If Roy horse-collars T.O. again, would you...

wxcpo said:
So if an Eagles player or Skins player or any other teams player were to horsecollar Julius Jones and break his leg I'm sure all you guys saying you would support Roy would do the same for the other teams player then. I hate the fact that they made the tackle illegal to begin with, but since it is I don't want to see our players or any other players doing it.

Would you support Roy Williams if he went up high and helmet to helmet with another player and injured him.

Not trying to be over dramatic on this topic, but I wouldn't support Roy for making an illegal tackle.

I would hope Roy plays within the rules and plays Great hard hittin ball.
Now if TO stands on the center STAR ,that a different story,Teague him...
wxcpo said:
So if an Eagles player or Skins player or any other teams player were to horsecollar Julius Jones and break his leg I'm sure all you guys saying you would support Roy would do the same for the other teams player then. I hate the fact that they made the tackle illegal to begin with, but since it is I don't want to see our players or any other players doing it.

If the rule is not passed and by some real bad luck we should lose one of our players to the same injury from a horsecollar tackle. Yeah Id be p*ssed. But this is FOOTBALL. It is a violent game and injuries are part of it.

What would you like to do. Put flags on them and ban any tackles or hits since players have been injured by those to.

Really if this chicken**** rule passes what is next. When a few to many players get injured by massive hits is the NFL gonna then ban guys on D from layin the wood on someone with a big hit.

It is now really beginnin to take away from the game of football how all these new rules just screw over the D.

It is almost gettin to the point where why even bother havin a D in the NFL. Just let the O on the field and they can really get some high score games when the O scores on the first play of every drive.

It would be really nice to see the NFL Fools....I mean Rules Committee come up with some rules against the O for a change. Like -

1. ban the stiff arm
2. any contact a WR makes with a DB or defensive player is Offensive P.I.
3. ban the cut or chop block.

Believe it or not some of us really like to see Defensive games and the NFL is just tryin to ruin these kinds of games with crap like this.

How long will it be till the NFL makes a rule that is a 5 yard penalty for any defender bein within 5 yards of a WR. Or some rule that says if a ball carrier is in from of a defender the defender can not tackle them from behind cuz it could cause injuries.

Would you support Roy Williams if he went up high and helmet to helmet with another player and injured him.

This is a real stupid point you make. This is about the horsecollar tackle not helmet to helmet. Try to keep this on what we are talkin about.....the stupidness of this new rule that could pass.

Not trying to be over dramatic on this topic, but I wouldn't support Roy for making an illegal tackle.

What if that illegal tackle saved a game for us. What if that illegal tackle is made in the Super Bowl and it is just what kept the lead for us and won us #6.

Players make illegal tackles and the reason for that is cuz of idiotic new rules like this that come around.

If you cant support Roy for a illegal tackle then are you even a real Cowboy fan. Seriously. That would be like sayin you wouldnt support Drew Bledsoe if he threw a INT. Players make mistakes and the more idiotic rules that are made the EASIER it is gonna be to make more mistakes...especially on D.
If he "horse collars" him than Roy was burnt and out of position. Why would you want to see that?
AJM1613 said:
If he "horse collars" him than Roy was burnt and out of position. Why would you want to see that?

That's not a real smart question, considering it's being asked in a Cowboy's forum. Your answer would be ... because it's Terrell "I Demand A New Contract" Owens, and he needs to be punished! :cool:
AJM1613 said:
If he "horse collars" him than Roy was burnt and out of position. Why would you want to see that?

Please stop making sense on this board, it isn't allowed. ;)
Everlastingxxx said:
Please stop making sense on this board, it isn't allowed. ;)

Funny how you have a sig of Roy Williams on one side, with the words ... FEAR ROY, and T.O. riveting in pain after that one particular Roy tackle you are so against, on the other side.... Yet you're so upset about Roy horse-collaring, and hurting the most selfish and arrogant d*** in the game. :rolleyes:

Oh, and you're complimenting an Iggles fan for his latest post who comes in here with his usual, subtle barbs at the Cowboys. Nice!
wxcpo said:
So if an Eagles player or Skins player or any other teams player were to horsecollar Julius Jones and break his leg I'm sure all you guys saying you would support Roy would do the same for the other teams player then.
This whole thing probably started with the way Irvin was treated when he got hurt. Hurt into retirement. In a round about sort of way, the injury to TO is just a little payback. What happened to Irvin made it personal. The hated for the iggles runs deep. This has nothing to do supporting other teams players if they were to hurt Julius. We already had out player hurt. Permanently.
getting tackled and injuries are all part of the game so dont cry when it happens because if you dont like hitting go play soccer or baseball . . .
AJM1613 said:
If he "horse collars" him than Roy was burnt and out of position. Why would you want to see that?

