If Micah takes a team friendly deal, what does this say about Dak

A salary cap is anti- free market. I'm surprised so many people here support a salary cap and want players to take less money so that owners get a larger cut. Let the free market decide what the players get paid.

And if you think the players get paid too much, don't watch the games, don't buy tickets. Sports and entertainment is completely discretionary.
Does it say that Dak did the right thing sucking all the money he could out of Jerry? Or does it say that Dak really isn't about the team he claims to be about when he's on the podium saying all the "right things!" Maybe Micah will let Dak know about this one day like hey man,I took a team friendly deal bro, you're hurting us from being better! Dak will march to Jerry and will be willing to take a pay cut???
If Micah is ingelligent (which i know he isnt) he would go to Dak and tell him that every day. But not to make him taking a paycut. To make him finally leave this team.
A salary cap is anti- free market. I'm surprised so many people here support a salary cap and want players to take less money so that owners get a larger cut. Let the free market decide what the players get paid.

And if you think the players get paid too much, don't watch the games, don't buy tickets. Sports and entertainment is completely discretionary.
The players collectively agreed to the salary cap parameters, top and bottom. Most players are closer to the minimum than to the average. A minimum salary is also “anti- free market”. And it’s the minimum players are most concerned with particularly because the average career is less than four years. The NFLPA will never relinquish participating in control of player compensation.
Micah is not taking a team friendly deal. Players haven't seen Jerry really go out and get players or commit to signing free agents. So why would any of them cut him a break? There is no commitment to winning and their agents know it. The whole league can see what they do in LA, Philly, Baltimore... thats not what happens in Dallas.
Does it say that Dak did the right thing sucking all the money he could out of Jerry? Or does it say that Dak really isn't about the team he claims to be about when he's on the podium saying all the "right things!" Maybe Micah will let Dak know about this one day like hey man,I took a team friendly deal bro, you're hurting us from being better! Dak will march to Jerry and will be willing to take a pay cut???

Look at it like this... there are many players who have accepted team friendly contracts. Those same players have had teammates who have accepted max deals just like Dak got.

So what does it say about all players who didn't accept team friendly deals? Dak isn't the first and won't be the last. It doesn't say anything negative about any player who has earned the right to make as much money as they possibly can.
A salary cap is anti- free market. I'm surprised so many people here support a salary cap and want players to take less money so that owners get a larger cut. Let the free market decide what the players get paid.

And if you think the players get paid too much, don't watch the games, don't buy tickets. Sports and entertainment is completely discretionary.
The salary cap was a trade-off in exchange for player free agency. The players union agree to it in exchange for players not being effectively owned by a franchise. The owners would only agree to this if they could control the total payroll. Since it's a fixed % based on league revenues, it's a fair deal. Owners don't get a "larger cut" nor are they rewarded for not spending money on players. That wasn't the case prior to the salary cap/free agency era. In the 80's, there was no mandate for owners to spend a fixed % of their revenue.

What is not fair is when a QB take up 20% of the cap space that was intended to pay 53 guys. This isn't the NBA where Lebron or MJ can take over a game and basically win it by themselves. Football is a team sport in a true sense. The QB depends on an OL to give him time, a WR to catch the ball, a defense to give him more opportunities. No position is rewarded more out of proportion than QB.
A salary cap is anti- free market. I'm surprised so many people here support a salary cap and want players to take less money so that owners get a larger cut. Let the free market decide what the players get paid.

And if you think the players get paid too much, don't watch the games, don't buy tickets. Sports and entertainment is completely discretionary.
no its not. its good business to just pay out anything. I have owned businesses and I just don't go freely spending. I spent smartly, paid smartly, invested smartly. that's the free market.
salary cap is just a way to manage a business and in this case, the business is NFL. employees (Union) and Employers (Owners) came to an agreement. just like GM comes to agreement with their union.
and I assume you are younger, as there were legit reasons behind the decisions to put a cap.

