If you're in a movie theater, put away your cell phone!

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Yes, we did. We also lived in caves, too. Made fire from wood, and whatever else you'd like to bring up from a thousand years ago and it doesn't change what I personally choose to do. It's not like I'm posting up on the phone checking the Zone or twitter or some other nonsense. A quick check isn't going to hurt anything. Especially if I'm sitting in the back of the movies, with my phone at an angle where the light isn't going to be above waist-level.

I'm just being real about what I personally do. I have different alerts so I know which ones are worth checking and which aren't and not all get checked during a movie. That said if I happen to get an alert (via vibrate), then I'll probably check and then return to the movie.

You can't see what you're doing is wrong? Wow. How about some common courtesy? There are others in the movie theaters that pay good money to be entertained and not distracted by your phone lighting up. I guess it doesn't bother you and who cares about everyone else. Wow.
You can't see what you're doing is wrong? Wow. How about some common courtesy? There are others in the movie theaters that pay good money to be entertained and not distracted by your phone lighting up. I guess it doesn't bother you and who cares about everyone else. Wow.

I can see that you guys are offended by such things... However, you're right, it doesn't bother me for the quick 5 secs I take to look at the message. Since I do everything possible to make it as less of a distraction as possible if I do happen to get an alert. Again, this isn't something that happens regularly nor do I just sit and chat on the phone during the movie.

But I acknowledge that I do it on the occasions that I specified and don't plan to stop.
Emergencies do happen whether we expect them or not. woodysgirl seems to be at least mindful and trying to cause as little disraction. others it seems want the attention.
Emergencies do happen whether we expect them or not. woodysgirl seems to be at least mindful and trying to cause as little disraction. others it seems want the attention.

Yeah, I'm not a kid who needs to text and tweet my life away.
If the theater tells you to turn your cell phone off, they mean turn your cell phone off. If you're worried about some emergency, then you shouldn't be going to the movie theater. The rules are for everyone and it doesn't matter where you sit. The problem with people these days is that common courtesy is slowly disappearing. I don't mean to get on your case, but it is very inconsiderate for someone to think that the rules don't apply to them.

Yes, please plan your emergencies around your movie going time, right AB?

Good grief.. are you really going to get upset because someone left their phone on vibrate or silenced just to be able to check if they get a call or text of an emergency happening?
We got by ok for thousands of years without cellphones. A couple of hours out of a day won't be a problem. Unless someone is expecting a possible "Emergency" in which case they shouldn't be at the movies anyway.

I really can't believe that two people in this thread think this way.. how embarassing.
You can't see what you're doing is wrong? Wow. How about some common courtesy? There are others in the movie theaters that pay good money to be entertained and not distracted by your phone lighting up. I guess it doesn't bother you and who cares about everyone else. Wow.

Its your opinion, not a fact, that you think she's in the wrong.

Its my opinion, also not a fact, that you're being completely ridiculous about the entire subject. I would wager that you're one of those people who goes out in public looking for something to get upset about. If someone's phone lighting up behind you once or twice for a few seconds bothers you that much, i'd say you're not paying very close attention to the movie in the first place. Either that or its a very dull movie, lol.
Be very grateful you don't have to interact with this person on a daily basis, .. be very very grateful you don't wake up beside her every day.

There, .. now isn't that better?

That's definitely another perspective! Esp the latter!
The sad thing about this to me is that going to a movie is supposed to be an escape from reality. Anytime I can get away from my cell phone, I do it. Maybe working in the information business has opened my eyes. Maybe I'm just getting old. But I like the idea of letting my brain go from reality and falling into the alternate world being presented to me in the movie. If I can't let my phone go for a couple of hours and appreciate the movie that I'm paying for, I'll wait for it to show up on Netflix or TV. It isn't about bothering others (though I am aware of my actions in a theatre), it is about my personal enjoyment of escaping from the real world.
I'm in between. The vast majority of people are just inconsiderate although occasionally people either forget to turn their phone off or do it incorrectly. Usually they quieten the phone quickly and that's the end of it. Others could care less and have no courtesy and I suspect that's what the OP is about.

People with kids (even older ones) have to keep their phone on at times just in case. Others like doctors, judges, police and firemen on call either carry a phone and/or pager. You can't expect people who infrequently get called to not go to the movies because their phone may light up. Some people are on call 24-7 for long periods.

If you're checking on a kid or job then ok. If you're just texting your friends then I agree you shouldn't in the threatre. Call or text back later or turn it off if necessary.
It's definitely very annoying if you use your phone inside a movie theatre.
I don't know how people are confusing WoodysGirl for these idiots who are obnoxious with their cell phones during a movie. I do the same thing she does. During a 2 hour movie, I might glance at my phone 3 times for a period of no more than 3 seconds. That's 9 seconds of "distraction" during a 7,200 second movie.
How did people survive in the movie theatres years ago when there were no cell phones? Oh that's right, they survived just fine... ;)
Yes, we did. We also lived in caves, too. Made fire from wood, and whatever else you'd like to bring up from a thousand years ago and it doesn't change what I personally choose to do. It's not like I'm posting up on the phone checking the Zone or twitter or some other nonsense. A quick check isn't going to hurt anything. Especially if I'm sitting in the back of the movies, with my phone at an angle where the light isn't going to be above waist-level.

I'm just being real about what I personally do. I have different alerts so I know which ones are worth checking and which aren't and not all get checked during a movie. That said if I happen to get an alert (via vibrate), then I'll probably check and then return to the movie.

It takes what, 5 seconds to read a message? It would be no different then using my phone to check the time. Some of you people need to take a chill.
How did people survive in the movie theatres years ago when there were no cell phones? Oh that's right, they survived just fine... ;)

How did people survive without plumbing years ago, when there was no infrastructure? Same concept, IMO. We're in a diff era now and so we have smart phones, for some notsosmart people. Yes, some yahoos are inconsiderate enough to post up on their phone in the movie theater, as well as, talk through movie. That's not cool.

What I do isn't the same thing and I'm thankful for having my phone.
I don't go to movie theaters. So I can just watch the movie at home (dvd or movie channels) and mess around on my phone without worrying about disturbing anyone else.

One thing to consider though. If you take the precaution to put your phone on silent. Have it set up for special alerts and are worried that one might be of an emergency nature...you could always walk outside the room to check the phone...if it is really an emergency and can not wait.

Just something to think about.
People need phones in the movies ?

It's distracting and annoying to have people on their phones at the theater.

I have mine, (on silent), but I ignore it, until I leave the theater. I don't need it.

This is one of the reasons I only go to the movies once a year typically.

Dark Knight Rises..just saw it a week or so ago. I have a huge TV and all the gadgets to make it great...I can wait and watch it later.
I don't go to movie theaters. So I can just watch the movie at home (dvd or movie channels) and mess around on my phone without worrying about disturbing anyone else.

One thing to consider though. If you take the precaution to put your phone on silent. Have it set up for special alerts and are worried that one might be of an emergency nature...you could always walk outside the room to check the phone...if it is really an emergency and can not wait.

Just something to think about.

I think people getting up to go to the bathroom or answer a call is more of an annoyance then people taking a quick peak at their phone.
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