My opinion is that he saves the rah-rah crap for the locker room. Here's a quote from Jerry, "I will say that Philadelphia, and if you will
the Giants and Washington team, they need to be on their game because we are," Jones told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram." What sense did that make? Isn't it assumed that the Boys will be on their game? And why as an owner give other teams and specifically their owners bulletin board fodder. As an owner, keep your mouth shut, especially if the last 27 years were filled with empty promises. Jerry is the reason that we've done nothing in almost 3 decades. So yeah, I've seen the "competitive teams" that Jerry has built, and this one resembles the rest of them. What we can ask of Jerry is to step aside and hire a GM. Successful teams have done that. Only a fool thinks he's the smartest man in the room.