You're NEVER out of position when crippling an egirl. Snap goes the T.O.
Jersey said:
You're NEVER out of position when crippling an egirl. Snap goes the T.O.

The question wasn't if you would be happy if Roy hurt him, it was if he was horse collared. You can tackle like that and not hurt the player, Sean Taylor does it all the time (his face tackle) and Trotter did it to Randy Moss in the playoff game.

I can't see why you would be happy with a sloppy tackle that would cost you a 15 yard penalty.
.............................sorry for the delay to my response, I had to check to ensure this wasn't the "Circus Zone!" This is supposed to be the Cowboyz Zone; yet, some of your responses are full of nonsensical jabberwokky.

If you want to throw flames at T.O., you can do that in the Smack Talk Zone (perhaps this thread should be sent to the Smack Talk Zone)! Otherwise, I will give you a response that is commensurate with a Cowboz Zone standard.

First, I hope (uncertain by your responses) that Roy Williams has one (perhaps multiple) objective as a professional NFL defensive player -- and that is to stop the opponent, minimize yardage, create a turn over, and score a touchdown if possibe . I can't honestly believe that Roy would have any desire to implement the now notorius Horse Collar tackle exclusively to T.O., or any other opponent with the intent of extreme harm.

Secondly, T.O. is a threat to any team, it's not exclusive to the Cowboz! Some of your comments and post replies are demonstrative of fear. And that's alright, but don't limit yourselves to fear of T.O., there are many other Eagle offensive threats to be concerned about that our WR corps.

Let me pose a similar question to you. Is your offensive line capable of holding off a minimum of sixty-four blitz attempts to inflict sacks on your new QB (64 attempts is based on a minimum of one blitz per quarter x sixteen regular season games)? As such, concern yourselves with your own protective mechanisms to ensure health for Cowboz players. BTW, I hope all your players are healthy and provide some competition.

NOTE: One quick caveat. I believe the horse collar tackle will be/should be in the same category as "spearing." Furthermore, I believe it will either be removed or outlawed. One thing is certain, the NFL is watching closely. Another severe injury from the horescollar could Be the catalyst!

Good hunting, and BTW, keep one eye open for Trotter, and Kearse.:rolleyes:
Wolverine said:
. That is also what guys like EverlastinXXX who are not real football fans want to.
Can someone ban this guy?
ok well... i would be happy as a kid in a candy store... the rule on the horse-collar tackle is assanine in the first place... roy found a way to punnish his oponant and god forbid someone pay the price for playing a dangerous game. roy broke the legs of a few players last year if im not mistaken.... any way... lets just let randy moss and TO and Chad johnson and joe horn make a mockery of the game by mooning fans, playing with cell phones, handing signed balls to theyre accountants durring a game and making fools of them selves and theyre teams week in and week out and do NOTHING ABOUT IT... if williams does this "horse-collar tackle" this season not only will he be penalised 15 yards for it but he will be fined pretty much the equivalent of a helmet to helmet which is just WRONG.... but lets let those other *** holes make fools out of the league and let them off with a slap on the wrist or a 5 thousand dollar fine which they whipe there little ***'s with any way..... this is a game of hard hitting, bone jaring action and the league needs to take the ****in diaper off and let them PLAY and take care of the real dumb ****s of the leage like moss and TO and many others who make a mockery of this game............ sorry for my language but it needed to be said
Crown Royal, you obviously have never played football.
Saying that the most effective way to tackle is to 'grab and pull' is just plain silly.

Do you even watch football?
Wolverine said:
If the rule is not passed and by some real bad luck we should lose one of our players to the same injury from a horsecollar tackle. Yeah Id be p*ssed. But this is FOOTBALL. It is a violent game and injuries are part of it.

Duh! I know injuries are part of the game, but the original questioned asked if you would stand up and cheer Roy Williams if he horsecollared TO again and in the state the original question was asked it was meant as an intentional horsecollar. You yourself have said you would be pissed if we lost one of our players if he were horsecollared.

Would you support Roy Williams if he went up high and helmet to helmet with another player and injured him.

This is a real stupid point you make. This is about the horsecollar tackle not helmet to helmet. Try to keep this on what we are talkin about.....the stupidness of this new rule that could pass.

Why is it a stupid point? Because you say so? I was merely making a point that if you support Roy Williams making one illegal tackle would you support him making a seperate illegal tackle. Sorry if you could not see the point I was making.

What if that illegal tackle saved a game for us. What if that illegal tackle is made in the Super Bowl and it is just what kept the lead for us and won us #6.

So what if an illegal horsecollar or helmet to helmet hit (again making a point about an illegal tackle) cost us a superbowl? This message board would be full of whiners and gripers saying we lost the game due to the illegal tackle. People still complain about us losing a superbowl to the Steelers because of a block from an official. So imagine if we lost a game due to an illegal tackle.