there were at the time 3,4 big market teams that dominated NFL. not competitive. it was good for the 3,4 teams, beacause they were making tons of money, while the other 27-28 teams didn't as well. its a business, so they didn't have money to invest, being they were in small markets. although good for the 3,4 teams, it was bad for NFL, so salary cap to even out compeition and allow smaller markets to compete. guess what. it was hell of a decision, because NFL exploded as a sports entity. the most popular. makes the most money and everyone makes money. it was good all around. they grew the pie and as a result even those 3,4 teams made more money. guess what, it was good for players too, because if you didn't play in those 3,4 teams, you didn't get paid as much, because those teams didn't have enough money to pay exorbatant salaries. so players were competing for very few high paying jobs.

its not anti free market. its the opposite.

completely agree with you last assessment as sports is entertainment. discretionary. some people around here take it way too personally.
It doesn't say anything other than Jerry was a complete moron when agreeing to the deal Dak got. It's not Dak's fault that Jerry is a moron. That being said, it proves the lie that Dak is all about winning. We already knew that, just as we knew that Jerry isn't all about winning either. It is what it is.

I don't think Parsons is accepting a team friendly deal.
He's seen what has happened to the team thusfar with the salaries in place. How could he think the team will be better with him as the "highest defensive player" in the league?
Dak insisting on short term contracts twice now has hurt the team. He puts himself and his finances over the team. Virtually no QB's in Dak's position do that. Even when they get big contracts, they allow a longer deal with a reasonable cap distribution. Its just the Deshaun Watson's of the world who don't.

Nothing that happens with Micah will impact that.
MP and “team friendly “ is an oxymoron…. He has a big mouth that spews crap just as much as Jerry does. He will look to be the highest paid defensive player in the league. No penny less.
like what did that do for Jerry to sign the deal like that so late what the hell!!! He probably swore up and down that he did the greatest thing ever
Of course he did. You ever see people who overpay for stuff say they are mad about overpaying? Most will say they made a solid purchase.
Micah is a bigger idiot than I thought if he even entertains a team friendly deal......at his size and the position he plays he need to make his money now.
Micah will be the highest paid defensive player ever.
And will push for the most guaranteed money ever for a non-qb

The whole premise of this thread is nuts.

After all the nonsense Micah talks, people actually take something he said with a grain of salt, and extrapolate it to mean he's taking a "team friendly deal"?

Might be team friendly to TEAM Micah.

Players don't look at getting as much money as they possibly can as being selfish. In fact, the NFLPA want players to max themselves out, because it drives up the price for the Next Guy, and helps raise overall pay for all players over the course of time
Does it say that Dak did the right thing sucking all the money he could out of Jerry? Or does it say that Dak really isn't about the team he claims to be about when he's on the podium saying all the "right things!" Maybe Micah will let Dak know about this one day like hey man,I took a team friendly deal bro, you're hurting us from being better! Dak will march to Jerry and will be willing to take a pay cut???
My God this board sucks now. It is like dealing with a bunch of 5 year olds. Low brow conversations every damn day.
That's nice virtue signaling, but I don't agree if it kills any chance to build a team because three or four made men are soaking up all of the pie. It's why Tom Brady is the GOAT. He was willing to do whatever it takes to win SBs which included team friendly deals.
Another sucker. Jerry and the other owners love guys like you.
This is the great point people conveniently bury when they're criticizing players for the money they make. The owners have all the power to say, "No, that's too much," but they don't. It's proof positive that people begrudge players making a lot of money. It used to be that non-athletes could say they'd be better at life than "dumb jocks" but that's long ago now and folks are mad about it, lol.
Exactly. These types of obsessions with what players make comes down jealousy and envy.
You are aware of something called perspective right? I am a fan of the team and therefore everything I say is from the perspective of a fan of the team.

Imagine you sell blue paint for a living and your two clients are interior designers. One says their favorite color is pink. The other says their favorite color is blue. Do you treat them both equally even though you sell blue paint? Do you say to yourself well they are both men who made their decisions and that is that? Of course not. You go all in on the interior designer whose favorite color is blue because they are better for you and your long term success.

Do I like players better when they are on contracts that favor the team? You bet I do. Do I hate on players who have absurd contracts that drag the team down? You bet I do. It is called perspective.
It is called jealousy and small mindedness. Another sucker who is buying what a billionaire con man is selling.

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