The way I look at it is this. I have a favorite Mexican restaurant here in town. I used to love to go there as I got great Mex food for my money. However, something happened to them, I don't know what, but people started getting sick off their food. I ended up with a case of the runs, and some other people I know got sick and were throwing up. Am I obligated to keep eating there our of some sense of loyalty? Hell no! It's the same thing with a football team. If they put out a crappy product, I'm not throwing my money away on jerseys hats, helmets, whatever. This year I canceled my NFL ticket. I'll watch the game in an Internet feed if I have to, but I'm not shelling out money to a stubborn zillionaire GM who's only GM because he has beaucoup bucks. I'm hitting him in his pocketbook. Maybe, just maybe, a little financial shortfall will make him wise up and hire a real GM. That's a fan who cares, not someone who runs off and roots for the 49ers.