If the NFL doesn't want the Cowboys to be successful, why not?

But the Cowboys are not an "almost had it." They haven't even come close to winning a Super Bowl since 1995. Dallas, Detroit and Washington are the only three teams in the NFC to have never even advanced beyond the divisional round since 1995.

If the league were really rigging games so that the Cowboys would be a tantalizing "almost" tale, an "always the bridesmaid but never the bride" story, then here's what they would do: they would let Dallas advance to the conference championship game and even the Super Bowl but never actually get ahold of the Lombardi itself. That way they could max out their ratings and revenue while still cruelly denying the Boys a ring.

But that's not what has happened. The Cowboys haven't even come close to a Super Bowl. If the league were remotely competent in rigging things, don't you think they would be wise enough to switch things up once in a while for variety's sake?

I don't think the league is rigging anything.. I have already explained that I don't think any collusion is necessary.. enough refs and league officials hate the Cowboys that the screwing can take place organically.
So when the referee was in the booth reviewing the Dez catch at Lambeau, he was thinking to himself, "I need to overturn this because Jerry Jones began selling Cowboys merchandise separately from the league's system 19 years ago??"
You realize that's not how it works right? Kinda hard to discuss nuance when you don't know the basics.
See, this is where fans expose themselves for not knowing the rules.

On the Dez play, your average football fan didn't know that once a player goes to the ground those rules take over from the "upright" rules and you have to maintain possession of the ball through the ground. No matter if you took 3 steps. No matter if you held the ball out. No matter if you waved to your mama on the way down. The ONLY thing that gets a receiver out of "going to the ground" is if he executes a proper lunge because that shows you aren't going to the ground if you're able to change your trajectory and that is what qualifies as a football move. All Dez had to do was keep the ball off the ground and that's a catch even with the bobble. The official on the field was blocked from seeing that which is why the reverse angle is the one that overturned the call.

As for Butler in 2016, the officials announced the call wrong about a huddle. Butler's foul was running into the game to sub and then not participating in a play. In the video below, you even see the ref signal to the Line Judge after Butler runs out. Even still, the Cowboys coaches could have called time out to reset and not have the foul apply. They didn't. They didn't know the rules in sending him out there and then didn't use the escape hatch by calling timeout.

So, who got to Crayton to tell him to slow down in 2007 and not catch a sure TD that would have beaten the Giants? The Syndicate has massive reach I'm learning. Lol.

The Butler play was supposed to include a warning before the Unsportsmanlike and MAY be called unsportsmanlike. The discretion was included because the intention of the rule was not to penalize mistakes but to punish teams that were attempting to trick the opposition. That's why Lombardi came out and said that the league admitted it was improperly applied in this case after teams asked.
Given the horribly suspect officiating today, it may be appropriate to revive this thread.

For clarification, I don't deny that NFL officiating has been bizarrely against Dallas for many years. But the question is why. A plausible motive or intent still eludes us.
2 things sealed it for me

The Dez catch against the Packers - (which was so bad and there is no way the league could operate like that in the future, so they had to CHANGE the rule AFTER they screwed the Cowboys). The thing that will always bother me is that it was called a catch on the field...and then overturned. They at least would have covered themselves if it had NOT been called a catch on the field. Dez was NEVER the same after this!!!

The other thing was against the Packers as well (and yes...that is a recurring theme. The league does like its Packers, Steelers, Patriots and Giants)....but I digress. But anyway, I believe it was 2016 playoffs...we were 13 - 3. Had homefield advantage throughout...and a rookie Dak and Zeke were young, spry, and playing fearless football. I believe we got knocked back on our heels early that game...but then we got up off the mat...and started to ball and momentum had started to shift and we had found our rhythm. I believe we had just converted a big 3rd down that put us in the redzone....and the ref said Terrance Williams had entered the huddle...left the huddle and then reentered it. I believe the broadcast team said it had NEVER been called or had not been called in like 20 years. And when you watch the replay....HE DID NOT EVEN DO WHAT THEY SAID HE DID. It was clearly something the refs came into the game looking to use at the "RIGHT" moment!!!!!!!!! Please somebody have a replay of this one. All I know is I kept saying "You can't make this stuff up"!!!! Could the NFL be a little more discreet? I mean, don't be so obvious about the outcome you want!!!
And our nose tackle got pulled to the ground on the Rodgers scramble and long sideline throw to the TE to set up the winning FG
Given the horribly suspect officiating today, it may be appropriate to revive this thread.

