the fast lane, BACKING UP because they apparently missed their exit. There was a shoulder they could have used, if they didn't want to go another half mile to turn around, but they chose to go in reverse, in the middle of the hammer lane, forcing people to suddenly slam on their brakes and swerve around them.
This is just the first in a long list of idiotic drivers I've witnessed, and I'll be adding more, and probably venting on a daily basis, but for now, WHAT IDIOCY HAVE YOU SEEN?