Players make illegal tackles and the reason for that is cuz of idiotic new rules like this that come around.

I agree that some of the new rules put in place are idiotic and as I said in my post, I don't like this new horsecollar rule. I think most of us can understand though that the NFL is no longer about a game of football, it is a business and when an owner invests $10 - $15 million in signing bonuses the last thing they want to see is their star player going down for the season or possibly a career on opening day. None of us would like to see the 2005 season open with a season ending injury to Julius Jones or Drew Bledsoe.

If you cant support Roy for a illegal tackle then are you even a real Cowboy fan.

Ok I deem that the most idiotic thing I have ever read on a Cowboys message board. If I don't support a player once for doing something illegal I [bMUST[/b] not be a real Cowboys fan. So to be a true Cowboys fan I must support the team no matter what they do? So if I or guys like EverlastingXXX don't agree with your way of thinking then obviously we aren't real fans of the team or don't know football? That's funny from a guy who has a picture with one of our coaches and the phrase Village Idiot above him and you question my loyalty? Please take a look in the mirror before you go slinging accusations.

It's not like I would say oh Roy Williams has got to go, he made an illegal tackle and I just don't want players like him on my team. I just would jump up and hollar and cheer him for it as the original questioned asked. It was a perfectly legal tackle last year when he did it and so there was no reason to not support him for it and the fact that it was TO made it all that much sweeter given the history of him with our team. This year if it is made illegal of course I will still be a huge Roy Williams fan, but I won't cheer him for making the illegal tackle.

Seriously. That would be like sayin you wouldnt support Drew Bledsoe if he threw a INT. Players make mistakes and the more idiotic rules that are made the EASIER it is gonna be to make more mistakes...especially on D.

I realize players make mistakes and I would support the players through their mistakes. The difference is Drew Bledsoe throwing an interception is an unintentional mistake and Roy Williams making a horsecollar tackle on TO again just to give the NFL a big F.U. as you put it in one of your other posts is illegal. So what if the NFL felt it was an intentional horsecollar and instead of a big fine they decide to suspend him for 2 or 3 games? I realize that may be a little drastic (trying to make a point again), but what if that were the penalty? Would you support him doing it then?
The only thing about the "Roy Williams Rule" that really bothers me is that Denver is still using the chop block and that injures far more people. Virtually every player outside of Denver considers it a dirty tactic, yet it is allowed to go on.

I suppose if the Dallas O-linemen used this tactic it would finally be outlawed.
You watch, the "Tuck Rule" won't be changed until it helps us win an important game.

[/paranoia off]
wxcpo said:
Duh! I know injuries are part of the game, but the original questioned asked if you would stand up and cheer Roy Williams if he horsecollared TO again and in the state the original question was asked it was meant as an intentional horsecollar. You yourself have said you would be pissed if we lost one of our players if he were horsecollared.

Yeah I did say I would be p*ssed if we lost a player from a horsecollar tackle BUT.....I still would not want this tackle banned. It is part of the game and sometimes it is the only way you can stop a guy from takin it to the house. Again even if one of our star players got injured by this tackle I still wouldnt want it banned.

Why is it a stupid point? Because you say so? I was merely making a point that if you support Roy Williams making one illegal tackle would you support him making a seperate illegal tackle. Sorry if you could not see the point I was making.

So what if an illegal horsecollar or helmet to helmet hit (again making a point about an illegal tackle) cost us a superbowl? This message board would be full of whiners and gripers saying we lost the game due to the illegal tackle. People still complain about us losing a superbowl to the Steelers because of a block from an official. So imagine if we lost a game due to an illegal tackle.

You are so off on this it is actually kinda funny.

The helmet to helmet hits are illegal. The horsecollar tackle is not at least not yet. The kinds of injuries caused by these 2 tackles are completely different. A helmet to helmet hit can be a much more serious injury then any horsecollar tackle ever can. When Roy made those horsecollar tackles it was not ILLEGAL at the time.

You also didnt answer my question about if the horsecollar tackle is banned and it was used anyway to save us a Super Bowl win. YOu just turned this around with another question so you wouldnt have to answer my question.

As for us losin a Super Bowl cuz of some fat idiot ref blockin. Well I wasnt even near bein born yet so I didnt get to see it. But there is a real big difrence between the horsecollar tackle or even a illegal tackle and some idiot ref to stupid to know he did a block that cost a game.

I agree that some of the new rules put in place are idiotic and as I said in my post, I don't like this new horsecollar rule. I think most of us can understand though that the NFL is no longer about a game of football, it is a business and when an owner invests $10 - $15 million in signing bonuses the last thing they want to see is their star player going down for the season or possibly a career on opening day. None of us would like to see the 2005 season open with a season ending injury to Julius Jones or Drew Bledsoe.

