You guys have all your "scenarios" for what would really make tomorrow bad. Well how about this:
You sit dow with your friends, your chips, your soda. Everybody's got their draft boards ready. Your wife's decided to go to her mom's for the day. It's loud. It's all good. You think to yourself that even Kipper is properly quoiffed for the event. The sun and the stars are all in alignment.
The Boy's are coming up soon and there's some real studs sitting there you were not expecting. The Eagles just selected some schmuck you've never heard of. Washington just traded all of next year's picks to get out of the first round this year. The Giants fans are booing everything. Your juices are really flowing and then........
The cable company screws up the programing and you end up watching 20 minutes of Martha (evil succubus) Stewart until it gets corrected.
And when it comes back on, the Boys have just traded up to draft the unholly recombinate clone of QC and Dixon
That, my friends, would suck. Everything y'all can imagine is miles better than what I can think of.
It's time to get this done!