If you were to buy a historic piece what would it be?

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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Let’s cap this at 10K dollars. What would you buy that is history related? An autographed Cowboys Super Bowl football? An Egyptian death mask? An ID’d civil war musket! A check signed by Murphy AND Dolan? A piece of a meteorite? A Russian icon? George Washington’s signature?

So if you HAD to buy and historic related piece for 10K or under what would it be?
Cool topic Aria. I would probably buy an old firearm like a pimped out Colt revolver with the engravings and the pearl handles, or maybe a Winchester or Henry rifle. Even if I never fired it, I'd love to display something like that on a wall. An ancient Samurai sword would be really awesome too.

I love civil war relics. My Grandfather had his Grandfather's Confederate saber, hat, enlistment papers and some Confederate money. I wanted that stuff so bad but my Uncle who was the oldest remarried later in life and his new wife swept in and claimed all of it when he died. He had some other amazing antiques and she took it all. My mother who was the 2nd in line got none of it. I assume it was all sold for profit. Damn shame as me or at least one of my brothers would have cherished them.