BYE MM please walk please leave please quit. You will do JJ a favor , don't give Jerry that choice. somehow fans are overlooking how bad an OC u are, how you picked Nolan, all your downside is being blamed on JJ..bye run run now quit before Sunday, please!!
I bet immediately, shot uses Lance all game, and runs the ball 40 times

sure Jerry holding MM back from choosing Rico as a starter, from using motion and misdirection schemes and waits 12 games to use Turpin as Swiss army knife weapon, its all jerry not running , not being creative, Jerry called the qb run in the playoffs? not using T/Os or red flag challenges correctly? having one of the most highly penalized teams in the history of the nfl over 5 years?? ..
all Jerrys fault, not firing the OL coach and finding a better starting 5or scheme to fir the OL skillset, all jerry..
MM has now been let off the hook .. good job the hypocritical fanbase, fact is it is Jerrys fault for keeping MM this extra year and allowing the offensive scheme to crumble without interference. Jerry needed to get involved and debate MM form his OC job and didnt!! if there were a time for jerry to meddle this would have been it. at the bye firing MM as the OC coach...