If you're in a movie theater, put away your cell phone!

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I don't know how people are confusing WoodysGirl for these idiots who are obnoxious with their cell phones during a movie. I do the same thing she does. During a 2 hour movie, I might glance at my phone 3 times for a period of no more than 3 seconds. That's 9 seconds of "distraction" during a 7,200 second movie.

There are two types of people in the world: 1. People who comply with the theater request to "Please turn your phones off" and 2. Those who feel they are above such courtesy. These are in all likelihood the same people who won't comply with airline requirements to turn off electronic devices.
There are two types of people in the world: 1. People who comply with the theater request to "Please turn your phones off" and 2. Those who feel they are above such courtesy. These are in all likelihood the same people who won't comply with airline requirements to turn off electronic devices.

That's not necessarily true.The airline requirement is quite a bit different than a courtesy thing for a movie. First of all, that could be the diff in life/death and I've told a woman, who said, "I leave it on all the time." to turn it off for my own peace of mind. She respected my wishes.
IMO, checking your phone IF you get a msg during the movie for like 3 seconds is not comparable to talking on it or sending a text. I put mine on vibrate and dim the screen in case I need to check it, otherwise I leave it alone. People talking to the screen or to each other or applauding (it's not live theater, folks) during the movie is waaay more annoying to me than glancing at your phone and then putting it away.
Glancing at your phone for 3 seconds is no more of an annoyance than scratching your head. People sitting behind you well momentarily get distracted by you scratching your head. Do people really imagine a movie theater experience will make you forget completely that there are a few hundred people sitting next to you?
Glancing at your phone for 3 seconds is no more of an annoyance than scratching your head. People sitting behind you well momentarily get distracted by you scratching your head. Do people really imagine a movie theater experience will make you forget completely that there are a few hundred people sitting next to you?

Shining a light in a dark theater, can't think of anything less distracting...
You don't want any distractions? Get there early and sit in the very first row--problem solved.
Exactly why I don't go to the movies. My Wife hates it and gives me a hard time about it all the time but honestly, I can't see paying 12 bucks a person to go and be distracted. It is what it is but I know that it's better if I just wait till it's out on RedBox or On Demand.
Yes, we did. We also lived in caves, too. Made fire from wood, and whatever else you'd like to bring up from a thousand years ago and it doesn't change what I personally choose to do. It's not like I'm posting up on the phone checking the Zone or twitter or some other nonsense. A quick check isn't going to hurt anything. Especially if I'm sitting in the back of the movies, with my phone at an angle where the light isn't going to be above waist-level.

I'm just being real about what I personally do. I have different alerts so I know which ones are worth checking and which aren't and not all get checked during a movie. That said if I happen to get an alert (via vibrate), then I'll probably check and then return to the movie.

But it's disrespectful, nonetheless.
I hate when people pull out their phones and start texting or something as much as anyone, but I see no problem with what WG is doing. If you're in the back and keep it low and silent, then it shouldn't be an issue for anyone. Nobody should be getting reflections off their glasses unless someone is waving the thing around or something ridiculous.
Well, I'm not that annoyed at things as much as some are, so, if I'm in a theater and someone checks their phone for 3 or 4 seconds and then turns it off, no big deal for me.

Now, what really pisses me off is a crying baby brat on an airplane right in front of or in back of me that just won't stop crying! I want to just open the Emergency Exit, IN MID FLIGHT, and toss that brat and the mom right out of the plane, WITHOUT A PARACHUTE!

The Airlines should make the baby brat ride under the plane in the baggage area where they put animals, like dogs or snakes that have to go on a flight! :mad:
How did people survive without plumbing years ago, when there was no infrastructure? Same concept, IMO. We're in a diff era now and so we have smart phones, for some notsosmart people. Yes, some yahoos are inconsiderate enough to post up on their phone in the movie theater, as well as, talk through movie. That's not cool.

What I do isn't the same thing and I'm thankful for having my phone.

I wasn't aiming at you dear. Just in general. I'm old school and old school didn't have phones in theaters.

I wasn't aiming at you dear. Just in general. I'm old school and old school didn't have phones in theaters.


What? Damn, how old are you? Every theater I ever went to as a young man had a pay phone in the lobby. I know it would cost a dime to make a call, but a six pack of beer was only $1.25.
What? Damn, how old are you? Every theater I ever went to as a young man had a pay phone in the lobby. I know it would cost a dime to make a call, but a six pack of beer was only $1.25.

I actually paid $1.09 for my six packs - then of course got the .05 per can refund thus costing a grand total of .79 a sixer. The good old days. In fact - we'd bring the 6 packs right into the theatre and were probably more annoying than the people who are texting in the theatre's today. ;)
I actually paid $1.09 for my six packs - then of course got the .05 per can refund thus costing a grand total of .79 a sixer. The good old days. In fact - we'd bring the 6 packs right into the theatre and were probably more annoying than the people who are texting in the theatre's today. ;)

Well, I never did that, but, most of the time in my younger days, if my friends and I wanted to go see a movie, we would go to a drive in theater where we could take beer and sneak someone else in inside the trunk.

There was nothing more fun than going to a drive in theater on a warm summer night. Now days, that fad is gone. Now we have to go to an inside theater where people us cell phones and some nut goes nuts and kills most of the people in the theater. In the good old days, if some shooting started, we would just drive away.

Well, I never did that, but, most of the time in my younger days, if my friends and I wanted to go see a movie, we would go to a drive in theater where we could take beer and sneak someone else in inside the trunk.

There was nothing more fun than going to a drive in theater on a warm summer night. Now days, that fad is gone. Now we have to go to an inside theater where people us cell phones and some nut goes nuts and kills most of the people in the theater. In the good old days, if some shooting started, we would just drive away.


This might be the lamest thing of all time - but one time my friend and I double dated a couple sisters and we took them to the drive-in. We put them in the trunk to save us $2.00 - lol - of course - we bought an extra six pack by putting the girls in the trunk.
This might be the lamest thing of all time - but one time my friend and I double dated a couple sisters and we took them to the drive-in. We put them in the trunk to save us $2.00 - lol - of course - we bought an extra six pack by putting the girls in the trunk.

The lamest thing about that is that neither of you had the sense to get in the trunk with your date.
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