If Roy horse-collars T.O. again, would you...

Tass said:
The original intent of my query has been lost. This isn't about Roy, this is about Owens. I wasn't talking about the horse-collar rule in general, I was saying that I'd be happy to see Roy intentionally horse-collar Owens and only Owens. Normally I don't like seeing players get hurt but an unmitigated P.O.S. like Owens deserves it.

I haven't forgotten the star-standing (For which TO didn't pay enough).

I haven't forgotten and DEFINITELY haven't forgiven Philadelphia for booing a serious injury.

The league's biggest piece of offal resides in the sphincter of the NFL. I definitely want to see him suffer.
Threads often go off topic if something else said interests people more.
Hostile said:
Threads often go off topic if something else said interests people more.

I understand. Just wanted to make my original one clear. :)
wxcpo said:
Exactly how am I off? Again I was MAKING A POINT that if you support Roy Williams for making an illegal horsecollar tackle on TO again would you support him for making a helmet to helmet hit? Now if you read the original question it is being assumed the horsecollar tackle has been illegalized when Roy makes it on TO in the future. So in that new light (hopefully you get it now) can you see my point? I realize when Roy made the tackle last year it was perfectly legal and as I said before it was sweet because it was TO and there is a sour history between him and our team. In the future it will be illegal so I wouldn't stand up and cheer if Roy were to illegally tackle any player just to give a big F.U. to the NFL as you put it.

Again we are talkin about 2 things that are just not the same. Helmet to helmet is much more dangerous then a horsecollar tackle is. This would be like sayin -- since you think it is ok to get in a fist fight do you also think it is ok to shoot someone. That is where you are comin from. Fact is none of these are even close. You are just off on this one.

I would hope that if Roy makes a horsecollar tackle you would still support him. I think most in here would.

I would love to see us win another superbowl and if in the last seconds Roy Williams has to horsecollar a guy to save the game then by all means I wouldn't want him to pull up, take the player down. It would be the same thing as wanting Larry Allen to hold a guy if he had to to spring Julius Jones for the game winning TD. You play to win the game and you do everything within your means to win the game, but just because they do it doesn't mean I would stand up and cheer for the guy. Also I would much rather see the players win it and there not be any excuses in the end.

At least we are startin to get somewhere here. Now if I can just get you to support Roy if he makes some horsecollar tackles.

Again I was just saying that if we lose a superbowl because of an illegal horsecollar this board would be full of whiners claiming that was the only reason we lost.

True. I agree. But since this team is always gettin screwed over by the refs most games I think most of us would expect this and wouldnt be surprised. The refs would call a false start on Larry Allens for rippin a big fart but they would let the other team get away with a vicious helmet to helmet hit on JJ.
So with the way the NFL and the refs have it out for Dallas I wouldnt be surprised by something like this.
Tass said:
The original intent of my query has been lost. This isn't about Roy, this is about Owens. I wasn't talking about the horse-collar rule in general, I was saying that I'd be happy to see Roy intentionally horse-collar Owens and only Owens. Normally I don't like seeing players get hurt but an unmitigated P.O.S. like Owens deserves it.

I haven't forgotten the star-standing (For which TO didn't pay enough).

I haven't forgotten and DEFINITELY haven't forgiven Philadelphia for booing a serious injury.

The league's biggest piece of offal resides in the sphincter of the NFL. I definitely want to see him suffer.

Well Tass I would cheer it if Roy horsecollared Owens again. But I would cheer even more and louder if Owens was stretched out tryin to grab a pass and Williams laid out the most violent hit the NFL ever saw and he ended Owens career.

I wouldnt wish this on any other player but on Owens...YES! And it would be even better if this career endin hit was right on the Star.

This is why I want Owens to come back. So that way Roy has a chance to finish him off for good.
Wolverine said:
But since this team is always gettin screwed over by the refs most games I think most of us would expect this and wouldnt be surprised. The refs would call a false start on Larry Allens for rippin a big fart but they would let the other team get away with a vicious helmet to helmet hit on JJ.
So with the way the NFL and the refs have it out for Dallas I wouldnt be surprised by something like this.

Agreed. See how easy that is. :D
I agree, I'd rather see him POP B.O. and knock his head off over grabbing him from behind any day. So I'l hate to suffer a 15 yard penalty against Filthydelphia. Bring the Pain Roy! Lower your shoulder and take his head off..........if he plays this season, that is.;)
TX Cowboy said:
I hope he breaks T.HO's neck the next time he hits him

I was hoping for that the whole season, but you gotta admit, that's pretty damn harsh. I wouldn't be sad if T.O. got his neck snapped, that's for sure, but I don't hope or wish for it, that's just downright harsh. I do wish that the guy would get hurt... badly and maybe if he was paralyzed, I would like that too, and also, I wish he would go to sleep and never wake up, but I don't wish death on the guy. I wish T.O. wold die!!!! oops, did I just say that out loud... my darn thoughts are starting to translate into words again, darn......... oh well, back to therapy for me...

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