If Jerry actually stepped aside, how much better would this team be?

Is it possible for the league to strip an owner of their team, for being a complete embarrassment to professional football?
Henry wanted to come here. Players want to come here. Other than getting a ring the biggest draw for a player is being in the spot light and Dallas gets them in the spot light. And we’ve had 3 straight 12 win season before this debacle
Henry never said he wanted to play for Dallas. He said they never called. Cowboys fans naturally take that to mean had they called he would have signed with the Cowboys. Henry was going to sign with the team that offered him the most money. There is no indication that the Dallas Cowboys franchise is one that players desire to play for.

It’s not like free agents are offering to come to the Cowboys at a discount. In fact, they have to pay top dollar to convince their current players to stay. (Diggs, Martin, Prescott, Lamb). The Dallas Cowboys are a glamour franchise in the minds of Cowboys fans. That doesn’t make it one. Most Cowboys fans firmly believe what Jerry Jones believes, that perception is everything, reality is only just a word.
1) stepping aside needs to be defined.
2) we still have blunder boy Stephen.
The question isn’t about this particular team, it’s about getting Jerry, who has been pathetic for 29 years. to get the hell out so a real football guy can begin the rebuilding of the Cowboys! Be Robert Kraft Jerry & leave the football decisions to the grownups in the room! PLEASE!!!
Jerry would have to do more than just step away. He would have to convince Stephen not to make the same devastating decision and it is essential to hire the best, most qualified GM possible.

There will be no change if clinical narcissism is genetic.
It would be the same but with more hope IF they hire a real GM and it is not just SJ sliding over. Being saddled with Dak and his contract for the foreseeable future would also be a hinderance.
In the post-game press conference with JJ, he said “There has to be accountability directed to somebody other than just the player. I do that.” Well, apparently not, Jerry since you’ve never held yourself accountable for the crap you put on the field.
How much better would this team be in FA, Drafting, putting together a team, bringing less attention to us in the media, focusing on the actual aspect of football, player development, scouting, team building etc etc!! Please give your thoughts
if he hired a good GM. but Jerry is vindictive and its more about him being right, than it actually being right.
he would hire a middling GM, and watch the team fall apart and get worse or not get better.
then he will fire him and step back in and tell everyone, I told you no one can run this except for me.
Since the Green Packers is a publicly held non-profit corporation, with 500,000 shareholders. the Cowboys could do worse for ownership. (like now)
Why not the Dallas Cowboys t/a Dallas-Ft. Worth Rotary Club?
The Jones model is finished.
if he hired a good GM. but Jerry is vindictive and its more about him being right, than it actually being right.
he would hire a middling GM, and watch the team fall apart and get worse or not get better.
then he will fire him and step back in and tell everyone, I told you no one can run this except for me.
So likely that would happen.
FA aren’t going anywhere at a discount but unless they have a relationship or a chance at a ring most would gladly come here. No one’s coming if you low ball them though
If Jerry truly steps aside and let's Stephen run the team, I almost guarantee Stephen will hire a GM. He is way lazier than Jerry, not as bull headed or egotistical and he also sees the headaches Jerry deals with while trying to act like a coach and GM. Stephen will Hire a GM let the heat fall on that person sit back and count our money. We will be better off.
I hope you’re right but I have my doubts. Stephen is a lot like Jerry so if given the reigns, he may want to prove that he’s smarter than the old man when Football is concerned!
Well the damage has already been done! It is going to take several seasons to fix this mess.

We have a lot of bad contracts on this roster that must run their course now.
How much better would this team be in FA, Drafting, putting together a team, bringing less attention to us in the media, focusing on the actual aspect of football, player development, scouting, team building etc etc!! Please give your thoughts
See the Real Dallas Cowboys from 1960-1994. You would no longer have 30 years of the Arlington Jonesboys faking being the Dallas Cowboys, and the focus would be championships vs being relevant.
How much better would this team be in FA, Drafting, putting together a team, bringing less attention to us in the media, focusing on the actual aspect of football, player development, scouting, team building etc etc!! Please give your thoughts
It would take years even if Jerry stepped aside tomorrow. There are lot of underperforming players, staff, and front office management that have to go. A lot of bad contracts ect

The entire organization needs a fresh start, fresh ideas, and new blood.
It would take years even if Jerry stepped aside tomorrow. There are lot of underperforming players, staff, and front office management that have to go. A lot of bad contracts ect

The entire organization needs a fresh start, fresh ideas, and new blood.
best post of your life!!!!!!!!!

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