For clarification, I don't deny that NFL officiating has been bizarrely against Dallas for many years. But the question is why. A plausible motive or intent still eludes us.
I think the refs know that the Goon hates Jerry so they know they have a free pass to screw them over....they probably grew up Cowboy haters anyway....and they probably think that they are currying favor with The Goon.
I don’t think it’s so much they have something against the Cowboys. But they like division races to be close heading into December, and that’s what they have now across the league.
I don't think the league is rigging anything.. I have already explained that I don't think any collusion is necessary.. enough refs and league officials hate the Cowboys that the screwing can take place organically.

Rogue refs working their own agenda won't stay employed. They are tiny minions in the NFL empire.

Refs serve and obey their bosses, like any other employees.
The NFL hasn’t liked JJ since his $750 million lawsuit to do his own marketing away from the NFL trust in 1995/96. Then he was the one owner to stand up against Goodell contract after the Zeke suspension.
Thread for all who think the NFL and its officiating is prejudiced against the Cowboys (or not):

Why do you think the NFL wouldn't want Dallas to succeed? The Cowboys have the biggest fan base, generate the most revenue and draw the highest ratings. Wouldn't Dallas going deep in the playoffs (and a Super Bowl appearance every few years) be exactly what the league would want? It would fatten the league's pockets.

If the NFL is prejudiced, then this is claiming that the league is prejudiced against its own interests.

CRAZY TALK as the NFL lives for ratings!!!!
And guess who is the big kahuna in that category????
If it was up to the NFL the Cowboys would be in the SB every other year!
It would be pretty stupid of the big ups at the NFL not to at least want Dallas to make it to a couple of Super Bowls this century even if they hated us
Thread for all who think the NFL and its officiating is prejudiced against the Cowboys (or not):

Why do you think the NFL wouldn't want Dallas to succeed? The Cowboys have the biggest fan base, generate the most revenue and draw the highest ratings. Wouldn't Dallas going deep in the playoffs (and a Super Bowl appearance every few years) be exactly what the league would want? It would fatten the league's pockets.

If the NFL is prejudiced, then this is claiming that the league is prejudiced against its own interests.
Fans just dont want to admit reality. Any narrative that they can find to distract them from that they will stretch as far as they can.

And reading this thread, it appears we are now the victims of sjw's
Fans just dont want to admit reality. Any narrative that they can find to distract them from that they will stretch as far as they can.

And this is what I find so, so interesting on these boards. You can show up with the rules, you can show up with frame by frame video and they will turn their heads to the left and the right while activating defense mechanism mode to refuse to see what their brains say they are not to accept under any circumstances.
I think if there is corruption it's not aimed at a particular game more related to gambling and the like or television ratings - money. Look what happened in the LA Rams - Saints conference championship game. That might be the worst single pro football officiating call/no call decision ever. But you know what it did - it ensured the NFL would secure the LA Market and equally important the LA TV Market going forward by making sure an LA team reached the Super Bowl.asap.

As depressing as that is to contemplate for fans who love the game for a group as money-driven as the NFL it's hardly impossible, and if all it takes is the odd bad call or no-call it's not the hard to do unethical **** like that. Is everything that bad or badly motivated? No. But again the lack of transparecy and clarity addressing these matters so fans can feel confident of the game's integrity does nothing to reassure everyone that everything is in fact on the up-and-up and simple honest mistakes and nothing else. The NFL could fix most if not all og=f this - the only ones stopping the NFL are the NFL itself. Someone needs to explain why if nothing is wrong or suspect.
Thread for all who think the NFL and its officiating is prejudiced against the Cowboys (or not):

Why do you think the NFL wouldn't want Dallas to succeed? The Cowboys have the biggest fan base, generate the most revenue and draw the highest ratings. Wouldn't Dallas going deep in the playoffs (and a Super Bowl appearance every few years) be exactly what the league would want? It would fatten the league's pockets.

If the NFL is prejudiced, then this is claiming that the league is prejudiced against its own interests.
Jerry butted heads with GODell.....and GODelll didn't like it. It may even go as far back as the salary cap.
The NFL makes plenty of money even if Cowboys don't win. Fact.

But GODell can keep Jerry from what is most precious to him. It ain't money.
Oh, now the trolls are using the" everybody is crazy but us" defense. Let me guess they have the Roody Piper Glasses from They Live so they can see everything as it is that we can't

Hint - when you think everybody is crazy but you odds are you've got it all backwards.

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