If we as fans aren't confident.....

cwbyfan72 said:
Level headed until you disagree with him.

I disagree with fans all the time here at the CBZ; but I respect their perspective. Many of the fans, that I quoted earlier in this thread, and I have had some heated disagreements, but I try not to take it personal.

I lose that respect when fans like you start name calling to express their dismay
(go ahead, check all of the posts where we've interacted -- you won't find a trace of name-calling from me anyway).

No ...levelheadedness has nothing to do with agreeing with me or not -- it's the source that makes the difference in any form of communication. Would you not agree?
Phoenix-Talon said:
I disagree with fans all the time here at the CBZ; but I respect their perspective. Many of the fans, that I quoted earlier in this thread, and I have had some heated disagreements, but I try not to take it personal.

I lose that respect when fans like you start name calling to express their dismay
(go ahead, check all of the posts where we've interacted -- you won't find a trace of name-calling from me anyway).

No ...levelheadedness has nothing to do with agreeing with me or not -- it's the source that makes the difference in any form of communication. Would you not agree?

It becomes personal when you question a dedicated fan's................dedication. I respond to that like the way I see fit. You can hide your agenda with calculated sentences, and polite BS. But you called me out none the less. You do not respect me, so why should I give you any of the same? My previous post also gave point to the argument which was the difference between Dedication and Confidence. But do you really want to argue that point PT?
Listen ...I'm not trying to be unlevel headed, dislevel headed, non-level headed
or otherwise. I'm know where I stand here with some fans, and perhaps differently with still other fans.

But I don't conjure up things, I research before I put it out on any MB. I try to be respectful; especially when I'm on another oppoent franchise house (MB). I'm about coming up with interesting football dialogue that may or may not stick in your craw, and sometimes a little controversial to make it interesting and harmlessly mix it up.

But I'll be straight with you without insulting you (name calling is so non-productively ignorant); unless you're intimidated with good stimulating football (sometimes with a touch of bias -- should be understandable).

Hell we don't always agree with our own fellow fans, does that make you non-level headed? No. Get over it and start concentrating on this week's game -- you'll have your hands full.

Good hunting; or not.;)
cwbyfan72 said:
I respond to that like the way I see fit. You can hide your agenda with calculated sentences, and polite BS.

Kind of like fighting an unarmed man with an elephant gun ..huh?!

But you called me out none the less.

If I ever call you out ...you'd know it!

You do not respect me

You have to give it to get it Monseur (French = Mister). One of your first post to me was insulting and derrogatory.

My previous post also gave point to the argument which was the difference between Dedication and Confidence. But do you really want to argue that point PT?

"I respond to that like the way I see fit."
Phoenix-Talon said:
"I respond to that like the way I see fit."

your grasp of the english language does not impress me in the least. Typo on my part, do not underestimate my intelligence. You clearly called me out, and I responded. Whether or not you choose to acknowledge that is your own deal.

We can go like this all year long, I could care less. But remember, this is a Cowboys Website, and this original post had tons of merit. Until you made it personal again. So get over yourself...
Phoenix-Talon said:
1fisher said:
Perhaps. We'll both have to wait it out buddy.;)

My pre game ritual will change somewhat this weekend.....

On another note: In week one I picked Akers on my fantasy team and what happens..... pulled Hammy!

So what did I do today??? I picked up Philly as my team "D".... :laugh2: Kiss of death?? I hope so!!!! :D
1fisher said:
Phoenix-Talon said:
My pre game ritual will change somewhat this weekend.....

On another note: In week one I picked Akers on my fantasy team and what happens..... pulled Hammy! So what did I do today??? I picked up Philly as my team "D".... :laugh2: Kiss of death?? I hope so!!!! :D

Yes, but remember Akers did kick the Game-winning" field goal.;)
my hope is that the coaching staff will admit how crummy they've been coaching and make some changes and not hang the oakland loss on the players. The playes weren't perfect but it should've been plenty to beat such a crummy oakland team.
cwbyfan72 said:
But remember, this is a Cowboys Website, and this original post had tons of merit. Until you made it personal again.

I've seen a lot since I've been here, learned a thing or two about real Cowboy fans. One of the things I learned was that some of the fans here aren't afraid to call you out if they think you're grossly wrong about something -- they could care less if you are another Cowboys fan or not.

I know this is your fandom site, and that you really believe that you have the edge. But don't think you can continue to call me out of my name without some Intervention. Those CBZ rules aren't there just for me to follow. YOU need to follow CBZ rules too!
This was a tough road loss. I do think we have the capacity to bounce back, play well at home next Sunday, and win the Philly game.

