I remember just only last year a qb predicted to go #2 overall then started slipping all the way down to the Packers--at what, 22? This is very possible with all the negativety surrounding his testing lately for Young to fall that far.
And if he was still there at #18 I'd be all for us pulling the trigger. As many have already stated, we wouldn't be in a hurry to get him out on that field, we're good with Bledsoe for a year or two easily.
Would we actually do it though? Simple--he's sitting there at 18, Jerry sees that and gets a big smirk across his plastic chucky face, and the rest is history. I even bet if a camera was pointed on him at the exact moment that afterwards you would beable to slow it down and actually see animated $$$ signs flash across his eyes.
This would be a nobrainer and I don't think Parcells would have much say in it if this is what Jerry really wanted. Nor do I think Bill would stand in the way. Ultimately, even he knows this is Jerry's team, he's just playing shop manager for a short time. In fact I think if this is the direction Jerry really wanted to go in the future that Bill would be more then happy to help him get there by setting it up for him partially now, ie drafting a qb for the future.
Best thing if we did a move like this and drafted Young is I don't see much on offense we'd really have to change immediately. He'd be sitting for a year or two and our receivers, the only thing we'd really need to change would be retiring more then likely or unexcusable enough for us to just get rid of, new one's are already on the horizon. We can tailor them to the type of offense we plan on having. And at RB we're already good. A shifty, slippery RB like JJ is perfect to go along with a QB like Young. Together they would light that backfield up and have defense running in circles by days end not knowing which way is up. Entirely fix the oline and get 2 new WRs within 2 years time and we'd be set to go. A WR in rd1 next year and then another one in the same round the year after that, not even an effort if it's what needs to be done, and don't forget FA which could easily score us another one.
This is a plan for the future I could get behind. And so much better then this pointless NFLe Suppastar we have for us now.