If the Saints go to or win the Superbowl

If the Saints win the SB then it will tell me that we let a good coach get away. He will have rebuilt the Saints in one year while our geriatric leader has us as mediocore as we can be after four years. Peyton should have been our next coach. Dang BP leave already!!!!!:bang2:
TheKey;1310589 said:
I wouldn't go as far to say that it is rigged, but there is no doubt in my mind that the NFL instructs the refs that if it is a close call, to give it to a certian team.:rolleyes:

I agree with this take. I believe the refs do go into the game with an NFL front office driven agenda.

Lookit, the NFL loves feel good stories. Therefore, they will tell the refs to err on the side of the feel good team. The NFL will never squash a feel good story, and I have no doubt that there is a lot of pressure in Louisiana and on the NFL for the Saints to win. They spent an astronomical amount of money to fix their dome, and the rest of the city still looks like Katrina hit yesterday.

[sarcasm] Look at the recent feel good stories.

1) Elway was a feel good story in 1998...on the brink of retirement.

2) Kurt Warner was a feel good story in 1999. Anyone remember a close call on a 4th down play in the NFC Champ game that year that went against the Bucs? Enough for the NFL to change the rule the year after. Ask any Bucs fan.

3) Ray Lewis getting away with murder was a feel good story in 2000.

4) Patriots and Tom Brady were the feel good story in 2001. 9/11 and Patriots...hmmmmm. Tuck rule anyone? Boy, the NFL really pulled that rule out if its backside. I'd never heard of it in 20+ years of watching the game until that night. The Raiders got screwed.

5) Bucs were the feel good story in 2002. They traded away draft picks for Gruden, and the "Chucky" bowl was eminent. The NFL had to compensate the Raiders for the tuck rule. Raiders vs. Bucs in the big game.

6) In 2003, the Panthers were the feel good story. Led by a young Cajun with moxie that came in for relief of Rodney Peete. He was viewed as another Tom Brady. The Pats win the big one that year and stole the feel good story away from the Panthers.

7) In 2004, the NFL decided that the Eagles should finally get over the hump. TO's agent screws the pooch prior to that season, but the NFL steps in and helps work out a deal with the Eagles, Ravens, and Niners. Come on in TO!

8) In 2005 (ohhh, how could we forget 2005?) - the Bus was going to stop rolling. The NFL was desperate for a feel good story, but couldn't find one. The Manning Bowl crashed and burned, so they needed something else. How about letting the Bus go out on top? Anyone that watched SB XL can't tell me that the refs didn't have an agenda. The Seahawks HC, Mike Holmgren, told his fans after the game that he knew he was playing against the team in Black and Yellow, but he didn't think that he would also be playing against those in white and black stripes.

9) So now here we are in 2006. The NFL needs feel good stories. There are a few. The post Katrina Saints, the Seahawks who got screwed last year, Peyton Manning winning the big one...finally. In response to the Seahawks, the NFL fixed that issue by screwing the Cowboys last week on lots of questionable calls by the refs. Post Katrina Saints? Well, they seem the most likely feel good story this year.

How 'bout Peyton Manning vs. the team that his dad played for? Wow, that's it...that will be the feel good story this year.

Prediction: Saints vs. Colts in SB XLI.


Na the 'hawks are gonna beat da Bears and the Championship game will be in Nawlins, mark it down.
I will believe this if next year the Packers go to the Superbowl for Favre retirement game. :D
xizor09;1312216 said:
I will believe this if next year the Packers go to the Superbowl for Favre retirement game. :D
Nice first post. :eek:
I wouldn't be surprised if there already has been some kind of "fix" going on, and the Saints have nothing to do with it.

When extreme amounts of money is involved, the possibility for corruption is high.
Rack;1312236 said:
I wouldn't be surprised if there already has been some kind of "fix" going on, and the Saints have nothing to do with it.

When extreme amounts of money is involved, the possibility for corruption is high.
This is now the dumbest thread in the history of this forum.
jimmy40;1312267 said:
This is now the dumbest thread in the history of this forum.

It's right up there, no doubt.
SuperCows5Xs;1310422 said:
Will anyone wonder if the NFL is rigged, sure makes me wonder. The Saints have won 1 playoff game in 40+ years of existance and now all of the sudden after hurricane Katrina they are a Superbowl contender. Whether the NFL needs money from that area or they want to give the city of Nawlins something to hang their hat on. I don't know. Fishy.

Something else thats fishy is right after 9-11-01, in a time of patriotism a in our country, a team called the Patriots wins their first superbowl. Coinsedence? Hmmm.

Stop it already. was just reading the eagles board and they are whining and crying so much. "It was fixed" THe NFL is setting this up for New Orleans", Its just silly talk. It its friggin impossible to rig a whole season in the NFL. People who say this stuff have no credibility to me.
SuperCows5Xs;1310422 said:
Will anyone wonder if the NFL is rigged, sure makes me wonder. The Saints have won 1 playoff game in 40+ years of existance and now all of the sudden after hurricane Katrina they are a Superbowl contender. Whether the NFL needs money from that area or they want to give the city of Nawlins something to hang their hat on. I don't know. Fishy.

Something else thats fishy is right after 9-11-01, in a time of patriotism a in our country, a team called the Patriots wins their first superbowl. Coinsedence? Hmmm.

yes.kinda obvious.
so, when did the NFL start rigging games? Right after the Cowboys last Super Bowl? Or was it before? Or was it back when the Pittsburg Steelers went 40 years without a winning team and won four Super Bowls in the 70's? Why didn't the Commanders go to the Super Bowl after 9/11? If the NFL is rigged, what does that say about all the Cowboy Super Bowls?
SuperCows5Xs;1310422 said:
Will anyone wonder if the NFL is rigged, sure makes me wonder. The Saints have won 1 playoff game in 40+ years of existance and now all of the sudden after hurricane Katrina they are a Superbowl contender. Whether the NFL needs money from that area or they want to give the city of Nawlins something to hang their hat on. I don't know. Fishy.

Something else thats fishy is right after 9-11-01, in a time of patriotism a in our country, a team called the Patriots wins their first superbowl. Coinsedence? Hmmm.


Could it be that the Saint's were a mediocre to better than mediocre for a few years?

Could it be that this team...with real talent at RB and on the D-line fell apart in 05 because they were nomads all year? Is it possible that the 05 team was a bit distracted with the fact that the city they all lived in was trashed?

I don't know, but that MIGHT have had something to do with them ending up with a 2-14 record when they were a more talented team than that.

Is there a chance that when you add Drew Brees, Reggie Bush, a surprise in Colston that you get a good football team?

Nah, it's all a fix.:rolleyes:

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