If nothing else, this team is competitive. They understand the importance of home field. I don't really believe their confidence is especially shaken. In fact, I would bet they would love to get back on the field as soon as humanly possible.
cwbyfan72 said:
about the next couple of games, what must the team be feeling? Was this a loss that can destroy confidence?
I lOVE this team but I have to admit, I just dont understand what they are trying to accomplishe. If I was absolutely crystal clear on one thing it was JJ was a special running back. He is excellent in the open field, great vision, has a knack for getting into the endzone. What does our stellar coaching staff do. They pound him into the line of scrimage 20X a game. I cant remember the last time we ran a sweep mis direction or a counter play (worked pretty damn good last year). This offense should be build around him and to his strengths. This is the one thing that absolutely makes me sick to my stomach. This kid could help us win and we the coaches are not allowing that to happen. In time the defense will come around. There is a load of talent on the DL and secondary. We need to ugrade Safety in a big way. RW is a beast but he needs a strong cover guy along side him to allow him to do his thing. He is free agent soon and I dont think it makes sense to put big $$ into him. Just not enough from him and it really hursts me to say that. The coaching staff is another sore topic. BP has established himself as a great coach. A great coach brings an edge to his team that typical coaches dont have. In his day, he was the man, I just dont see the edge to him. Im not saying he isnt a good coach but I would take a Andy Reid or John Grudden over him any day. He isnt here long term and lets say he leaves after this season, what did he really accomplish. We dont have a long term QB solution, no WR solution, No OL solution.
Phoenix-Talon said:
cwbyfan72 said:
I've seen a lot since I've been here, learned a thing or two about real Cowboy fans. One of the things I learned was that some of the fans here aren't afraid to call you out if they think you're grossly wrong about something -- they could care less if you are another Cowboys fan or not.

I know this is your fandom site, and that you really believe that you have the edge. But don't think you can continue to call me out of my name without some Intervention. Those CBZ rules aren't there just for me to follow. YOU need to follow CBZ rules too!

The only "rule" I might have broken was calling you a jack---. And there ya go throwing around that "real" Cowboy fan thing again, STILL questioning my dedication to this team.

Out of everyone viewing and responding to this post, YOU were the only one to point out:
1. My # of posts
2. Stating that I was indirectly questioning my dedication
to the team by asking if team moral and confidence is low
after the loss.
3.Saying "destroy confidence" and " what the team must be
feeling" were self-perpetuating

Now, dont you think its a bit strange that you of all people are making these statements? I sure as hell do. Now #3 is your own humble opinion, but 1 and 2 are as personal as you get. So keep telling yourself that you're doing the board good by trying to keep me in check, when the reality is, you are the one taking the shots. By the way, you used the incorrect spelling of "there" in your 1st helpful response.
cwbyfan72 said:
Phoenix-Talon said:
Alright CF72! One or two of your points landed in the reasonable zone. I will stop questioning your dedication to the Cowboys -- perhaps did borderline personal confrontation. But we must also come to terms on the name calling.

We can still attack the issues from different perspectives without coming at each other; and still work this out between us?


BTW, you didn't place an apostrophe in the word "don't." I couldn' resist, but Ok, we're even now alright?:eek::
NovaCowboy said:
We are going to get gang raped by the Eagles. It doesnt matter how our team feels, its just gonna go down that way.

We may get beat by the Eagles, but I'm thinking either way, that game is going to be very close.
Phoenix-Talon said:
cwbyfan72 said:
Phoenix-Talon said:
Alright CF72! One or two of your points landed in the reasonable zone. I will stop questioning your dedication to the Cowboys -- perhaps did borderline personal confrontation. But we must also come to terms on the name calling.

We can still attack the issues from different perspectives without coming at each other; and still work this out between us?


BTW, you didn't place an apostrophe in the word "don't." I couldn' resist, but Ok, we're even now alright?:eek::

Absolutely. :D
Phoenix-Talon said:
1fisher said:
Phoenix-Talon said:
My pre game ritual will change somewhat this weekend.....

Yes, but remember Akers did kick the Game-winning" field goal.;)

........and he's been out for two weeks????? :laugh2:

write it down..... by picking them on my fantasy team... it's a kiss of death! This is the first year I have EVER picked an eagle. I feel like the philly defense is the next victim...... :laugh2:
NovaCowboy said:
We are going to get gang raped by the Eagles. It doesnt matter how our team feels, its just gonna go down that way.
I already bought an extra large jar of vaseline for the gang rape party on sunday afternoon.
IMO I think we win this game.We win one,lose one,win one,lose one.Anybody else see a pattern here?If this "pattern" continues,we'll be 8-8.Better overall play has to continue if we want to be in the playoffs this year!!

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