At least we agree about this not likin the chance of the new horsecollar rule bein past. But if this they pass this rule. Would you support Roy for makin a horsecollar tackle anyways. I know I would. What I didnt like about what you said is if he made it you wouldnt support him.

Ok I deem that the most idiotic thing I have ever read on a Cowboys message board. If I don't support a player once for doing something illegal I [bMUST[/b] not be a real Cowboys fan. So to be a true Cowboys fan I must support the team no matter what they do? So if I or guys like EverlastingXXX don't agree with your way of thinking then obviously we aren't real fans of the team or don't know football? That's funny from a guy who has a picture with one of our coaches and the phrase Village Idiot above him and you question my loyalty? Please take a look in the mirror before you go slinging accusations.

It's not like I would say oh Roy Williams has got to go, he made an illegal tackle and I just don't want players like him on my team. I just would jump up and hollar and cheer him for it as the original questioned asked. It was a perfectly legal tackle last year when he did it and so there was no reason to not support him for it and the fact that it was TO made it all that much sweeter given the history of him with our team. This year if it is made illegal of course I will still be a huge Roy Williams fan, but I won't cheer him for making the illegal tackle.

I realize players make mistakes and I would support the players through their mistakes. The difference is Drew Bledsoe throwing an interception is an unintentional mistake and Roy Williams making a horsecollar tackle on TO again just to give the NFL a big F.U. as you put it in one of your other posts is illegal. So what if the NFL felt it was an intentional horsecollar and instead of a big fine they decide to suspend him for 2 or 3 games? I realize that may be a little drastic (trying to make a point again), but what if that were the penalty? Would you support him doing it then?[/QUOTE]
Wolverine said:
You are so off on this it is actually kinda funny.

The helmet to helmet hits are illegal. The horsecollar tackle is not at least not yet. The kinds of injuries caused by these 2 tackles are completely different. A helmet to helmet hit can be a much more serious injury then any horsecollar tackle ever can. When Roy made those horsecollar tackles it was not ILLEGAL at the time.

Exactly how am I off? Again I was MAKING A POINT that if you support Roy Williams for making an illegal horsecollar tackle on TO again would you support him for making a helmet to helmet hit? Now if you read the original question it is being assumed the horsecollar tackle has been illegalized when Roy makes it on TO in the future. So in that new light (hopefully you get it now) can you see my point? I realize when Roy made the tackle last year it was perfectly legal and as I said before it was sweet because it was TO and there is a sour history between him and our team. In the future it will be illegal so I wouldn't stand up and cheer if Roy were to illegally tackle any player just to give a big F.U. to the NFL as you put it.

You also didnt answer my question about if the horsecollar tackle is banned and it was used anyway to save us a Super Bowl win. YOu just turned this around with another question so you wouldnt have to answer my question.

I would love to see us win another superbowl and if in the last seconds Roy Williams has to horsecollar a guy to save the game then by all means I wouldn't want him to pull up, take the player down. It would be the same thing as wanting Larry Allen to hold a guy if he had to to spring Julius Jones for the game winning TD. You play to win the game and you do everything within your means to win the game, but just because they do it doesn't mean I would stand up and cheer for the guy. Also I would much rather see the players win it and there not be any excuses in the end.

As for us losin a Super Bowl cuz of some fat idiot ref blockin. Well I wasnt even near bein born yet so I didnt get to see it. But there is a real big difrence between the horsecollar tackle or even a illegal tackle and some idiot ref to stupid to know he did a block that cost a game.

Again I was just saying that if we lose a superbowl because of an illegal horsecollar this board would be full of whiners claiming that was the only reason we lost.

At least we agree about this not likin the chance of the new horsecollar rule bein past. But if this they pass this rule. Would you support Roy for makin a horsecollar tackle anyways. I know I would. What I didnt like about what you said is if he made it you wouldnt support him.

Like I said I wouldn't say oh Roy Williams has got to go, he made an illegal tackle and I just don't want players like him on my team. I just wouldn't jump up and hollar and cheer him for it as the original questioned asked. I am a huge Roy Williams fan because of the way he plays the game, but if he becomes a dirty player aand resorts to making illegal tackles then my opinion of him would change. It isn't like this is a routine tackle in his game so I'm sure being the great player he is we won't have to worry about this in the future because he will adapt his game and still make the tackles.
The original intent of my query has been lost. This isn't about Roy, this is about Owens. I wasn't talking about the horse-collar rule in general, I was saying that I'd be happy to see Roy intentionally horse-collar Owens and only Owens. Normally I don't like seeing players get hurt but an unmitigated P.O.S. like Owens deserves it.

I haven't forgotten the star-standing (For which TO didn't pay enough).

I haven't forgotten and DEFINITELY haven't forgiven Philadelphia for booing a serious injury.

The league's biggest piece of offal resides in the sphincter of the NFL. I definitely want to see him suffer.

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